Usual Suspects
News from Bizzaro World
Harry Reid posted this message to his website and 1stCavRVN11B sent us the link; “Hundreds of Nevada families know all too well the sacrifice of sending a loved one into battle to defend America. And when we ask those troops and those families to give so much to our country, we have a solemn obligation […]
Jon Soltz; Republicans should be less partisan, like me
Well, last week, while the Blumenthal disgrace headed every news source, every milblog, every military professional journal, one voice was oddly absent. That was the voice of Jon Soltz, chairman and founder of VoteVets. Politico explained why Soltz was silent; A spokesman for the left-leaning VoteVets group said Jon Soltz, the group’s chairman, was unavailable […]
Matthis: I’m less of a man
This is a video of the talk that Matthis is giving to our school-age children as part of his anti-recruiting efforts entitled “We Are Not Your Children”. As I demonstrated yesterday, Matthis never deployed to war, but in this video (at about 2:15) the video introduces him as an “Iraq War Veteran” – you may […]
Filthy Hippie Hands Across the Generations in Canada
TSO found this article in USAToday that highlights how two generations of cowards in Canada found a reason to sing Kumbayah together; Deportation, court martial and prison are imminent threats to Hart and about 200 other U.S. troops seeking sanctuary in Canada. Despite being members of an all-voluntary military, some oppose the war in Iraq […]
Matthis plays combat veteran again
Someone sent me this link to the Times Herald Record yesterday about the protest that happened outside of West Point while the President was speaking yesterday. Apparently Matthis was there spreading his usual bullshit; Matthis Chiroux of Brooklyn said he agreed to enter the Army as an alternate sentence after “being busted selling mushrooms in […]
Matthis: I may be a rapist, but so are you
Paul sent us a link to some hipie chick’s website in which she gives dating advice. She copied from Matthis’ Facebook page a typical “Matthis-as-victim” missive about him being better than the rest of us; Feels like the anti-war libel machine’s firing up again. It hurts being called a rapist for being the only one […]
Matthis and collateral ignorance (UPDATED)
So, if you were a teacher and you invite a guest lecturer to speak to your students, wouldn’t you want them to be subject matter experts? Why would a teacher have IVAW Matthis explain the “Collateral Murder” video to his/her students then? That’s what’s happening across the country today. Three people are touring the country […]
Mark Potok violated my First Amendment Rights
Well, he didn’t really (only the government can violate my rights), but if I did the same thing to him, he’d accuse me of it. Potok has commented on posts about him here over the years and I’ve let him have his say – usually because he heightens the hilarity with his Godless hyperbole. So […]
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