Stolen Valor Writ Large

| February 6, 2015

Within the American military and the veterans’ community there is no more despicable crime than that of Stolen Valor. It took years for us to convince Congress that representing oneself as a veteran or a military member when one is not, should be a criminal act. The catalyst that finally moved Congress to action was the book, Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History by B.G. “Jug” Burkett, a former Army officer and Vietnam veteran, and Glenna Whitely. Burkett and Whitely assembled a comprehensive and compelling argument that most of the homeless losers, loners and druggies the mainstream media spotlighted as typical Vietnam veterans were in fact phonies who had either never served in the military, or if they had, had never been anywhere close to Vietnam.

Congress passed the first Stolen Valor act in 2005 but it was seldom enforced and ultimately struck down in 2012 by the Supreme Court as a too broadly written limitation on free speech. The following year Congress passed the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 which amends the federal criminal code to make it a federal violation to make fraudulent claims about military service with the intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit.

In addition, 18 USC § 912 provides that whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. And 10 USC § 771 states that except as otherwise provided by law, no person except a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, as the case may be, may wear — (1) the uniform, or a distinctive part of the uniform, of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps; or (2) a uniform any part of which is similar to a distinctive part of the uniform of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps.

Another element of Stolen Valor offenders is that the wannabees don’t just claim combat service but they seem unable to resist portraying themselves as performing heroic deeds while serving in elite units. The real-life exploits of the Navy’s SEAL units has made them the favored target of the phonies followed closely by Army Special Forces, Army Rangers, Marine Force Recon, and even the occasional Air Force Special Operations Commando. As faux special operators, they lavishly award themselves with the medals listed above, frequently with multiple awards of the same medals which most of us with military service quickly spot as bogus because of the relative rarity of such occurrences.

While many of the impostors content themselves with boasting of their ersatz exploits on Facebook and other social media outlets, the bolder ones simply can’t resist swathing themselves in uniform, which is almost always their downfall because try as they might, they just never get it right. Sometimes it is downright laughable how wrong they do get it but the fact remains that any uniform is usually sufficient to fool the civilian populace into giving them military discounts or other preferential treatments which is where their deception crosses the line into criminal behavior. Some present counterfeit military documents to buttress their claims of entitlement. Many large corporations generously offer substantial discounts to those with proof of military service just as many states offer special license plates, including Purple Heart tags, indicating that one has been wounded in battle, a significant honor among those who have faced an enemy in combat and survived to wear it.

All that explanation brings me to the subject of my title. It is to set the stage so that you who have no military experience can comprehend how seriously the military and veterans’ community take such fraud and deception. While the usual suspects in Stolen Valor incidents tend to be ordinary people who wish to embellish an otherwise lackluster existence or more mean-spiritedly to derive a benefit from their deceptions, occasionally even the mighty, famed far and wide, who one would think have no need to embroider their careers just can’t resist the temptation to satisfy something that is apparently lacking in their sense of self-worth. The Democrat party has had a number of such among their leadership among them presidential candidates, secretaries of state, senators and on and on.

Now we have a mainstream media figure, NBC News anchorman Brian Williams, who has been accused of making false claims of coming under hostile fire in Iraq while aboard a helicopter. Those who blew the whistle are former members of the air crews who were present and know that Williams’ claim is bogus: Stolen Valor writ large. Caught out so publicly, Williams has recanted, but in the most weaselly way possible, a civilian version of the usual fallback position for Stolen Valor frauds when caught, PTSD, or in William’s case,

“I would not have chosen to make this mistake,” Williams said. “I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”

Yeah, well, he’s only been telling that story publicly, even on air, that his helicopter was shot down, since 2003, and as recently as last Friday during NBC’s coverage of a tribute to a wounded veteran at a New York Rangers hockey game. While Williams will no doubt have most of the liberal media and the Democrat party circling their wagons around him, there are some of his media colleagues who are calling for his resignation, noting that as an anchorman, his perceived honesty is his most essential qualification for the job. I hold out little hope for that eventuality but I find it ironic that it is a member of the same media that promoted and perpetuated the wave of Stolen Valor incidents so long ago that led to the image of us Vietnam veterans as drug-crazed, homeless losers that now feels the sting. However, I do hope that this incident will focus wider attention on the very real problem of Stolen Valor and make Americans realize that it is a serious offense to those of us who have worn the uniform and served honorably. And those of you who would entertain the thought of committing Stolen Valor fraud just might want to consider how many of us there are out there who will expose and report you, just as Brian Williams has been outted by former members of the 159th Aviation Regiment. And like Williams, your well-deserved embarrassment will be quite public, posted on the many veteran-operated websites out there who out phonies every day. Your family, tour friends, your co-workers, everyone who knows you will know what a rat you are.


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How do you make a mistake about the helicopter you were riding it being shot down? It’s not like saying you had waffles for breakfast on Wednesday when you really had them on Tuesday. Getting shot at is one of those things that sticks with you.

