NEWS FLASH – Maher makes sense

| April 24, 2024

Leftist stalwart Bill Maher is apparently joining SEN Fetterman in bolting the Dem fold and again actually made sense on something.

Comedian Bill Maher went on a blistering tirade against “woke” ideology, saying that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “wasn’t wrong” when he called out Disney for sexualizing children, and that liberals were willing to “overlook” it because it was a Republican who spoke out.

“OMG. Nickelodeon? It wasn’t a studio, it was Neverland Ranch with craft services,” Maher said.

“A 2014 CNN report discovered that at least 35 Disney employees had been arrested for sex crimes against children. And in 2021, Disney child star Alyson Stoner confessed she only narrowly survived the toddler-to-trainwreck pipeline. The next year, child star Cole Sprouse told The New York Times that young actresses at the Disney Channel were heavily sexualized from an early age,” he said.

Maher pointed out that Brian Peck, the dialogue coach who sexually abused Nickelodeon star Drake Bell, went to prison for 16 months — and upon release was hired by Disney for a children’s series.

In his view, the ‘woke’ folks have blown past liberalism into the opposite (sounds like some of the dame things that author J.K. Rowling has been saying, doesn’t it?)

In his segment, Maher went on to call out “woke” events like drag queen story hours and parents exploiting their kids for social media clout, as well as the trendy integration of far left gender ideas into American classrooms, likening it to “entrapment.”

Maher continued: “Teaching kids not to hate or judge those who are different. Great!…But at a certain point, inclusion becomes promotion. And contrary to current progressive dogma, children aren’t miniature adults wise beyond their years, they’re morons.”

Hard to find a better closer than a direct quote:

“Oh, for pedophiles in Hollywood. It’s a small world, after all,” the comedian deadpanned. “DeSantis wasn’t wrong! But we’re so tribal now, the left will overlook child-f—ing if the guy from the wrong party calls it out.”

NY Post


Category: America, LGBTQWERTY

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AW1 Rod

Where is Bill Maher, and what have the aliens done to him?




He’s not wrong on pointing it out, but he’ll ‘Vote Blue No Matter Who’.


Exactly. He’s only telling his fellow travelers to not be so blatant.

Forest Bondurant

Fuck that guy. He only said what we’ve been saying all along, except he has the platform to reach more people to hear the message.


Tells it like it is when sh*t’s gotten bad enough.


Or when he sees a chance to stir the pot and possibly make a buck. Sort of like I tell my wife about Elon Musk, “Fuck that guy for trying to make me like him.” Except Musk actually has some skill and vision; I still don’t trust him, though.

Old tanker

Yeah but the shit has to get to an extreme level before he breaks with the left. I appreciate the dialogue he has made about the woke, but why the hell did he have to wait so long when it was so blatantly obvious what was going on.


Even a blind chipmunk finds the occasional acorn. Same for smarmy assholes.

USMC Steve

Even the broken clock is right twice a day, but he has been doing this for a while now. Maybe he is finally getting that almost all socialist democrats are insane, and potentially dangerous.


When The Former Jewish Carpenter said “Suffer the little children to come unto Me…”, I don’t think He had any plans to make the little children “suffer”.

Remember when child molesters were considered the worst of the worst? Pepper Ridge Farms remembers…and so do I.

All well and good that this dood is speaking out…it’d be even better if he acted out against exploiting kids. We’ll see…

A Proud Infidel®™
  1. Rope.
  2. Tree or gallows.
  3. Pedophile.

Some assembly required.


They never reoffend once they have “pulled rope.”

USMC Steve

Wood chippers. Then you have instant fertilizer.


True dat.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


“Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs..”

Prior Service

Even when he’s right (which is more and more), he’s still an insufferable jerk. I’m looking forward to the day he gets thrown out on his keister by the rest of his “folx” for being slightly less radical and he realizes he was Dr Frankenstein.


Weird. I looked outside and a flock of pigs flew by.


I call BS. He’s just trying to increase his viewership. This guy will say whatever he thinks will fill his pockets. So he spoke a couple truths, but has built a career as a cheerleader for the Left? I still won’t watch him.


He does all this, and is increasingly saying a lot of the right things, but come November he’ll fall right back in line and encourage everyone to pull the lever for “zee party’s candidate.”


Donksland Uber Alles


Actresses and actors are heavily sexualized no matter where they work. The industry as whole is full of perverts and molesters.

Disney has 225K employees so having 35 (arrested) child molesters is actually in line with the US population at a rate of about .0015%. There are about 206K child molesters on the registry nationally for a percentage of .0062% of the US population. So if anything, the numbers are lower. This makes a little bit of sense as Disney does background checks on all their hires.

There are some estimates that put the number of pedophiles in the US at about 1%. Most never get caught until they run for senate as a Republican though.

I am not saying Disney isn’t a haven for psycho liberalism but math is math.

Skivvy Stacker

That loud crashing noise, and drunken caulderaul, and fiddledefaddle you just heard was ME falling off my bar stool.

If these leftists keep coming to their senses I may have to quit drinking……at bars….