News from Bizzaro World

| May 28, 2010

Harry Reid posted this message to his website and 1stCavRVN11B sent us the link;

“Hundreds of Nevada families know all too well the sacrifice of sending a loved one into battle to defend America. And when we ask those troops and those families to give so much to our country, we have a solemn obligation to do everything possible to support them. That’s why it was so important for us to pass this supplemental bill that ensures that the additional 30,000 troops we’re sending into Afghanistan have everything they need to be successful in their mission.

The same Harry Reid who tried to defund the troops during the Bush presidency four times, declared Iraq lost, then declared the surge a failure before it began is suddenly concerned about how the troops are equipped.

Sometimes blogging is easy.

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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He’s not known as the “Dimbulb from Searchlight” for nothing!


Oh Damn…

Jonn using the Bizzaro World thing?

Just when the voices in my head were less annoying than usual THIS happens!

You certainly picked a fine example of it.

From Victor Davis Hanson as I noted in my earlier post elsewhere:

Make no mistake about it, this is a dishonest age. That our daily lies are purportedly advanced in the cause of the common good, nevertheless do not make them any less lies.


Fuck Reid.

AW1 Tim

Reid is pandering in a most shameless manner. The fear is palpable.


I seem to recall someone saying just before the 2007 surge that someone should greet Senator Reid with a sock full of quarters. I heartily concur with that sentiment.