Great, now I want waffles…


I’ll bet if someone shot at you while you were eating waffles you’d remember it. 😀


Martinjmpr…LMAO brother!!! Thanks for the hee-haw this morning. I blew coffee on my screen! 😀


Oh, hell, I remember my first meal in the chow hall at Bainbridge in boot camp (chicken, corn, mashed & gravy 2 buns, butter, and apple crisp), and my first bout with a mixed adult beverage (sloe gin and 7-up, and I got crocked and tossed it).

What a wienie Bri is.


Even Hillary remembered having to run for cover under fire…


(I see someone else beat me to that remembrance: )


Alberich…I read your link. Thanks for the reminder of that phoney incident. She “misremembered” too. So did Chelsea. Probably Hillary’s new found PTS like Williams’. Here’s the punch line.

But it was her daughter’s own fault after all. Chelsea’s giant Chiclets teeth are a sniper’s wet dream!

I crack myself up on pain meds. 😀 😀 😀


Duplicated from a comment I made elsewhere:

It gets even better. Based on new info, it appears even Williams’ apology was “less than the whole truth”:

Questions are also now being raised about the veracity of his reporting during Katrina, for which he was lauded at the time – by people who were there at the time.

And, finally, Tom Brokaw – who Williams replaced at NBC News – says he should be fired.

(Edited to add: a few of the comments about Williams in the Brokaw article are a hoot, and are worth the time to read.)


As Much as a pinko liberal bronze is I respect the hell out of him.

He always seemed to put his personal opinion aside and do his job. Well…at least I have no proof to the reverse


Hondo – does anyone know the name of the actual pilot? There are two linked articles alleging that the chopper a) never took any fire or b) was ‘only hit by dust’, both supposedly referencing the pilot – but there are two different pilot’s names.

Guard Bum

Chris Simeone seems to be the real pilot which is being backed up by several of the air crew.

The one positive out of this case of stolen valor (and that is exactly what this is) is that there are some new and awesome Brian Williams memes.

Williams needs to go the way of Dan Rather and I think there will be more revelations since we all know that valor thieves always have other honor crimes to answer for.

Combat Historian

Will brian williams now show up on newscasts wearing grungy fatigues and sporting “Rock of the Marne” tattoos ?


I’m not convinced it’s stolen valor exactly….but it’s pretty fucked up when he’s trying to pass off having been under fire like that.

I guess I see the argument. It’s no different as someone claiming a CIB or CAB…even combat patch or combat ribbons.

I don’t know but I don’t mind and encourage the vilification. He’s clearly hyping up his involvement hoping no one would mind.. Maybe to keep his seat on top?

There are reporters out there who put themselves on the front lines, had enemy fire thrown at them while he sat comfy reporting on things he didn’t see or feel. This alone makes one wonder about the things he has reported in the past. But that’s the way of it with the news these days.

In any case I’m just saying we have to be careful we don’t stretch the stolen valor argument least we become that which we hunt.

Either way Stolen valor or not the guy is fucking pond scum.

Guard Bum

Its stolen valor because he purported to have come under fire when he didn’t and he gained credibility and respect because of his lies. No different than a military member claiming heroic deeds to gain cred with his peers.

Toasty Coastie

Maybe we should ask Daniel Pearl and Steven Sotloff how they feel about it?


Are you a coastie?! I was….saw your user name 🙂

RGR 4-78

“He’s clearly hyping up his involvement hoping no one would mind.”

I wonder what Ernie Pyle would say to him?


What I find very interesting is how more than a few liberals are calling for Williams to be canned for lying, but when it comes to Obama…crickets.

I guess one has to have more integrity to be a newsreader than President, but what the heck do I know.

Roger in Republic

Question: What’s the difference between an NBC News story and a Sea Story?

Answer: Nothing. They both start out with “now this is the truth, no shit”. Brian Williams is a weasel, fire him, fuck him, and forget him. He has proved that he is not a reporter, but merely a reader of the news.

charles w

To be fair,a sea story usually involves vast amounts of alcohol and a shady liberty port. Not that I would know about this kind of thing.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“I would not have chosen to make this mistake,” Williams said. “I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”

Does Mr. Williams think anyone with more than 5 working brain cells will believe this tripe? He doesn’t know how me managed to combine two stories about two entirely different kinds of landings and placed himself at the center of the action? Right, and Jayson Blair had no idea he didn’t actually travel to West Virginia to interview Ms. Lynch….

A lying sack of shit is just that a lying sack of shit. NBC is making a huge mistake keeping this turd as the face of the network. One would think that NBC must stand for Nothing But Calumniation (I know sorry it was the only C word I could think of that meant lying rat bastard).

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed I believe I must agree, perhaps NBC means Nothing But Crap…


I think it’s appropriate to call him brie (bree) from now on, after the soft cheese with an edible coating.

Haven’t watched NBC Nightly in 10 years. I do know that Ernie Pyle, Bill Mauldin and Dickie Chappelle are people he can’t even look in the eye.


Will that revive the saying, “Strange as news from Bree?”


It might.


NBC affiliates are not running any Stolen Valor stories till this Williams issue blows over …

Pinto Nag

Williams isn’t being fire-bombed through the NBC affiliates, either. In this type of situation, the Internet and social media rules.


