IVAW is cookin’ up stuff for Fort Hood

| August 19, 2010

Several people have sent me screen shots and text from several places on the internet about IVAW and Under the Hood Cafe and their plans for a protest this weekend at Fort Hood. This is from an IVAW newsletter;

That caught my eye because out of a supposed number of 1700 members, they were bragging about “over 20 members” they had on a conference call. That’s pretty weak numbers, guys. That’s 1.1% of your membership. Losing your cachet?

Of course, the Maoist-founded World Can’t Wait is in on the act, too;

They’re so confused, they call the 3rd ACR, the 3rd Battalion. There aren’t any line battalions in an Armored Cavalry Regiment. I’m no Cav guy, but I’m pretty sure line battalions are called squadrons. But what do you expect of people who can’t take the time to understand the issue they’re protesting – they’re certainly not going to take the time to get to know the people they’re ostensibly protecting, are they?

This last bit was lifted from matthis’ Facebook page;

Attention Activists:

There are only a few days left before actions kick off at Fort Hood Aug. 22 opposing the deployment of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment to Iraq.

We will be engaging in radical direct action of which optional elements may risk minor legal ramifications. This is a multi-faceted action with various degrees of potential risk, and individuals unable to take on such risks are as needed as those who are. However, we have never won anything without sacrifice. We have never influenced our government by behaving submissively.

Only weeks after announcing the 2nd “end” of combat operations in Iraq, the U.S. is preparing to deploy a combat unit to Iraq yet again. We know their claims are a semantics game; a rebranding of the same old bloody occupation. This time, however, we say “No More!”

Thus far, all of our cleverly worded signs and chants have unsurprisingly failed to halt the biggest war machine in history. It is long past time we move beyond protest to resistance. We now ask not only for your signs and banners but for your bodies and your raised fists. Please stand with us at Fort Hood as we engage in direct action to jam the gears of the US Empire’s War Machine.

There will be a final organizing meeting the evening of Saturday, August 21st at 8pm in the Killeen, Texas, area. Following this meeting, all participants will need to remain in the area for the next 24 hours. Contact forthooddisobeys@hushmail.com with your name, a brief bio and the degree to which you are interested in participating for more information and to learn the location of the meeting. Lodging can be provided on a first come, first serve basis. Contact us now to RSVP.

This struggle must be waged here in our military community. Marches in Washington and New York can only do so much. Our Soldiers must see us in THEIR streets waging just struggle in the defense of human life. Only then will they find the courage to disobey Fort Hood.

In Struggle,

The Disobedient

The “disobedient” child-followers of the Matthis crowd (mob) are hoping to get arrested. Of course, they’re going to continue to break laws and push the edge of the envelope because no one ever punishes them. How many times have IVAW members been arrested and the prosecutors drop charges? Countless. Of course, now they’re in Texas, and in a military town – things might be a bit different.

Here’s a hint for those IVAW members who sending their bios to the “hush mail” account…it’s not as secure as you think it is…but, hey, you know more than I know. Go ahead. I’m just an old, ignorant war monger who spreads propaganda and rumors about IVAW. So knock yourself out.

This has Seth Manzel’s fingerprints all over it – he led the protests in Washington State trying to block the deployment of the Stryker Brigade there. That didn’t work either. But, hey, you guys go ahead and get yourselves arrested for yet another hare-brained scheme of Matthis and Bobby Whittenberg. Of course, their lives are over – they’re the Bill Perry and Ward Reilly of their generation. Go ahead and throw in with them and see where it gets you.


Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Hmmm… trying to get arrested in Texas. Not smart. But then, we are talking about Matthis and his disciples. No surprise.

‘Raised fists’ — how cliche


“Thus far, all of our cleverly worded signs and chants have unsurprisingly failed to halt the biggest war machine in history. It is long past time we move beyond protest to resistance. We now ask not only for your signs and banners but for your bodies and your raised fists.”

Translation: “We acknowledge our methods are ineffective and lame, so please join us as we continue to use those same ineffective methods, plus a couple more guaranteed to get you arrested.”


I dont agree with them, but I respect their willingness to put themselves on the line for what they believe. I have less contempt for this than hippy sign and flag waving. But we will see.

