Under the Hood; SSDD

| August 22, 2010

In case you’re interested in the Deviants or Disobedients or Defoliants or whatever they are at Under the Hood and their protest at Fort Hood today, there are some really boring “livestreaming” at UStream. Casey Porter Casey J Porter says their internet connection was shut down (probably because their audience had a bout of narcolepsy), Casey wrote on his Facebook page that the event was underwhelming. I think he was being generous.

They claim they’re going to take direct action by blocking the buses with their bodies in about an hour…good for them. I’m sure that will stop an armor regiment. The latest word on their little chat room is that the Army changed it’s schedule because they’re frightened of a bunch of anarchist pussies hopped up on free coffee.

Mostly the videos are of Matthis making out with the sound of his own voice. I put a link to the videos below the jump because it starts by itself;

Free TV : Ustream

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Operator Dan

Still waiting on the names of those wounded soldiers UTH….


you’re just jealous, big john


So he is proud that their actions made the Army change the time of the bus departures to the middle of the night so they can’t be sent off by their families.

How does this support or help Soldiers?

Can anyone explain this to me please, I just can’t make sense of the logic he is spewing.

Bubblehead Ray

I thought it was “Distainers of Deodorant”


Party’s over, Matthis. Take the hint. You’ve overstayed your welcome.


Bubblehead–every time I think of “protesters” lying down in front of large objects I think of the idiot who laid down in front of a train coming out of the Naval Weapons Station at Concord and got his legs cut off. IIRC, the same thing happened to a nuke protester in France a few years back as well. I’m guessing that videos of those incidents should have been shown to our IVAW/ISO/mental deficients just to give them a little clue.

Nothing like Darwinism to cull the herd.

Bubblehead Ray

You got that right Sparky. LOL


Frickin’ pussies.


yall are such warm kind hearted people


We never claimed otherwise, but we will point out every flaw in each and every one of you when such groups like Under the Hood is doing their best to insult those one what is quite possibly one of the most stressful days in a person’s military career.
All for seeking another 15 minutes of publicity.

So do not expect kind words from us about anyone or anything associated with Under the Hood/IVAW. You will live, I promise you. So get over it.


NHSparky- I remember that guy at NWS-Concord. The hippies from Berkley would gather their forces and protest arms shipments to Central America. A friend and I went out one morning and counter-protested, a la Protest Warrior style. 2 vs 750. We had them a bit outnumbered. We missed the protest where the dumbass had his legs cutoff because we were both off at Basic/Boot Camp. I protested again later that same yr, carrying signs that mocked them- “More Arms, Less Legs”. Drove the hippies nutz. Funny thing is that the same tired slogans that were used during Vietnam were used on us. Flash forward 20 yrs and we see the enemy, I mean hippies, using the same verbiage.


Chase–stupidity SHOULD be painful.


Its funny you guys just assumed (correctly) I was being sarcastic because you are so hateful than no one could ever seriously say that to you. That is the difference between us.

Chuck Z


The only warm hearts you’ll find here are the ones pulled, still beating, from hippies chests.



@Chase –

“yall are such warm kind hearted people”

“Its funny you guys just assumed (correctly) I was being sarcastic because you are so hateful that no one could ever seriously say that to you. That is the difference between us.”

Ok…judging you by those posts I’d say you’re a pompous ass… a “kind hearted” pompous ass.


and you are happy as thousands upon thousands of innocent men women and children die in the wars you glorify. okay so I can be pompous; you support mass murder. I guess you’re the bigger dick, if thats the contest. bravo.


Chase, didn’t mommy tell you not to post on the Internet without her supervision? Run along now, child–the adults are trying to have a conversation here.

Oh yeah–and eat a dick.


“and you are happy as thousands upon thousands of innocent men women and children die in the wars you glorify. okay so I can be pompous; you support mass murder. I guess you’re the bigger dick, if thats the contest. bravo.”

Loving the “mass murder” claim. but besides that– what does making life a living hell for the families of those being deployed help for your supposed cause. the fact that they are happy that the Army changed the schedule shows how stupid and what “dicks” (your word) your guys really are. You didn’t stop ANYTHING. You just made it harder on the families. Stupid, Stupid, self-absorbed DICKS.


