Washington Post declares Coffman a combat veteran
I told you last week that Michelle Ye Hee Lee is quickly becoming my favorite fact checker at the Washington Post and once again she proves that she’s free of the political ties that bind many of the folks at the Post. This week she examines the charges coming from “somewhere” in Washington, in regards […]
Joni Ernst, the “combat veteran”
Senator Joni Ernst commanded a company of transportation folks in Iraq in 2003-2004 and now she’s being criticized by those people on the other side of the aisle because she calls herself a “combat veteran”. From Raw Story; The newly elected Republican lawmaker defended her military service record after a Huffington Post article pointed out […]
Brian Williams and vets
Apparently, Brian Williams is taking himself off the air because he’s taking so much heat from his little tale about being the victim of Iraqi RPG fire. In a memo Saturday to NBC News staff that was released by the network, the anchorman said that as managing editor of “NBC Nightly News” he is taking […]
Stolen Valor Writ Large
Within the American military and the veterans’ community there is no more despicable crime than that of Stolen Valor. It took years for us to convince Congress that representing oneself as a veteran or a military member when one is not, should be a criminal act. The catalyst that finally moved Congress to action was […]
AverageNCO meets Brian Williams
A regular here, AverageNCO, who, by the way just retired from the Air Force recently, sent us a transcription from the journal he kept while he was at Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait during the Second Iraq War. 5 APR 03 Pulled Viper Duty Again (call sign for four-man squad patrolling a 5K […]
CNN stuck on stupid
Pinto Nag sends us this video from CNN. It’s about this Twain Thomas fellow, in Pocatello, Idaho, who breaks down, his neighbor James Cvengros’, (cardboard) door and approaches him with a machete. The neighbor guns him down in self-defense and Twain confesses on the video of the whole incident that the neighbor did the right […]
Sounds Kinda Like An “Enemies List” to Me
A few years ago, a lady named Christine O’Donnell ran for the Senate in Delaware. She ran an, um, interesting campaign. She lost. One can argue whether or not she was a good candidate. I personally thought she was a poor candidate, ran at best a mediocre campaign, and that a better candidate could have […]
Shawn Parcells; CNN’s forensics expert’s creds questioned
Andy11M sends us a link to The Daily Caller which reports that CNN’s go-to forensics expert in the Michael Brown/Ferguson case isn’t who he says he is, and he doesn’t have the credentials that he says he has. Now, I don’t watch CNN, I haven’t since they ran that report of the military using chemical […]
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