Anyone know how TX tends to handle this stuff? I mean its a pretty tough state right?


Chase; why should it matter how TX handles it? If you really believe in the cause, it shouldn’t matter how tough Texas deals with losers; should it?

Old Tanker

They wouldn’t put up with this crap in Killeen when I was there, but that was over 20 years ago….

Army Sergeant

For God’s sake, Seth Manzel is not the ridiculous-protest IVAW boogeyman. Matthis is completely capable of coming up with that protest idea and language unaided. While I generally do not agree with Seth’s politics or actions, they are also generally practical and relatively well thought out, as well as open to all. These protests are also happening in Texas, not Washington State. This doesn’t have even the tiniest hint of his thoughts or beliefs. In fact, this protest is completely unique to Under the Hood, not IVAW, in that I’ve never seen any other protest /ever/ require fucking /bios/ and /special selection/ for participation. Or requiring a 24 hour sleepout so no one can spill their plans. Nothing anyone in the antiwar movement does requires that much secrecy.

Nor is the protest that Matthis is referring to the work of the Right to Heal campaign. I know because I was on that conference call, and it was well attended for what it was supposed to be. Not everyone participating in the campaign was on that call. It wasn’t for everyone who will act on it, it was for people volunteering and working on specific tasks. It is also a really noble effort. It is very strategic and well thought out. Under the Hood is creating a local action run by people who quit or threatened to quit because IVAW isn’t ridiculous enough for them. Don’t confuse the two.

Army Sergeant

The only relation this protest has to the Right to Heal campaign is the “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest” aspect. Someone had a wish or an idea, and someone else went off the beaten track carrying it out.



AS, I keep holding out hope that one of these days I’m gonna log on here and see that you’ve finaly decided to drop the Jr. politics and support soldiers the way you’ve said you wanted. Instead I get here and see you continuing to carry water for an organization that is obviously corrupt. Why?

Robert Chiroux

“Demo-Crack”, “De-Mock-racy”, come on. No skills, no education, no credibility, no recognizable contribution to society but “This is where you take your stand”. All this nonsense is like reading Cervantes. Don Matthis de Disobedient questing for relevance, tilting at gate guards, struggling to resist. There are better ways to make a positive impact on the world and our country. Healthy debate is good for a free society, but this is silly.


Wow! Twenty members were in a conference call and the campaign is gathering steam. Steam for what? Having twenty-five people on the next phone call?

Give me a break.


“Anyone know how TX tends to handle this stuff? I mean its a pretty tough state right?”


Hmm, picture didn’t work. I was going to say:


Casey J Porter

I’d like all of you to take a look at what IVAW is sending out to it’s membership in regards to their campaign to help Soldiers…

“Phase 3 is used to announce the target and demand a dialogue. In this phase, the dialogue is expected to fail, but we will be prepared to take major nonviolent direct action to force a stop to deployment of traumatized troops.”

Demand? Yeah, demand and watch what happens. Clearly, IVAW plans on failing when they expect their demands to fall on def ears. As well they should because IVAW and Under The Hood already screwed up this golden opportunity. The Post Commander reached out to them some months ago, an unheard of move, and even unpopular with his peers. What happened? The IVAW members and UtH screwed it all up by acting like fools. Clearly, Soldiers are not a real concern. I’m curious Army Sergent, how is the chain of command suppose to listen to IVAW’s concerns, even while you say UtH is doing it own thing with one of your board members there, and posting things like this on the IVAW site:


Casey J Porter

Now Army Sergent will defend IVAW and tell us all how they do help Soldiers. However she will not provide names, testimonials, or any other relevant info. She will be vague and indirect and we are to take that as fact. Then she will defend Seth Manzel, a person who told me IVAW is only a means to an end. Of course AS will call me a liar again. True, I have no proof, so it is all up to you.

However, I can provide proof they do not take care of their own. Anyone remember Trey the former board member and IVAW member who lives in a shelter? Out of their half a million a year budget they couldn’t scrape up enough money to help him? Oh, that’s right! IVAW members what to have their HQ and live in one of the most expensive cities in the country, driving up their overhead costs! Screw their homeless members, right?


