Iraq Veterans Against the War
Matthis still in your school talking to your kids
In an article posted today on the “We Are Not Your Soldiers” website, Matthis brags about how he converted some students to his anti-recruiter campaign in Manhattan earlier; Matthis, explained that recruiters will prey on the youth, as young as it takes to get them interested in joining the “delayed entry program” so that by […]
Kokesh fully embraces DADT repeal
Tell me that doesn’t look like the banner for a gay dating website. One of my ninjas who is upset that Kokesh keeps sending him shit sent that to us. I explained that TSO and i were tossed onto his mailing list, too. Somehow we got removed when we used old blog posts to sabotage […]
Matthis in your school talking to your kids (Video updated)
This is from a session Matthis had with high school students in Brattleboro Union High School in Brattleboro, Vermont [(802) 257-7335 131 Fairground Rd, Brattleboro, VT]; Elaine Brower changed the settings on the original video so we couldn’t watch it, but, thanks to NotSoOldMarine who sent me a copy of the video, I put it […]
The tortuous debate about torture
The CIA Director has admitted that, to a point, “harsh interrogayion methods” were used with some success in the bin :aden operation. According to the Washington Times, Panetta said; CIA Director Leon E. Panetta said some threads of intelligence among the multiple origins came through the use of harsh interrogation. “Clearly, some of it came […]
Matthis the “Deather”
One of my ninjas sent us these screen shots of Matthis calling BS on the death of bin Laden – probably using his skills as a CSI – something else he’s never done. Why would they need to do an autopsy, Matthis? They know how he died – there’s video of him getting a pair […]
IVAW’s Daniel Fanning for Congress
Dave Thul of True North sent us link to his post about Daniel Fanning, an IVAW member, and an Al Franken staffer, who is contemplating a run at the Minnesota 8th Congressional District seat now occupied by Chip Cravaak, a Republican – the first Republican in that seat since 1947. There’s a “Draft Daniel Fanning […]
Say what McCord?
Recently a short film was released for a film festival in New York called “Incident in New Baghdad.” A short film about “Collateral Murder” video. While I have huge doubts when the producer, James Spione says that this is not a anti-military film. But what gets my attention is a sudden change in tone from […]
Jimbo vs Kokesh on RT tonight
Round One; Round Two; Mr. James Hanson, aka Mr. Cordial, emails to tell us he’ll be on Russia TV tonight with Adam Kokesh to discuss and school the youngsters on Bradley Manning and torture. He promises to “go all in Jack Bauer”. If you miss the show, Mr. Hanson promises video tomorrow.
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