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The Martians Are Coming! Happy Hallowe’en

| October 31, 2018 | 12 Comments
The Martians Are Coming! Happy Hallowe’en

Happy Hallowe’en! If you want to mess with your kids’ heads, put this old radio play on speakers without warning them, but don’t let them see the screen. Speakers only. It is Mercury Theater On the Air’s 1938 broadcast of War of the Worlds with Orson Wells at the helm of it. No commercials or […]

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Secret Squirrel Code Talkers

| October 12, 2018 | 21 Comments
Secret Squirrel Code Talkers

I have been fascinated by Secret Squirrel Code Talk for a long time. In fact, it is so fascinating that I wondered if it was even vaguely possible to develop a new Secret Squirrel Code to throw off the Bad Guys, whether they are Splodeydopes or 6-limbed critters with a third eye in the middle […]

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Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

| September 17, 2018 | 49 Comments
Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

Today President Donald Trump ordered the declassification of records surrounding the Russia investigation. Citing “reasons of transparency” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced the president’s decision, confirming the action. Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court […]

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Costa Fotopoulos’ Memorial Day

| May 29, 2018 | 89 Comments
Costa Fotopoulos’ Memorial Day

Costa Fotopoulos, AKA CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS, last known to live in Flushing, New York, born 11/24/1967, was enjoying himself on the social media yesterday. For clarification, there is no record of his service;

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Happy Birthday TAH!

| September 23, 2017 | 37 Comments
Happy Birthday TAH!

Eleven years young, Congrats! Jonn, modest as ever, tried to low-key the fact in the WOT, but fortunately I have no such scruples. So happy birthday to TAH and may there be many more years of it’s good works. *Ahem* In order so help celebrate, may I direct your attention to the Donate button in […]

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“It’s like deja vu all over again”

| October 6, 2015 | 122 Comments
“It’s like deja vu all over again”

Well, it looks like one or more of those “fine individuals” that we all “know and love” have been running their yaps.  Once again, some Dorkish Royally Clueless tool has wrongly identified someone else as being me. And just like before, I’m both honored and a bit peeved. Again. For at least the fifth freaking time. Apparently, someone […]

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A Little Tune for Someone

| June 20, 2015 | 15 Comments
A Little Tune for Someone

Just think of this as a little early Father’s Day serenade for someone – in honor of their “resounding victory” in court the other day. King of the Sh!tbird Mountain I’m a heel, true sh!theel I can lie, dirty deal The truth won’t stop me trying ‘Cause it’s such fun, in the sun Watch me […]

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To Paraphrase A Great Man: “There They Go Again . . . . “

| March 2, 2015 | 109 Comments
To Paraphrase A Great Man:  “There They Go Again . . . . “

Well, it looks like a couple of      tools     cretins     jackasses    everyone’s favorite individuals have been at it again.  A little birdie tells me that I’ve been identified! Yeah that little birdie tells me that SoMe GuY wHo WeArS pUrPlE-tIgEr-StRiPeD jUmPsUiTs and/or another guy in the Pacific Northwest (or SW Florida, if […]

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