Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate helps China at the expense of Americans

| March 24, 2024

Team Biden is proposing a mandate that requires approximately two-thirds of vehicles sold in 2032 to be electric vehicles. In addition to the challenges individuals face at charging their vehicles when it gets too cold, the American power grid is not yet able to support the resulting demand. Given that China holds most of the production and refining of the materials needed to build electric vehicles, meeting Joe Biden’s objective would give China another piece of leverage over the United States.

From RealClear Defense:

Earlier this year, the administration announced its proposed tailpipe emissions rules, which would mandate that roughly two-thirds of automobiles sold in 2032 would have to be EVs. The most extensive emission rule to date calls for concern as our nation’s power grid currently does not have the infrastructure to support hundreds of millions of EVs nor the means to build the automobiles at that rate. With only about 3 million out of the 261 million cars on road being EVs, the administration’s policies would drastically change the landscape of our nation’s transportation.

On top of the issues that would arise on our national soil, the largest concern lies within the potential effects on our national security if the emissions rule were to be adopted. China has been a long-time investor of EVs, significantly growing their influence from over $605 million in 2016 to over $24 billion in 2022. A strategic move, China has successfully dominated the industry, forcing many countries who may be interested in EVs to fall to their knees, begging China to give them what they need.

To make matters worse, China also controls the majority of production and refining of the essential materials needed for EVs. In fact, China controls 21 percent of global lithium production and 41 percent of cobalt production. Not to mention, it is the largest producer of aluminum globally. All market factors considered, the U.S. does not stand a chance to independently develop and maintain production needed to foot the bill for the erroneous tailpipe emissions rule. The result of that equation equals more U.S. dependency on China — a foreign communist adversary who should have no business being in a transactional relationship with our beloved nation.

RealClear Defense provides additional information here.

Category: China, Global Warming, Government Incompetence, Joe BIden

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Is anyone surprised that Chairman Joe, bought lock-stock-and-barrel by the CCP, is pushing to have China in charge of US automaking? Is anyone surprised that the ENTIRE Democratic party is selling out OUR COUNTRY? From the POS’s like Schumer and Pelsoi to the fucking asshole that started the country on the slide into the shitter, Barry Bananas, Dems suck donkey balls.
What about Blue Collar Joe as the friend of the working man? Obama, the guy actually running the country, is using the feeble old fuck as a conduit to feed him more power. Trump standing in the way is why they hate the guy the were all friends with until he came down the Golden Escalator. You must vote these fucking Democrats & RINOs OUT OF OFFICE!!!


You like them better than I do! And while I agree with your comment about voting them out, I have my concerns about that too!



Prior Service

Salesman: “I’m sorry, sir. We’ve already sold our quota of gas-burners. You’ll have to buy electric. What can I show you?”
Customer: “You can show me the front door. See ya!”

Old tanker

Dementia joe biden, prince of America last.


And the “…fundamentally changing the face of America…” continues…unabated. Wonder how much longer the CCP will consider their useful idiot is no longer useful?



Funny how the Chicoms produce crappy EVs and batteries to own everybody else’s markets, but (while not doing jack about their own fossil fuel consumption/emissions) are heavily investing in Hydrogen-fueled vehicles for themselves, too.


IDK, the nearly 1 million Teslas exported from China to around the world seem to be high quality.


Elon Musk’s doing, for the most part… but production’s still under China’s control.


Let’s say China has $24 Billion dollars invested in EVs. Quick check of Google and the Market Capitalization of Tesla is… $535 Billion. That is only 22X the amount. For one company. BTW, they export nearly a million vehicles from their Shanghai factory, just not to the US where they have two factories. So when you say “China has successfully dominated the industry, forcing many countries who may be interested in EVs to fall to their knees, begging China to give them what they need” do you really mean Tesla? Stellantis, the second largest EV maker in the US has a market cap of $85B. Almost as much as GM and Ford, combined. “With only about 3 million out of the 261 million cars on road being EVs, the administration’s policies would drastically change the landscape of our nation’s transportation.” The market isn’t changing, it has already changed. If you aren’t aboard then you are standing at the station getting left behind. Tesla made nearly 2 million vehicles last year. People are buying the hell out of them around the world. They don’t want to be slaves to the oil companies anymore. Your info on REE’s is dated as well. The vast majority of Cobalt comes from open pit mines in the Congo where child laborers work for pennies a day. That is a bad thing I suppose. They could be doing other worthwhile stuff like being child soldiers or sex trade workers. I don’t think we will be able to change how things work in that part of the world. It’s just how it is. Be that as it is it won’t matter in a few years. As more recycling plants open in the US whichever country has the largest EV fleet and reprocessing capabilities will need fewer and fewer imports. The minerals are too valuable to scrap so practically every battery that can be recycled is recycled. But I’ve already mentioned all that previously and lots of other stuff too. Still you guys want to trot out the same BS and tired arguments without any real understanding of… Read more »


