From the Department of YGTBSM
Internationally Renowned Virologist Greta Thunberg Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg lives in the healthiest, wealthiest, safest, and most peaceful era humans have ever known. She is part of the luckiest generation that ever lived. Too bad she’s being cynically used by adults with an agenda, created for her soundbites that fit their belief system. […]
Michael Moore is Back
Michael Moore Michael Moore had me worried there, for a while. His video on “Green” energy sources harming the environment, where he “… spit in the eye of enviro-heros like Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, The AlGore, and many others.” was so out of character even the envio-wackos were calling for his head. Thankfully, he’s […]
Michael Moore’s New Video
Michael Moore …Hasn’t Pleased Enviro-Whackos Caught some of this on the previous MM post, here: Michael Moore’s New Docudrama. Seems Moore has spit in the eye of enviro-heros like Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, The AlGore, and many others. It flies in the face of their closely held beliefs in solar, wind, and other ‘Green’ technologies […]
The “People’s Voice of Las Vegas?” Well, Maybe Not.
There is a radio station in Las Vegas that is named “Las Vegas Public Radio”. It bills itself as the “People’s Voice of Las Vegas.” Both the station’s name and catchphrase are rather misleading. First: in spite of their name, the station is NOT in any way affiliated with NPR. And second: the station is […]
Lyin’ Brian Williams of MSDNC!
‘Lyin’ Brian “… exaggerating an anecdote about coming under fire in a U.S. Army helicopter during the Iraq war in 2003.” He would have taken sniper fire with Hillary, had he been on that Kosovo trip too. Snake sends. By Joseph Curl President Trump on Thursday blasted MSNBC host Brian Williams over his past apology […]
Michael Moore’s New Docudrama
Michael Moore Leftist ‘documentary’ filmmaker Michael Moore is once again sounding the alarm on climate change. This time, however, he is blaming his fellow environmentalists, saying that efforts like solar energy and electric cars are not helping to solve the problem, and that the planet is in “deep, deep trouble.” The movie highlights the failures […]
A little light…
Governor Greg Abbott (R-Tex) …at last. Figures it’s in Texas, where the Governor is pulling back some restrictions. Caught some of Gov. Cuomo bloviating this morning; looks like hospitalizations due to the virus have peaked in New York, and are on the down-side. This is all good news. TX Gov. Abbott unveils guidelines to reopen […]
Rep Dan Crenshaw Owns Maher
Representative Dan Crenshhaw (R-Tex) In a home interview, wounded Vet and former SEAL Dan Crenshaw dissects Bill Maher’s Democrat talking points in a calm, reasoned and rational manner. Facts trump* propaganda every time. Glad to see Maher is back to his usual smug, small “L” liberal self. *Heh.
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