RSSLiberals suck

Trump won’t stop interfering in the election

| September 3, 2020 | 55 Comments
Trump won’t stop interfering in the election

CNN has taken a brief respite from minimizing the actions of violent Marxist insurrectionists in a manner that makes Baghdad Bob look like Honest Abe. Instead they turn their focus to the presidential election and Trump. It seems that the Orange Man has run afoul of their sensibilities by voicing an opinion on political topics. […]

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The left celebrates the death of another conservative

| August 16, 2020 | 77 Comments
The left celebrates the death of another conservative

With the sad news of the passing of Robert Trump, the president’s younger brother, the left wasted no time in sinking to a new low. A day after the Trump family’s loss, The hashtag “#wrongtrump” is the second highest trending tag on Twitter right now, with 77,000 and counting tweets. “Dear Grim Reaper, You took the #wrongtrump,” […]

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It’s Trump’s fault, but not in the way you’d think

| August 15, 2020 | 32 Comments
It’s Trump’s fault, but not in the way you’d think

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot this morning on MSNBC told host Chris Jansing that she blames Trump and the Senate (but not the House) for the problems with mass looting in the Miracle Mile downtown area of Chicago last weekend. Said looting happened after Chicago Police officers shot a black male non-fatally. The male subject had […]

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Licensed Guides at Gettysburg raise alarm of “major threat” to Civil War monuments

| August 8, 2020 | 32 Comments
Licensed Guides at Gettysburg raise alarm of “major threat” to Civil War monuments

CBS21 reports that the Licensed Battlefield Guides at Gettysburg have sounded the alarm regarding the House of Representatives assault on history. Specifically the House-passed bill would remove all Confederate monuments, statues, and commemorative plaques that help guide visitors through the historic battlefield. From the article; “We urge the U.S. Senate to strip out this provision […]

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Supreme Court – Trump Keeps Building His Border Wall – Covfefe from the left

| August 1, 2020 | 39 Comments
Supreme Court – Trump Keeps Building His Border Wall – Covfefe from the left

Oh no,  that Wall is still going up.  Every day, every hour,  every minute… that wall keeps getting longer.  It appears that about 400 miles of “That Wall” will have been replaced or added by years end. WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a request from environmental groups to stop construction of President Trump’s border […]

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Banning/blocking people.

| July 30, 2020 | 122 Comments
Banning/blocking people.

Most people choose to take risks in life.   Some more than others and their reasons for doing so vary to a large degree. Herman Cain decided to put himself at risk.  People can agree with what he did or disagree with it. I joined the United States Marine Corps.  I joined with a guarantee that […]

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Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain dies at 74 from coronavirus complications

| July 30, 2020 | 69 Comments
Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain dies at 74 from coronavirus complications

Herman Cain, the former Republican presidential candidate and affable business magnate, died Thursday after being hospitalized for coronavirus. Former Cain staffer Ellen Carmichael tweeted Thursday morning: “I’m very saddened to learn of the passing of my former boss, Herman Cain. I’m bracing for the cruelty online about how he deserved to get COVID and die because of […]

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World Trap Shoot Update

| July 26, 2020 | 9 Comments
World Trap Shoot Update

If you recall that article I wrote a while back about a phony news story indicating that the town of Sparta, IL was going to be attacked by Antifas, I did bring up the fact that it is usually the site for the World Trap Shoot Competition.  (Yes, I do know that the image above […]

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