First You Get Their Attention

“If they’re paying their bills, and if I think they’re treating us fairly, the answer is absolutely I’d stay with NATO.” Trump calls for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and says a US withdrawal from NATO is possible By JOANNA KOZLOWSKA and ELLEN KNICKMEYER WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump on Sunday pushed Russian leader Vladimir Putin […]
Happy 4th! Joey vs. the troops at Ft. Bliss

A very happy 4th of July to all the DWs and DWettes of VG/TAH. Stay safe, have fun, and try not to do anything too foolish. Or at least don’t get caught (but you can send video, we promise it’ll stay confidential.) A little more optimistic piece is in order…I tend to do my columnns […]
The irony of lithium

Well, we know that one of the great needs of the grand and glorious EV revolution is lithium. Can’t have an electric car without either a bloody long extension cord or a pretty sizable battery, right? Old-style lead-acid batteries don’t hold enough of a charge for their weight – so the current front running […]
Toilet update

You might remember the proposed million-dollar San Francisco toilet. A San Francisco restroom once estimated to cost $1.7 million is now up and running for the public after the city received criticism, jokes and a generous donation. San Francisco Recreation and Parks opened the single public restroom in the Noe Valley neighborhood after receiving a […]
NEWS FLASH – Maher makes sense

Leftist stalwart Bill Maher is apparently joining SEN Fetterman in bolting the Dem fold and again actually made sense on something. Comedian Bill Maher went on a blistering tirade against “woke” ideology, saying that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “wasn’t wrong” when he called out Disney for sexualizing children, and that liberals were willing to “overlook” […]
Supremes tweak free speech limits

The Supreme Court decided Friday that there are indeed some internet limitations on free speech. But not like it sounds, they are restricting the ability to curtail it. The decision was based on two lower court cases from California and Michigan in which it was ruled that public officials could block or ban critics on […]
Happy Anniversary!

Just a quick reminder to all: Our nation’s American flag was flown in battle for the first time, during a Revolutionary War skirmish at Cooch’s Bridge, Delaware on this day in history, Sept. 3, 1777, according to “Patriot General William Maxwell ordered the Stars and Stripes banner was raised as a detachment of his […]
Silly? Stupid? Malicious?

Seems this Tuesday holds many things…herewith a few that caught my eye: First up, a mind-boggling adder to the ceiling fan bite – in this case, researchers at Dell Hospital in Austin, TX have a new safety suggestion: Researchers from Dell Medical School in Austin, Texas, are warning parents and caregivers not to toss babies […]
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