What a weird agenda for a MSV blog.


Enjoy charging this up overnight just to go to Walmart for Cheetos and beer, forget about going on any longer trips without recharging overnight every couple of hundred miles:
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Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

Think of all the small towns whose economy will be bolstered by people having to spend the night, eat a couple of meals at the local restaurants or watering holes, or, having to pay the locals a month’s salary for a couple hours of 110v charging time.

Yeah, I know, charging stations are “free”, but my House isn’t a charging station. How bad do you want to be on your way?


When you say “charging overnight every couple hundred miles” are you thinking that because the power grid does not support millions of new EVs that Charging stations will be limited to effectively Level 1 charging?
Or are you under the misconception that it takes longer than 45 minutes to go from 10% to 80% charge on just about any current EV no matter the size of the battery?

I myself do not regularly take trips greater than 400 miles in my car. Just wait until we switch to EV airplanes!


EV airplanes? The cord will be a b*tch!


Yup, doesn’t matter if Chicoms include secret kill switches or so to support nefarious pland (as many suppose); they just have to get us dependent on sissy, anemic and unreliable vehicles we don’t make to deliver our Grubhub and get around town, then cut us off from new vehicles, spare parts and batteries.

You bet Sun Tsu would consider it. They probably are right now.

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Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

By “vast” the numbers are 70% from the Congo alone. The next largest reserves are in Australia followed by Indonesia. China isn’t even a top five.

“Unrestricted warfare” is laughably bad rhetoric. That would mean that China would be dropping bombs on LA. Use of terms like that, makes the term meaningless and makes you sound like a liberal. If it is unrestricted they can do whatever they want, hence the nature of the term.

China could also cyber attack our oil pipeline network, banking system, water supply network, dams, air traffic control network, or a hundred other worthy targets or as you say, just threaten to and then we all fall to our knees and plead with them not to. Having or not having a lot of electric vehicles really isn’t going to figure much into their calculus. Even if we had zero EVs and they wanted to damage the US a power grid attack would be high on the list. You seem to be obsessing on that point without realizing it really makes no difference.

Pretty much everything is run by computers these days and vulnerable to attack. If the grid is screwed there really isn’t any way to get fuel for your vehicle no matter what kind of vehicle you drive.


When you’re right, well…

browser version

reader version

There is no fucking excuse to not be familiar with UW (c. 1999) imvho.

(admittedly it’s been 2 years since I did dove into it. Also, still don’t ‘like’ you fwiw)


China Uncensored” +1, for years now.

In future wars, there will be more hostilities like financial warfare, in which a country is subjugated without spilling a drop of blood.” –UW


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Can’t subdue someone with no direction?


Didn’t Hunter negotiate the Congolese deal for the cobalt mines to the tune of many millions for the Biden syndicate?


Wrong country. That was Canada.


Proud MOPAR guy here. Will never switch to EV, no matter how hard Dodge markets that shit.


Until these new vehicles are more that just puny, troublesome virtue-signaling things indirectly powered (still) by fossil fuels, they’re crap.


How many people have been hit at crosswalks, like blind people or hard of hearing, because they didn’t see or hear the electric vehicle before the crossed the street?
If you just absolutely, must have an electric vehicle, you should at least be required to have something on it so that it sounds like an ICE and can be heard at a stoplight.
My ICE of choice in that case would be the sound of a top fuel engine, at the staging line waiting for the green light. Nobody but the completely deaf, or completely stupid, could say they didn’t hear that. For good measure, maybe an oder emitter for the smell of unburned fuel. Make it loud enough enough the deaf can feel the sound.