What do they have to protest? The last ‘Combat’ Troops just pulled out of Saigon…er…I mean Baghdad..er…Iraq, today.

They should change their names to Could have been Iraq Veterans Against pretty much anything that has to do with War.


Casey J Porter

I think it’s disgustingly hypocritical that IVAW plans to fight against Military Sexual Trauma when one of their board members is a self-admitted rapist. What does IVAW tell Soldiers?

“Speak out against sex crimes if you serve! You have an obligation! Join IVAW though and we will give you a free pass for hurting Women. You will be a hero!”


OK, so VWNDIOA (“Veterans” Who Never Deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan) are going to do exactly what – make a very difficult day for deploying soldiers more difficult? This is going to change what? Granted I am not a veteran, but both of my business partners are and they tell me this would not have made them feel supported, but rather really pissed them off. This is not about supporting soldiers, it is about the grandiose self-importance of Mathtis and his buddies. This kind of crap only further inflates their already over-large egos. I hope the police and district attorney in TX explain the true illegality of their actions and throw the book at them. Maybe some time in a TX prison would cause them to reevaluate their importance in the universe.

Casey J Porter

This weekend, I support police brutality. HAHAHAHA

Just kidding.


Cervantes? Had to google that one, Dr. Chiroux.

Translation for those of us that DON’T come from a ‘poor white southern family’… Miguel de Cervantes wrote Don Quixote. ‘Tilting at Gate Guards’ — that’s funny. 🙂


I just had a total nerdgasm over the Quixote analogy. 😀

That made my day.

Casey J Porter

Susan, it’s because most of these “activists” never have deployed so they don’t know what it’s like. Or they simply do not care.


Since I already FT Hood views this blog, I have to ask, why does the CO of 3 ACR *think* he can approach these *critters* in the first place?

With all due respect; Are you *frigging* nuts, sir?

These people are COMMUNIST, sir. There is no bargaining with them. The only thing they will understand is a royal butt kicking, one they’ve yet to have delivered upon their heaven ranks.

Beings I’ve got the weekend off, and our troops can’t lay a hand on them, I do hereby solemnly swear to *violate* the *criminal* rights of this IVAW crew. Show up boys n girls, I’ll gladly be double your worst trouble 😉

So help me God.


PS: These asshat’s won’t get anywhere near the troops deployment. Even if they try, their in for one hell of a surprise, LOL.


Hey, Doc C? Ya need me to deliver a message to sonny boy while I’m at it? Like call mom n dad? Tell ’em your sowwy yer being such a chit ball?

garryowen, sir!


that should have been heathen ranks, heaven *erf*

Southern Class

This whole worn out protest thing? Is this the best that these dopes can do with their sorry lives? A bunch of sissy drama queens and Startimers, all scratching and gouging on eachother for a better piece of the limelight. How phucking petty. Active, inactive, closet, whatever; anyone who would belong to or even associate with them is severely challenged.
But whatever, let them further degrade themselves, erode the morale of soldiers heading into harms way, and let the press expand their numbers to further embolden the enemy, (whether the pissants at Idiotic Vermin And Wankers do anything or not.),and when they find themselves bruised and bleeding from all that protest pushing and shoving I will call the WAAAAmbulance for them.


Now everybody,

Please stop talking about beating up harmless protesters. This is just the type of violence generated on milblogs that Craig Hooper was talking about. You should be ashamed of yourselves 🙂

Besides anyone even touching them would actually give them the attention they want. If they get PTSD from hearing about combat, imagine what a real butt kicking would do. They would be on every new agency howling about the brutality and the system trying to shut them down.

Just let them muster in the abandoned convienence store parking lot and remain invisible while they fight the machine and give each other fist pumps.

Casey J Porter

On Salon.com a message of support for this weekend was posted and it contained this:

“What Are They Deploying For? Murder, Rape, Torture, War!” – From a World Can’t Wait chant they do at protest.

I guess it’s ok to rape if your name is Matthis though.


Link Casey?

Casey J Porter

Call Under The Hood Cafe and let them know what you think.



Casey, I thought you used to support UtH? What made you change your mind?

Doc Bailey

holy shit John people are spamming the fuck out of your blog!

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