Pinto Nag…Excellent point m’lady. You are absolutely correct too. Social media will determine the amount of pressure and ultimate fate of Williams, not his network or fellow journalists. My fear is that most Americans, through social media, could care less if he’s a proven lying phoney. They care more if his hair and suit look good. I remember the old days when local affiliates would refuse to air network news segments over one incident or another and most were far less egregious than a network anchorman being called out as a phoney and a liar. But sadly those days are gone. The local stations, here anyway, are filled with “Bubble Headed Bleach Blondes” (thank you Don Henley) who’s best attribute is a big smile when they report the mobile home park fire that destroyed 6 homes. Think about the outcry and uproar had this happened back in the day to Cronkite, Huntley or Brinkley. But then again, those were times when journalists still had journalistic integrity. Their opinions and agendas were not interlaced into their news story. Those were saved for the “Editorial” portion of the newscast.


Is Williams any different than Hillary Clinton and John Kerry in their combat exploits?


ohio…I’d believe Williams and Hillary before I’d believe anything Kerry said.


“I would not have chosen to make this mistake,” Brian Williams said.

So tell us, Brian, what mistake WOULD you have chosen to make instead? Or are you trying to tell us that someone FORCED you, against your will, to make this mistake? How did they do that exactly? Because, ya know, you are saying that your lie was not your responsibility.

Whatever. The choice was yours to make then, as is your current decision to not take ownership of your lie.

2/17 Air Cav

“I would not have chosen to make this mistake.”

Yeah, OWB, that’s the line that floored me. It’s as if he is talking about another person’s choice, not his, as in, “He chose this mistake but I would not have chosen it.” Or, as you say, had he truly a choice, rather than being forced to lie as he must have been, he would not have chosen the particular mistake of lying. We’re not done. We still have that old “mistake” business. Mistakes, as we like to say around TAH, include such things as wearing mismatched socks or pouring salt, instead of sugar, into one’s coffee. Lying is not a mistake. It is intentional and it is purposeful: it is a choice. Lastly, as you also say, he evidently picks and chooses his mistakes. How else can one otherwise explain his statement? And if he does pick and choose his mistakes, they aren’t mistakes at all, are they? In sum, this guy Williams is a mealy-mouthed worm and a sonofabitch.


If Brie had a working brain cell in his head, he could have kept his mouth shut and just become a news anchor.
But he compounded this lie by continuing to refer to it until it backfired like an old Dodge with a bad carburetor. And he will never get rid of the stench.


Yep. Mistakes are things like erroneously setting the alarm clock for 5:30 when attempting to set it at 6:30. Lying is pretending the clock set itself in someone else’s house.



Dan Rather was quoted as saying, “I set the bar so low for journalists, William’s should be awarded for his lie!”

2/17 Air Cav

I’d say it was a safe rule of thumb that when you catch a liar in a lie, there are more lies to be found. Here’s another one from Lying Liar Brian Williams regarding what he saw following Katrina, courtesy of

“’When you look out of your hotel room window in the French Quarter and watch a man float by face-down, when you see bodies that you last saw in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, and swore to yourself that you would never see in your country,’ [Lying Liar Brian] Williams said in a 2006 interview.”

“But there were no corpses floating through the French Quarter because it — being on higher ground — was spared the overwhelming floodwaters that devastated other neighborhoods when the levees broke.”

Zero Ponsdorf

I’ll admit that details from 50 years ago are fading some. Hell, I’ll admit that details from last week are fading as well.

BUT… This yarn reeks – the simple explanation for it is that Bri-Bri is just a liar. I’ll opt to dismiss anything he offers even he says it’s raining, etc.

2/17 Air Cav

Most excellent, Grasshopper. Most excellent.

2/17 Air Cav

Has he said IT yet? You know IT, the old standby: “But my [father/grandfather/great grandfather/uncle/best friend/whatever] is a Veteran. I have the utmost respect for blah, blah, blah, blah.”

Pinto Nag

They’re zeroing in on his reporting during Katrina now.

He said something about watching a body float by in the area where he was. Turns out that area wasn’t even flooded?

I think he’s going to end up in a world of journalistic hurt.

John Robert Mallernee

E-Mail from Deborah Turness, President of NBC Network News, to all employees:


This has been a difficult few days for all of us at NBC News.

Yesterday, Brian and I spoke to the Nightly News team. And this morning at the Editorial Exchange, we both addressed the wider group. Brian apologized once again, and specifically expressed how sorry he is for the impact this has had on all of you and on this proud organization.

As you would expect, we have a team dedicated to gathering the facts to help us make sense of all that has transpired. We’re working on what the best next steps are – and when we have something to communicate we will of course share it with you.

Since joining NBC News, I’ve seen great strength and resilience. We are a close-knit family, and your response this week has made that even clearer.

As a relentless news agenda marches on, thank you again for continuing to do what we do best – bring the most important stories of the day to our audience.



Stolen Valor crosses both sides of the isle. Turds will be turds regardless of political party.


Hilary and him will be trading war stories no doubt.