Iraq Veterans Against the War
IVAW is OK with the Taliban
TJ Buonomo, a long-time meber of the Iraq Veterans Against the War, but not an Iraq veteran, writes on their website; On 8 March 2011, IVAW requested that Senator Diane Feinstein, Chairwoman of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, request declassification of intelligence reports on the Taliban and Al Qaeda. To date there has been insufficient […]
TSO sent me a link from the Iraq Veterans Against the War website to a report from Wes Davey, the Herbert the Pervert of IVAW. Here’s the video; And Davey’s report; I was in Madison on Saturday when Iraq Veterans Against the War group was invited to speak. The crowd went crazy when we filed […]
Travis Bishop, American Idol
I guess being a deserter and an ex-con wasn’t paying off for IVAW’s Travis Bishop;
Our newest fan
One of our ninjas sent us this screen shot of some smelly hippies who Google their names and land on my weekend post; I don’t mind being called a douche, but at least they could characterize the conversation correctly. Honestly, I don’t see anyone calling for the murder of Egyptian protesters. But I doubt the […]
“Loose Change” producer arrested for drugs
Old Trooper and 1stCavRVN11B sent us links to articles (Fox News and Free Republic)about Army veteran Korey Rowe, one of the producers for the “Loose Change” 9-11 conspiracy film who was arrested for selling drugs to an undercover cop in his hometown, Oneonta, NY; Oneonta police tell the Daily Star of Oneonta that 27-year-old Korey […]
Protesting from a safe distance
Someone sent me this video of a protest or something in Austin in support of the riots in Egypt; Hundreds show solidarity with Egypt: A couple of things bother me about the video. One is that Karen Burke, an IVAW groupie, appears in the video. I wonder what her involvement is all about. Another […]
At the intersection of Stupid Street and Lunatic Lane
TSO sent me a link to a Veterans Today article supporting Iraq Veterans Against the War’s stand that “President Showed He Is out of Touch with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans“. How is he “out of touch”? Well because; …the [SOTU] speech showed the president is out of touch with the rough reality facing veterans, and […]
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