Matthis: Ya know who I remind me of?

| April 1, 2010
Matthis Chiroux of the IVAW burns an American flag in Lafayette Park, DC

Matthis Chiroux of the IVAW burns an American flag in Lafayette Park, DC

We’ve heard from several of the IVAW members on what they think of Matthis and his flag burning antics over the last few weeks but this is the height of conceit. Matthis Chiroux tells us “I’m not like Martin Luther King, Junior, but ya know who is like Martin Luther King? Me!


Of course, if you made it through the whole windswept missive, if you liked Matthis before you read it, I’d love for you to explain to me how in the name of all that is holy you can still not think he’s nothing but a narcissistic, immature, blowhard little twerp. After we proved that he had never served in Afghanistan, he tells all combat veterans that there’s nothing about their service to be proud of. And now his little publicity stunt puts him on par with one of the most influential men of the 20th century.

Personally, I think he’s hoping for that bullet.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Dang, calm down a bit.

Yeah the guy is a nitwit, but I seriously doubt he’s ‘hoping for that Bullet.’

He’s a narcissist (as you noted). He has no/zero/nil martyr in him. He just wants to rub up against martyrs.

Old Tanker

That is most likely the largest steaming pile of self important, self righteous clap trap I have ever read. He certainly styles himself as the next Hemmingway doesn’t he?


He is the leader of a movement. That is if there is a movement for self absorbed, childish ignoramusus. I’m thinking that we just ought to scoop him up, pack his ass in the back of a C-17, and drop his ass in the middle of Afghanistan. I’m sure the Taliban would love him.

Of course that would be expensive…perhaps its better to just take him to Juarez.

Chuck Z

I’ll bet he’s not hoping for a bullet as much as some are wishing one for him.

Casey J Porter

He’s all talk. All cheap talk. …and people in the movement call me narcissistic! Ok, so it’s true, but geez, it’s because I’m actually right. hahahaha


I knew he was NPD before he compared himself to MLK.

Words cannot express how much I want to kick this guy in the dick.


I feel another “leader of a movement” trying to poke it’s head out, please excuse me while I go to the bathroom and set it free.


That,Boy needs kick`d square in the hurt locker!I ain`t got time for pukes like that.Hey,Jon,I live in Parkersburg,WV,Burbs.Mountaineers are Always Free!Welcome.I read this every day.Keep up the good work.1st Infantry Germany 86-90//3 years reserve,Combat MP then Combat Medic.7 Years total,and proud of them all.Now 41 YO. Just got my VA hospital ID.I`m not Gonna play goofy,Just need a physical.I think your web site is top notch,and I just recommended it to somebody today.I need to hit your sponsors more,I`m sorry.


I`m #8,and proud of it.Snafudude.


Jonn,We just had a unit head over seas out of Williamstown,next to P`Burg.Helo Medivac unit.Charlie CO 2ND BAT 104th General Support Aviation Batt.I`ve got a good buddy in that unit,He`s an E-6,I think.We came back from Germany in 1990,together,on the same plane,never stationed together,just got off the plane together.He`s the Supply SRG.


There is no real anti war movement in this country. There is no angst or anger against the military. There is not any significant support for the wars.

Good luck to you. Live your lives. Worry about the things that matter, like your life and your families.

Old Tanker


I’m not sure he could lead a bowel movement….

B Woodman

Take a sledge hammer to his kneecaps.

Just sayin’ . . . .

Virtual Insanity

Why can’t a guy like this just catch himself on fire when he burns the flag? The Karmic irony would be sooooo great.


Three words:

Super Soaker


Junior AG

“Why can’t a guy like this just catch himself on fire when he burns the flag?”

Be patient, with all the flatulence he’s spewing out of his orifices and the crack he’s smoking, it’s just a matter of time..


That’s the most tl;dr thing I’ve seen all week.


Well, I know he reminds me of an idiot.


Screw the kneecaps, B Woodman… he needs it in the head.


A person is only a leader if he has followers. Until then he simply wants to be a leader.

I’m sure he’s of great interest to shrinks but the real question is where he gets his money? If it weren’t for TAH, few would even know his name.


[…] Yeah, he sounds just like Matthis. […]