
Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate helps China at the expense of Americans

| March 24, 2024 | 69 Comments
Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate helps China at the expense of Americans

Team Biden is proposing a mandate that requires approximately two-thirds of vehicles sold in 2032 to be electric vehicles. In addition to the challenges individuals face at charging their vehicles when it gets too cold, the American power grid is not yet able to support the resulting demand. Given that China holds most of the […]

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Ever’body claiming ever’thing

| March 14, 2024 | 21 Comments
Ever’body claiming ever’thing

If you thought the world map has changed, you’re not wrong. Heck, when I was young(er) there were 122 nations in the UN, as I recall. Now the count is over 200 and probably destined to climb further. Plus, now some (mainly the despots) want to extend the territories under their control further. We already […]

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Partnership between Hunter Biden and Chinese business motivated by access to Biden Family

| March 8, 2024 | 11 Comments
Partnership between Hunter Biden and Chinese business motivated by access to Biden Family

Jason Galanis, one of Hunter Biden’s partners with Burnham Venture, provided testimony to Congress from inside a federal prison. Hunter Biden was apparently added to the business not through professional knowledge, but due to his being a member of the Biden Family. The “Biden” name added value to the venture. Henry Zhao, owner of a […]

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Thursday thoughts – Lowe, Bush, Afrika, and China

| February 1, 2024 | 16 Comments
Thursday thoughts – Lowe, Bush, Afrika, and China

Jack Lowe, a high school kid I believe I saw mentioned in these pages, was made an Honorary Marine last fall – he had wanted to be a Marine all his life but last year was diagnosed  with a serious bone cancer. The Marines made him an Honorary Marine, as he was physically unable to […]

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Missiles filled with water rather than fuel among reasons for Chinese military leadership purges

| January 9, 2024 | 16 Comments
Missiles filled with water rather than fuel among reasons for Chinese military leadership purges

Xi Jinping had recently sacked military leaders in China’s Rocket Force. One issue that they discovered was water where there was supposed to be fuel in many missiles. China expanded on its missile silos, but many of these silos had improper lids. These lids would’ve obstructed their missile’s launches. Graft was among the reasons for […]

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A Chinese spy balloon communicated with China via an American internet provider

| December 30, 2023 | 34 Comments
A Chinese spy balloon communicated with China via an American internet provider

The Chinese spy balloon that floated over the U.S. communicated with China via an American internet provider. The communications focused on the balloon’s navigation. The internet service provider, not listed in the linked article, denied that this was the case. They made this conclusion based on their internal investigation and on contacts with officials. From […]

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Friday foolishness – BLM, DC, Pope, Flied Lice

| December 8, 2023 | 15 Comments
Friday foolishness – BLM, DC, Pope, Flied Lice

Gonna give the lead-off to former President Trump. Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday welcomed the idea that he’d be supported by the Black Lives Matter movement, a group that he’s treated as a public enemy for years. He was responding to an interview that Maryland activist Mark Fisher gave to “Fox & Friends” on […]

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Chinese sub allegedly down

| November 6, 2023 | 40 Comments
Chinese sub allegedly down

According to Brit intelligence, We Are The Mighty alleges the Chinese lost one of their subs in one of their own anti-sub traps. The “chain and anchor” is a device intended to trap and destroy enemy vessels under the sea. The idea is simple: a heavy chain of metal balls and other objects (that can […]

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