RSSIraq Veterans Against the War

Bacon resigns as IVAW ED

| July 17, 2009 | 14 Comments
Bacon resigns as IVAW ED

We got word today that Alex Bacon, the Executive Director of the IVAW, resigned his position today due to health reasons. Dear members of IVAW, We regret to inform you that our Executive Director, Alex Bacon, resigned early yesterday due to personal health issues. We wish him a full recovery and look forward to him […]

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Why I think you’re crazy

| July 16, 2009 | 24 Comments
Why  I think you’re crazy

I got this email yesterday morning and I wasn’t going to mention it until I see my email box filled to the brim over this nirther bullshit. For those of you who think that the IVAW is a subversive organization that means to do damage to the country and our national security, how can you […]

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The drama over Peskoff’s resignation

| July 15, 2009 | 20 Comments
The drama over Peskoff’s resignation

Jeff Peskoff, the member of our little community here at TAH who resigned from IVAW this morning “friended” me at Facebook so I could witness the drama over there as another valued IVAW member left the fold. It’s instructive to read what influence the old VFP/VVAW members hold over the younger members. After the letter […]

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Is Jonn the Harriet Tubman of IVAW?

| July 15, 2009 | 3 Comments
Is Jonn the Harriet Tubman of IVAW?

A wise man once said: Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests – we did. But you can’t hold a whole blog responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you […]

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Another IVAW member resigns

| July 15, 2009 | 17 Comments
Another IVAW member resigns

Regular readers know “Another Disgruntled IVAW member”, one of our regular commenters here. Well, his real name is Jeff Peskoff. Last night, he resigned from the IVAW (not surprisingly, judging by his screen name) and sent us a copy of his resignation letter; 14 July 2009 To: Iraq Veterans Against the War Members/Board of Directors/Executive […]

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The numbskull defense (Video added)

| July 15, 2009 | 13 Comments
The numbskull defense (Video added)

The other day we were visited by James M. Branum, Esq, attorney to the cowards and IVAW. He was here to tell us why Robin Long, the first deserter to Canada to be jailed since the Vietnam Era, only did 12 months of his 15-month sentence. Oh, and he chastised me severely for calling Kimberly […]

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Lie down with dogs

| July 14, 2009 | 11 Comments
Lie down with dogs

I can already see the ALL CAPS!!!!!! comments I’m going to get for this one. But here goes. Greyhawk has a bit up about U.S. Army Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook who has refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he thinks that Barack Obama isn’t a US citizen and therefore, can’t order him to war (or […]

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Adam Kokesh, starring in the Disappearing Paragraph Caper!

| July 13, 2009 | 1 Comment
Adam Kokesh, starring in the Disappearing Paragraph Caper!

Our friend Frenemy Junior AG asks: Anyone have a linky to the Kokesh booze and Xanax chaser caper?? Smuugling a firearm ain’t too bright of a thing to do either. Naturally I pointed our friend to my post on the subject from the time, a post that Kokesh bitched to me about in person because […]

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