A Proud Infidel®™

Joe Biden is typical of D-rats and RINOS who let the “I don’t care about the outcome as long as I get my money” attitude.

RGR 4-78

meeting Joe Biden’s objective would give China another piece of leverage over the United States”

Wasn’t this all negotiated by Hunter years ago?


Beau would be glad he’s dead if he knew the shit his family was pulling today.

Warren Peece

From what I’ve heard…. if Beau had lived, he would have been as bad as any in the family…


Blood is thicker than water!

A Proud Infidel®™

And MONEY is thicker than blood!

Forest Bondurant

Knowing the Biden family, he was probably just as big as a shit-bag as his father, uncle and brother.


I’ll make an off-the-wall comment based on a mix of history, personal experience, and opinion:

Electric vehicles are absolutely fine, and they’ve been around for well over a century. But they are absolutely fine in very select areas. Live in a bustling metropolis full of infrastructure, with a >10 mi. commute? EVs FTW! Live in Suburbia, where the local Walmart and Wawa have charging stations, and your commute is well under the range of your Tesla? Outstanding!

I’ve done a lot of over-the-road driving throughout the years, and I like the ability to simply gas up (as opposed to waiting hours for a recharge) and be back on the road in 15 minutes, counting a trip to the restroom and a cup of coffee. I’ve also towed and hauled a few things over the years, and know that while MPG decreases with a load, so does battery charge. We’ve heard the stories of the EV pickups and HMMWVs with their very short load-bearing distances and long charge times. Personally, I don’t want that.

It’s clear that within the past four years we’ve gone from “America First” to “America…Almost”. No national politician is going to fully throw us under the bus, but word salads and a bit of smoke and mirrors will deceive the bulk of the People. EVs= good. Never mind the fact that they are impractical for and out of the budget of a large number of Americans.


I was never, and currently still, not completely opposed to EVs. I wouldn’t have minded having one for local commutes, etc.

I didn’t have a problem till “they” started telling me that “I had to” have it!

Ya know,,,free country and all!!


If EVs were any good, regulators would try to keep us from buying them… instead of trying to make us buy them.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

I agree fm2176 it is not the EVs that I have a problem with, I like something that I can actually buy the production of “fuel” for myself. Unlike gasoline, maybe on Diesel (bio), and possibly on Hydrogen (start with EV). It is the mandate that 2/3 will be…!
America did not become great by forcing its population to adopt something, it became great by allowing its population to decide what is best! Government should help by encouraging research, and helping to expand the grid capabilities, but not by dictating the choice we should make.


I don’t know if any of you have ever been to a foreign country or not(that’s a joke), but it seems that we, and maybe some European countries are the only ones that care about climate change!

Our government is doing all of these things for control of the populace, because it ain’t gonna change a thing for us to make it harder on the people to move, travel, exist, when the rest of the world isn’t.

For those of you that have been to Kuwait, ever looked at the sides of the road while driving?

For those of you that have been to Kabul Afghanistan in the winter, ever smell the air?

Cutting carbon emissions in the U.S. is going to make a minuscule change in the environment!


Chicoms sure don’t (not to mention India, Iran, most Arab nations, etc.).
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Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

From wikipedia:

Leaded gasoline remained legal as of late 2014 in parts of AlgeriaIraqYemenMyanmarNorth Korea, and Afghanistan. North Korea and Myanmar purchased their TEL from China, while Algeria, Iraq, and Yemen purchased it from the specialty chemical company Innospec, the world’s sole remaining legal manufacturer of TEL….

As of June 2016 … phase-out was nearly complete: only Algeria, Iraq, and Yemen continued widespread use of leaded gasoline, although not exclusively. In July 2021, Algeria had halted its sale. [edited for readability, link here]

Smelling leaded gas un-catted exhaust brought back fond memories of my youth.


Is/was the smell of tire smoke hanging in the air also part of your fond memories? It is mine on occasion.


It’s your brain, wiff away.


Like booze, lead only kills the weak ones (brain cells).




My Cummins can’t burn no electrons.

So if gas/fuel stations become scarce, and there is no replacement for heavy equipment, snow plows, et cetera,…

Who tf is going to pay the extra “now we have to drive 5 towns away to fuel up the 110-MFing-thousand BTU asphalt hot box” fee?

Cost, value, price are set by the free market.

