Usual Suspects
Charity; UR doin’ it wrong
The last we heard about Stop Loss rapper Marc Hall, he was headed to Iraq for his court martial. He faced charges that he that threatened to shoot his chain-of-command in his little recording of a rap ditty. So if he’s going to Iraq, obviously, his civilian lawyers won’t be there. Can anyone tell me […]
Hey! You Nazis in the back want to get in step?
Steve Yoczik is a pretty verbose guy. he writes long, rambling missives at IVAW that have no real unifying point so you have to read carefully if read his latest “Self-image versus organizational functionality, and the contradictions therein. (THE FLAG IS NOT THE ISSUE)“. Don’t worry, I’ve read the whole thing and I still don’t […]
More flag burning opinion from IVAW
One Iraq Veterans Against the War member of whom I’ve never heard until today is Joyce Wagner. She’s one of those actual Iraq veterans whose number is dwindling at IVAW these days. She pens an opinion on the IVAW website today – probably the first hing I’ve seen written there with which I agree; So […]
Dahr Jamail: I said it first!
This picture is of Dahr Jamail (center of the picture in black glasses and dark hair), eminent journalist for He seems to be leading some IVAW protesters in their march on the National Archives in March, 2008, doesn’t he? Well, this photo probably represents that truth better than any Jamail himself could pen. Jamail […]
Did I strike a nerve?
Jason Hurd was at Winter Soldier II in Silver Spring, MD and testified that he ALMOST shot an Iraqi who wouldn’t stop when she approached his checkpoint. He ALMOST shot her, but then he didn’t – that was reason enough for him to sling snot all over the assembled hippies as he wept. TSO and […]
Why IVAW all burned the flag on Mar. 20th
In the above depicted incident, IVAW board member Matthis Chiroux, while garbed in his IVAW T-shirt took it upon himself to speak for the entire organization and burn a flag at a rally organized and paid for by the Maoist ANSWER organization. The IVAW organization has had several opportunities to separate themselves from the incident. […]
Matthis: Ya know who I remind me of?
We’ve heard from several of the IVAW members on what they think of Matthis and his flag burning antics over the last few weeks but this is the height of conceit. Matthis Chiroux tells us “I’m not like Martin Luther King, Junior, but ya know who is like Martin Luther King? Me!
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