Ann Wright arms our enemies
The hard Left doesn’t admit that they arm our enemies with propaganda demonstrations. One of our readers, TD, sent me a series of videos and links of Ann Wright (I wrote about Wright a few months ago). Here are some of the stuff TD sent. Wright recruits for the next Gaza flotilla;
Wright tells us how scary it was for her to be on a ship in the last flotilla, even though she wasn’t on the boat that was raided by Israeli commandos;
Yesterday, CNN reported that Ayman al-Zawahiri, reportedly al Qaeda’s #2 man, spoke out to Muslim Turks on the subject of the Gaza flotilla;
In an audio message released Sunday, a speaker identified as al Qaeda’s second-in-command offers condolences to the Turkish people on the loss of nine activists in a May 31 Israeli raid on an aid flotilla headed for Gaza.
The incident badly frayed Israel’s once-close relationship with Turkey. The speaker, who was identified as Ayman al-Zawahiri, said in the message the incident underscores the need for Turkey to stop cooperating with or recognizing Israel.
Of course, that’s the intention of Wright and the organizations to which she belongs. Ann Wright, a former Army colonel and member of Code Pink, Vets for Freedom Peace, Iraq veterans Against the War, World Can’t Wait and who knows how many other organizations which are tied to the Maoist ANSWER and the Revolutionary Communist Party, has no problem providing our enemies with propaganda moments. In fact they see it as their duty to arm our enemies and destroy our fragile coalition.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects
Ann Wright can do or say whatever the fuck she wants. But so can I.
The Buddy Fucker Extraordiaire Certificate of Merit goes to…
Ann Wright is a disgrace to the United States Army, comrades and Country. Her affiliations to communist, marxist and socialist organizations are akin to treason in the service of the Country, the people and Freedom. There is no allegiance seen as the supporting and defending of the US Constitution has been clearly violated. As such, recognition is given to Ann Wright, buddy fucker extraordinaire for failed understanding of what Duty, Honor, Country and freedom are.
PS…My kid *just* called me on her way out of town, wearing my RangerUp T that said “Freedom isn’t Free, I paid for it” and some freak approached her and said, “How much was it?”
My kid, a chip off the old parent block said,”Well, apparently you still get to talk like an ignorant asshole, is that enough for you?”
Heh. She’ll be going to school on ROTC Scholarship…
…member of Vets for Freedom?…
Is that right, Jonn?
My mistake, I was typing too fast – it’s supposed to be Vets for Peace.
I just finished up Christopher Hitchens memoir, he famously being an old Trotskyist who has gone on to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The more interesting bits of the book have to do with this transition. His complaint is that, especially around the Palestine issue, the arguments employed were less and less about freedom and justice, and more and more about being sectarian and tribalistic. He also complained about the annoying habit of people like Chomskey and Vidal to reflexively believe anything America does is inherently wrong, which often puts them in what should be the embarrassing position of supporting the tyranny and oppression their entire movements are supposed to be about.
So I can’t help but see these protests and chuckle. Do they really think that if they succeeded in helping Palestine achieve its goals, some glorious worker’s paradise, rather than an insane theocracy, would take the place of the conflict that now exists?
Ann Wright is so awesome, thanks for the vids 🙂
Is that you, Alvin Greene?
This is one of those examples of despite the service to our country, just because one wore the uniform doesn’t mean they can’t be a douchetool as well, especially after they’ve left.
I really wonder what happened to Ann Wright.
With her experience and connections, she could certainly use her position and knowlege to further the anti-war movement in very high, legitimate spheres of influence; yet, she aligns herself with grandstanding fringe elements that only bring disrepute on the anti-war movement. She certainly has to be aware of how she is currently viewed.
What in the world can she possibly be thinking?
She’s not a member of IVAW either. Is IVAW on your mind so much it’s like Freudian slips?
She claimed to be at one point AS. You sure she isn’t?
I don’t think she’s eligible. She was a diplomat, not a soldier, post 9/11. She’s worked with IVAW, but I don’t think it’d be possible for her to be a member. When did you see her call herself that? I don’t think I’ve ever heard it.
Well, AS, she should be eligible since she was still in the reserves until December 13th 2001, according to her file.
“I don’t think she’s eligible.”
Hasn’t stopped most of the members you have now.
Oh, and the Google–it is your friend…
“Wright took part in a September 15, 2007 protest march and die-in on the steps of the United States Capitol Building, organized by the ANSWER Coalition and Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). She was arrested for stepping over the wall after several IVAW and Veterans for Peace members were arrested.[citation needed] Here is a link to YouTube video of those arrests that clearly show Ann Wright being arrested by Capitol Police:
Membership? Semantics–she’s worked with IVAW enough, wouldn’t you say? Try some of the videos posted on After Downing Street’s website as well.