*Yawn* Emma Kaplan compares the troops to nazis

| August 23, 2010

The other day I wrote about Emma Kaplan and her vacuous call to action against the troops at Fort Hood’s 3rd ACR. Well, she couldn’t let it go at that, i suppose, and had to take that final step to compare US troops to Nazis;

These american “soldiers” are not serving ” us” They are serving the interests of Empire. They are engaged in an illegal, illegitimate war and people need to stand up and say no. And frankly, the whole excuse of “I was just following orders” was used during Nazi Germany and it is nota legitimate excuse for the bombing of wedding parties, the use of torture and killing children etc. This IS what is happening in Iraq. People need to be protesting the government and the military that is carrying out these crimes. It is necessary for people to critize [sic] the military and stop them if what they are doing is wrong.
Emma Kaplan
August 21, 2010 12:32 AM

Of course, little princess Emma has never been to the theater of operations, never met a soldier who wasn’t against the war (she accompanies Matthis and Robin Long on their high school road show) so it’s easy for her to condemn the troops for doing their job and call them names. She has yet to provide a shred of proof that the war is “illegal, illegitimate” – it’s all just empty words for which she takes no responsibility. Pampered little rich girl that she is.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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arg. what a nasty piece of work. 🙁 you get any word these people are coming my way, let me know.


Its amazing how the left considers troops both victims and criminals at the same time.


“We support the troops, when we’re not stabbing them in the back.” At least that would be (slightly) more honest.

Memo to lefties: Do I question your patriotism? Absofuckinlutely.

Casey J Porter

Yeah, we are all rapists and murders, but they want to help us because we are victims???

Southern Class

“Pampered little Rich Girl,” you say……….. H’mmm, wonder what matthis sees in her? (eyeroll)


Honestly…are all of these folks members of the Flat Earth Society, as well? It would be right up their alley!


Wow, so someone tell me please, when was I alleged to be doing that, I mean was that BEFORE or AFTER I was winning the Hearts and Minds of the populace?


I posted at length ‘neath Emma’s blog detailing, with links, the hypocrisy of Matthis and Elaine, her WCW buddies.

Naturally, she removed the post. Poor self-deluded bitch can’t handle the truth.


““Pampered little Rich Girl,” you say……….. H’mmm, wonder what matthis sees in her? (eyeroll”

Hmmmm…she’s three hole qualified?