Another IVAW member resigns

| July 15, 2009

Regular readers know “Another Disgruntled IVAW member”, one of our regular commenters here. Well, his real name is Jeff Peskoff. Last night, he resigned from the IVAW (not surprisingly, judging by his screen name) and sent us a copy of his resignation letter;

14 July 2009

To: Iraq Veterans Against the War Members/Board of Directors/Executive Director

In light of recent events (e.g., IVAW’s tacit support of the ideology of Carl Webb and the actions of Matthis Chiroux), it is with a heavy heart that I have to admit to losing faith in IVAW’s leadership therefore effective immediately I am resigning my membership from IVAW. I find it more than a little ironic that I am seeing the same failure in leadership here that I have seen in the very military that IVAW is attacking wholesale now.

IVAW has, for all intents and purposes, abandoned its mission. I joined and supported IVAW to end an unjust and unnecessary war in Iraq. I did not join IVAW to support the social and political agendas of persons whose priorities are neither ending the war in Iraq nor protecting our soldiers from being used by our government unnecessarily.

I cannot help but believe that my continued membership in IVAW would make me complicit in an organization that is supporting the rants of a radical who calls for the killing of U.S. soldiers. IVAW’s failure to condemn this position is not only at odds with the values of a veterans’ organization, but is also completely at odds with the values of a PEACE organization. Moreover, I cannot reconcile the glaring hypocrisy of IVAW’s tolerance of one members call for violence while simultaneously condemning the government for resorting to it.

In short, I have to be true to myself as an ACTUAL Iraq veteran (unlike Webb and Chiroux) who opposes the war in Iraq. I also have to be true to my fellow brothers and sisters who are still deployed in that warzone. In so doing, I cannot, in good conscience, maintain my association with IVAW. I am deeply saddened by the fact that I believe IVAW has not only failed me as a member, but it has also failed the hundreds of thousands of servicemembers who served (and continue to serve) in this unjust war by allowing itself to lose sight of its original purpose. I hope IVAW asks itself for whom and for what it is truly advocating and why because I can assure you that many of your original and core members cannot answer that question with any certainty today.

SSG Jeffrey C. Peskoff (Ret.)

Iraq War Veteran

US Army

So, I gave the IVAW a chance to boot Carl Webb from the organization several weeks back and they didn’t take advantage of the opportunity, now they lose another member – one of the people who had actually gone to the war and lent them a bit of his credibility. They are quickly becoming nothing more than the Veterans For Peace – a bunch of people who were in the military during the time of war, but never went to the war. They’re going to have to change their name to Iraq Evaders Against the War since, aside from a few, that’s all they’re going to have left.

It’s going to be a cold, dark affair in College Park, Maryland next month at the IVAW convention. Those of you real veterans who had planned on taking the organization back from the International Socialist Movement are going to have a tougher job ahead of you with the dwindling real veteran membership.

But, buck up! Carl Webb tells me he’ll be there – he knows where all of the free meals are;


Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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The irony is that the never-deployed fake Iraq vets are probably crooning about how they’re better off less one vet uncommitted to “the movement.”


How much longer will ArmySgt stay with these guys? I mean how much faith can you have left after all that has happend?


Well when your train gets hijacked you have three choices.
1. fight
2. play sheep
3. jump

It’s good to see that the peoplethat can truly call themselves combat veterans are not choosing option 2!
I guess their is a little fire in their belly after all.


Good question. The answer is that after the IVAW convention, I will give you and everyone else my answer on how much faith i have. Don’t worry, it’s only a month away.


Look forward to i. Iknow our opinion differ onIraq, but I thin you can do better then these guys. Good luck in that endever.


I dissent, BUT, IVAW simply has too many Reds in the background and many members want to undermine military discipline. Based on what history teaches us, any nation that doesn’t have the means to defend itself gets conquered and frog marched into slavery, PERIOD. Change the military structure & quit playing Globo-cop, yes, destroy the military Hell no.

Any time Reds come to power, they bump off any one who assisted them who doesn’t adhere to communism. The Bolsheviks did this to the Mensheviks, the NVA did this to the non-communist elements of the VC, etc-etc.

John Grant

I don’t follow this blog but I do catch it now & then. I wanted to correct a glaring error in fact. You say: “They are quickly becoming nothing more than the Veterans For Peace – a bunch of people who were in the military during the time of war, but never went to the war.” That statement is like me saying you — who I don’t know — eat psychedelic toadstools and live in a fantasy world. But I wouldn’t say that. I’ve been in Veterans For Peace for 24 years, and I’m a Vietnam veteran living a complex life just like you. Several close friends of mine in VFP were all shot up in Vietnam. The organization has many combat veterans, one with a Medal Of Honor and one who spent eight years as a POW in the Hanoi Hilton.

I don’t expect you to like what we believe and fight for, but at least get your facts straight. Have a nice day.

Jonn wrote: When your public face is folks like Doug Zachary, Ward Reilly and Jim Goodenow, I do have my facts straight. You can search this blog on their names and find that none of them are combat veterans but they like to play combat veterans in public. I’d sure like the names of your POW and your Medal of Honor recipient, though.



You’ve also got a lot of nuts who’ve seen as much of Vietnam as I have (History Channel and the USMC Museum). There’s an old proverb involving dogs, fleas, and associations.


If the medal of honor is Smedley Butlet again, I may have to Axe somebody.


He’s probably referring to Charles Liteky if I had to guess.

John Grant

I’m not going to play your game and mention anyone’s name so you can try to humiliate them. If you think right-wing, pro-war “patriot” veterans are all knife-in-the-teeth combat heroes you’re, indeed, living in a world of fantasy.

Carl Webb

Yes Raissi, Iraq war vets that never-deployed to go kill innocent people are crooning about how we’re better now that another conservative is leaving.

Another Disgrunted ex-IVAW "member"

This guy must be retarded. Webb, do you really think I’m a conservative? Than you obviously don’t know me.

And your definitly not a liberal. You stick with IVAW, keep speaking out for them, that’s really worked. HAH!!!


You never served in Iraq, Webb. You left the military over a decade ago. Even by IVAW’s bullshit standard for christening people “Iraq veterans,” you don’t measure up.

Carl Webb

If you don’t believe in the right to self-determination, then you are a conservative. No I’m not a liberal. I’m a Marxist. And I have yet to see CRaissi’s discharge papers.


How about this; go no North Korea and see how it works out there.


Actually, I was still in the military when I joined IVAW. My proof of service was a scanned image of my military ID. If you want my information, you can fill out a FOIA request. Unlike what happens when people ask for your service records, mine will show that I served after 9/11 and also served in Iraq.