Distortions like this, national security and resiliency aside, are amoral.

Make the harbour tea-flavoured again!


comment image?w=1024&dpr=1&q=75


We’re getting the band back together…

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Thank God Almighty they were made of the right stuff, or…:


I’d like to think we’d take up Freedom’s Yoke for ourselves.

These are the times that tie men’s balls

Last edited 6 months ago by Roh-Dog

GGGGrand Pappy of Klan MacClendon served with GW during the F&I War and then again during the Rev War. Served further in Rev War with Nathanael Greene in the Carolackys and Georgia.

We must all do as those men did and stand up to oppression. We must not disappoint Mr. Franklin…he wanted us to keep The Republic that we were given.


*Clan* damn autocorrupt


Another bullshit take.

Chinese EVs are shit, don’t meet USsafety standards, won’t be competitive in the US market…and if they start being sold here they will quickly become recognized as terrible to own as Chinese made motorcycles people can buy off Amazon right now.

And the Chinese economy is on the brink of substantial collapse.

All this does is push US brands…Japanese brands are already on board, and it was agreed upon in negotiation with both automakers and autoworkers.


I can’t give you a thumb in either direction but “the Chinese economy is on the brink of substantial collapse” is a very true statement of fact. You can argue that they’re already in one.

Gold flying off the shelves.
Real estate getting crushed.
Central Bank throwing gobs of currency units at problems and leaving others to die.

Mass hysteria!

I’d put a wager down that mass riots could happen this year, and then there’s this:


That is the scary part. When a government fails domestically they oftentimes create an external enemy crisis to get the people in line.


True. And the boss-level acknowledgment is no one c*untry is immune.

Just one example of our beneficent ‘leaders’ having raised the ‘red flag’ on us:

ERPO or “red flag” laws generally create a civil process for law enforcement (and often times family members) to seek a judicial order that a person is a danger to themselves or others and should temporarily lose the ability to purchase and possess firearms. The laws have due process protections that ensure people’s rights are respected, but also enable a concrete way to intervene.

‘Tis the season of the false flag and resultant “emotional-thinking” from our neighbors.

“Prepare.” –The Cantankerous Georgia Brother (said with love and respect!)


“ And the Chinese economy is on the brink of substantial collapse”

How can that be? Socialism/communism are supposed to be the best!


Forest Bondurant

Pretending for a moment that FJB’s plan is implemented and a lot of Americans have EV’s – all the while the country finds it difficult to produce electricity because wind and solar farms cannot generate or sustain enough, and the use of coal is severely limited because of FJB’s policies.

Meanwhile, in states like California (where rolling brown-outs are known to happen during the summer months to preserve electricity), people won’t be able to charge their EVs.

During harsh winter months in other parts of the country, those areas often experience power outages, rendering the electrical grid incapable of generating power.



Than we can eat cake!

Last edited 6 months ago by MIRanger
Forest Bondurant

They’re even trying to set the conditions where it will be difficult to bake a cake.

Once gas stoves are outlawed and there’s no electricity in some parts of the country, folks will have to resort to wood-burning stoves to bake a cake.


A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget that the B. Hussein 0bama administration tried to start banning the use of WOOD as fuel in the name of “save the environment”!

Forest Bondurant

Dang. I forgot about that.

No cake for the unwashed peasants then.


Liberal Jackson Hole WY decided to go green with a fleet of electric busses. They worked out great, clean, non-polluting, energy efficient, quiet.

Then winter arrived, as it always does. Battery life went to shit (because cold batteries aren’t worth a shit, and you gotta heat that bus with… battery power…) and on a really good day, they could use about 10% of the available fleet at a time. But, they got to feel good about themselves and that’s all that matters.


“Mistakes” happen.

Also, really love this clip’s equating a bus fire to retail autos. And even if true, what is the incident rate weighted to age of the vehicles?

[why hybrid higher per 100k?]

Last edited 6 months ago by Roh-Dog
A Proud Infidel®™

Memphis TN has had electric trolley cars going through downtown and on a loop to the Mississippi River for some years, and they’re electrically heated of course, but their power is via an overhead wire. Maybe they need to resurrect the old Trolley systems?


That is the Klaus Schwab plan. The peasants won’t be able to travel, except within fifteen miles, and they will eat zee bugs.