Iraq Veterans Against the War
*Yawn* Emma Kaplan compares the troops to nazis
The other day I wrote about Emma Kaplan and her vacuous call to action against the troops at Fort Hood’s 3rd ACR. Well, she couldn’t let it go at that, i suppose, and had to take that final step to compare US troops to Nazis; These american “soldiers” are not serving ” us” They are […]
Under the Hood; SSDD
In case you’re interested in the Deviants or Disobedients or Defoliants or whatever they are at Under the Hood and their protest at Fort Hood today, there are some really boring “livestreaming” at UStream. Casey Porter Casey J Porter says their internet connection was shut down (probably because their audience had a bout of narcolepsy), […]
Sergeant complains his troops aren’t trained for deployment
One of the “actions” that IVAW is planning for this weekend is the deployment of Indiana-based 656th Transportation Company. According to one of their so-called Non-commissioned Officers, SGT Alejandro Villatoro, his troops aren’t trained for the up-coming mission to Afghanistan; The main reason I am doing this is that I want people to know the […]
How to not support the troops
Emma Kaplan, the national student/youth coordinator for World Can’t Wait!, has an article on Salon supporting the Under the Hood Cafe/IVAW protests planned this weekend against the 3rd ACR’s deployment to the war against terror. In the article, Kaplan writes about the message her own organization is bringing to the protest; World Can’t Wait will […]
IVAW is cookin’ up stuff for Fort Hood
Several people have sent me screen shots and text from several places on the internet about IVAW and Under the Hood Cafe and their plans for a protest this weekend at Fort Hood. This is from an IVAW newsletter; That caught my eye because out of a supposed number of 1700 members, they were bragging […]
James Branum the big-hearted leech
We haven’t had an opportunity to discuss James Branum (background here and here) lately because I’d heard he’d been keeping his nose clean and actually helped soldiers instead of getting them tossed in jail for “The Cause” and story lines for Dahr Jamail. But someone sent me this link to his website “GI Rights lawyer” […]
Ann Wright arms our enemies
The hard Left doesn’t admit that they arm our enemies with propaganda demonstrations. One of our readers, TD, sent me a series of videos and links of Ann Wright (I wrote about Wright a few months ago). Here are some of the stuff TD sent. Wright recruits for the next Gaza flotilla; Wright tells us […]
Turning up the heat
Under the Hood’s den of pirates is cranking up the heat on the Army’s 3rd Armored Cavarly Regiment at Fort Hood by calling nationwide for participants in their protest against the 3rd ACR’s deployment on the 22nd; Of course, using the image of soldiers loading on aircraft with missing limbs and wrapped in straitjackets by […]
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