I doubt I have to point this out, but I will anyway.
What UtH and the others are doing has NOTHING to do with supporting the troops.

It has EVERYTHING to do with demoralizing them.


You all will “support” them right to their graves.

And I am not someone at UTH.


And it’s obvious you’ve never served, either, Chase.


Wake UP, Chase. Our nation and way of life face an imminent threat from a foreign enemy. Are people dying in the conflict, on both sides? Yes. Are more people going to die if the threat isn’t stopped? You better believe it.

And I’ll whip out my crystal ball and give you another prediction. Even if we withdraw next summer, we’ll be fighting in the Middle East again inside of ten years. That is because, while we would like to stop fighting, they WON’T. If we leave there, THEY’LL COME HERE.


Let’s just presume for the sake of argument that I’m against the war Chase. How does anything that these assholes did this weekend make one iota of difference or contribute to ending it? This is the same shit that’s been going on for at least seven years, ‘cept that now all the democrat sycophants have disappeared, since it’s no longer cool on college campuses to criticize the president. A number of the people associated with UtH, WCW, IVAW, and the like have explicitly decried those who attempt to work within the legislative process as “selling out.” The brunt of their activist repertoire seems to be standing around corners with signs and yelling a bunch of simplistic phrases that demonstrate no greater understanding of the intricacies of history and foreign policy at play here than the average jingo with a yellow ribbon magnet who couldn’t find Iraq on a map. Take pictures and video. Upload to facebook and youtube. Call everyone in disagreement a war criminal, a nazi, a killer, and then bitch that the mass media doesn’t cover your petulant antics enough. These people pride themselves on being “radical” in their actions. They have no plan, no interest in what happens if their demands are met, and no concept of long-term consequences. They want the war to end NOW! much like a child wants a cookie. This is to say nothing of the fact that they are populated with liars, hypocrites, frauds and idealists who love their rhetoric but can’t explain themselves when pressed. Bobby Whittenberg wants “revolution” but won’t tell anyone what that means. Elaine Brower calls Marines baby killers, except her son who is a hero and an expert at fighting terrorism because he served in Iraq. Matthis twists words and plays on ignorance of military life to paint a picture of himself as a war veteran and an expert on the “occupation” when he’s never heard a shot fired in anger. So, even if one were against the war, one could not help but be disgusted by the behavior of those who have tried to corner the… Read more »


You make interesting points. Well until it devolves into fuckity fuckisms. But seriously, you do. Carrying on with this hypothetical, if you were against the war, if you were strongly anti-war, what WOULD you do? What is legitimate and meaningful action? I am honestly curious.


Pardon my fuckisms; sometimes a curse word is more effective in its succinctness than ten of the FCC-approved words.

Believe me, I’ve asked myself those questions; the answer doesn’t come easily. However, I do believe that engaging the political process will ALWAYS be more effective than a bunch of narcissists advocating half-assed forms of protest that make them feel great, give them all something to add to their activist resumes, and don’t change a damn thing. I guess that makes me a sell-out in their eyes. Or it would, if I had ever bought in.

Of course, if they are really committed to radical action, they could follow in the footsteps of Thich Quang Duc. THAT is radical action that shows commitment to a cause; getting tattoos and sticking Anti-flag stickers on your guitar is not.



“Ok…judging you by those posts I’d say you’re a pompous ass… a “kind hearted” pompous ass.”

“and you are happy as thousands upon thousands of innocent men women and children die in the wars you glorify. okay so I can be pompous; you support mass murder. I guess you’re the bigger dick, if thats the contest. bravo.”

Sorry…did I hit on a tinder nerve? Did my one post really seem to “glorify war” and “support mass murder”? Or do you just think that of anyone who isn’t nice to you? I can be against glorifying war or mass murder AND still think of you as a pompous ass can’t I? As for being the bigger dick…you bet I am 😛


Damn, retards, it’s “One, two, three, four, we don’t want your f*cking war!” Get it right!