Jon Soltz; Republicans should be less partisan, like me

| May 27, 2010

Well, last week, while the Blumenthal disgrace headed every news source, every milblog, every military professional journal, one voice was oddly absent. That was the voice of Jon Soltz, chairman and founder of VoteVets. Politico explained why Soltz was silent;

A spokesman for the left-leaning VoteVets group said Jon Soltz, the group’s chairman, was unavailable for comment on the matter because he’s on active duty and isn’t allowed to talk about politics.

Like TSO said yesterday in an email to me, we can all assume that Soltz was at his annual training (AT) with his reserve unit last week. But then this morning I see he took time out of his busy life to threaten Republicans just yesterday.

Last week he couldn’t comment because he was on active duty. he suddenly doesn’t have that problem this week. Funny how that works, ain’t it?

At about 2:15 into the video, Soltz drags out VoteVets old charge of Republicans voting against body armor for the troops…again. TSO dealt with that last year with a link to Fact

A new ad claims Republican Sen. George Allen of Virginia “voted against giving our troops” modern body armor. He did no such thing. The ad cites a vote on an appropriations amendment that had nothing whatever to do with body armor.

The ad also claims troops were sent to Iraq with flak vests “left over from the Vietnam war,” another falsehood. The ad actually shows an improved vest that wasn’t available until the 1980’s.

So Soltz wants to drag that tired old crap out again, I guess we’re fine with that.

But does anyone think that the reason Soltz didn’t comment on Blumenthal really has to do with his AT at this point? And since when has Soltz’ status in the military ever affected him expressing his opinion? Soltz and the other cumbubbles at VoteVets haven’t even mentioned Blumenthal – just like they never mentioned phony Marine Rick Duncan/Strandlof when he was found to have never served yet made political ads with VoteVets money saying Duncan did serve.

How does VoteVets serve Iraq/Aghanistan veterans with mealy-mouth, double-dealing about “clean energy”, with constant crybaby yammering about Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, when they’re always talking about social justice issues that really don’t have anything to do with veterans?

And where was Soltz’ outrage when Democrats were trying to end the war in Iraq while the troops were deployed by cutting off ALL money to them?

Category: Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Mr Wolf

If someone can put me in touch with Reed’s office, I can set him straight.

He owes me BIG. BIG BIG. And I aim to claim it now…



Republican should be all left-bashing, all the time! GOP: Another Party for a Reason! (F*ck that RINO bullsh*t!)