Matthis the “Deather”
One of my ninjas sent us these screen shots of Matthis calling BS on the death of bin Laden – probably using his skills as a CSI – something else he’s never done.
Why would they need to do an autopsy, Matthis? They know how he died – there’s video of him getting a pair of lead injections. I guess all of that VA money for your education went to waste. Notice that Ethan McCord of “Collateral Murder” fame and IVAW’s Seth Manzel both “liked” his post.
Now, he’s traveled the world and you Americans are the worst people in it;
The great thing about America is that you’re free to leave anytime you want, boy-o. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects
Anyone who makes that many references to gay butt rape has issues they need to discuss with a mental health professional.
That boy is one sick puppy. It’s clear IVAW still works with and supports him.
Ah, it’s the Bobby Whittenbergesque “America and Americans are worthless land thieves but I’m going to keep living here anyway” motif.
Come back when you stop being a fucking cliche, you hypocritical lying shitheel.
Methis–whatever you’re taking, STOP. Shit’s no good for ya, son.
I will purchase that asshat a first class ticket to wherever he wants to go outside the US if he agrees to:
1. Renounce his Citizenship;
2. Never Return; and
3. Shut the Fuck UP.
He will never shut up. As for the proof of Osama’s death? The fact that you will never, ever see a “new” video of him ever again.
By all appearances, most of those young folk celebrating OBL’s demise are the same ones Chiroux sees whenever there’s an exam to get out… protest, Protest! against the Man in Lafayette Park.
Interesting little conspiracy they got going on here. Sure would hate to see anything happen to it, like their financing and airtime getting yanked.
“Yanked” I made another pro-American funny!
Susan, I’d purchase a first class ticket to his destination of choice just to get him to do #1. He doesn’t have the balls. I’m not sure any other country would take him anyhow.
DNA test…. That only takes one episode. What is that….37 minutes? The only time-distance this guy is aware of is from the transient terminal to Baskin Robbins in Kabul.
Hey Metthis:
How about the 12 year old daughter of ol’ sharkbait, bin Laden, who says that she saw her father shat by the Americans?
See it here at 4:55 in:
There’s no sense in trying to provide evidence to these shitheads. They aren’t interested in critical thinking, despite their assertions and smug questions. They only want to deny anything and everything the government says due to some preconceived and inexplicable belief that if the government says it, it must be a lie. Hell, it’s right there in Matthis’ own words: he doesn’t believe the government EVER tells the truth. It won’t matter if Obama releases the death photos/video, or even if they hung bin Laden’s carcass in Times Square. Some community college dropout on the radio told them that bin Laden has been dead for years (and to buy his books and movies to find out all the inside info) and they dutifully open maw and gobble that cock right up.
I’m sure it feels great to prance around pretending like you’re in possession of a factually superior perspective just because you turn every rational answer into another open-ended question, but the reality is that obstinately declaring everything lies, just because government says it, makes you equally as close-minded and uncritical a thinker as the class you’re supposedly decrying. But why should we expect anything more from a group of people stuck in a seventh-grade mentality.
I thought he’d pop his head up. So tell me is it the drugs or the douchebags he hangs out with that make him hate America?
Scott in #11: Seventh-grade? You’re being awfully generous; aren’t you?
I dunno; I think seventh grade is about the apex of the “I-think-it’s-cool-to-rebel-for-the-sake-of-rebellion” demeanor that pervades this entire retarded subculture.
Doc, Methis is getting that way from smoking all that oregano he thought was pot, and drinking the urine he thought was Mountain Dew.
#5 Susan,
You forgot one:
#4 – Give up your passport on the way out, so it won’t be so easy for you to return.
#10 Southern Class
Please allow me to riff on that–
“Shark bait — whoo haa haa!” (Finding Nemo)
Wow Matthis.. you’ve traveled the world? Germany, Japan (weed-laden, might I add), that’s the world? Just like you’ve pointed guns at children? And you’re from a poor Southern family? And You initially were for being in Afghanistan (yet not Iraq), but then you weren’t? And then you were for Obama, but now you’re not?
You are nothing… and showing from what you’re continuing to write, you’re proving yourself lower and lower EVERY single time…
everybody knows… including you… deep down inside, the only one you’ve raped is yourself…
enjoy the f$@cking
That’s unfortunately exactly what it is… there is a serious mental problem with the younger generation (and older nuts in some cases) of conspiracy theorists who have shit for brains, no limit to their smugness as you said, and the ability to use their free speech to spread vileness. I’d love to see the educational spectrum on these assholes. I highly doubt any of them have a higher education that stretches beyond ICON-ics 101.
Matthis was tossed out of the IVAW faster than a fear-filled mouse shits. At least they were honorable enough to “let him go,” hmmrr…
Actually, an autopsy would be highly valuable from an intelligence perspective. We’d want to know as much as possible about Bin Laden’s medical history and what kind of treatment he’s received, as that might provide valuable information about his support network and other HVTs. Did he really suffer from kidney disease? Was he really wounded at Tora Bora? If so, what kind of treatment did he receive, and who provided it? These are valuable things to know.
Matthis is still a loser, though.
Had to laugh at the Jeff Boon comment to Mathis – “those of us like me who find themselves with perplexing feelings….”. I’ll bet he does. Poor dear. I hope he gets that all worked out.
#16 B Woodman — loved the Nemo reference! Make me laugh out loud!