RSSJohn Murtha

Levin: Expect painful defense cuts

| March 31, 2009 | 11 Comments
Levin: Expect painful defense cuts

To go along with all of my other warnings of cuts in Defense spending (here, here, here and here), TSO sends the latest; It happens every time the Democrats get control of Congress and the White House. They take money from defense and put it into social patronage programs. They win elections without the military […]

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Kos throws Murtha under the bus

| March 13, 2009 | 1 Comment
Kos throws Murtha under the bus

I guess since it’s not Bush’s War anymore they don’t need John Murtha’s portly shadow cast over them; Here’s the link if you want it, but you’ve got to paste it into your browser ( The really amazing part is that nearly all of the commenters agree. Of course, I recognize it as hypocrisy because […]

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Wonder why Murtha keeps getting re-elected?

| March 11, 2009 | 4 Comments
Wonder why Murtha keeps getting re-elected?

Frankly Opinionated sent me this newsletter portly John Murtha sent out to his constituents. It lists some of the pork he’s bringing home to them in that spending bill that the President didn’t want to sign but did anyway;

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Gitmo on Conemaugh

| January 22, 2009 | 11 Comments
Gitmo on Conemaugh

Well it’s a done deal, Obama has ordered Guantanamo closed in a year. Yeah, well, you know, he’s going to take this record to the polls with him in four years – that is if the polls are still standing. Obama moved swiftly to silence his nutroots and moonbats; The new executive orders came a […]

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Told ya so

| December 11, 2008 | 19 Comments
Told ya so

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the Democrats pushing for a 25% spending cut in defense. Today TSO sent me an article (without a link) about our favorite Congressman, John Murtha, who thinks a good place to start cutting expenses in the Defense Department is military bonuses; “What I’m saying is, there’s […]

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Bellyaching Jack Murtha hides behind Constitution

| November 19, 2008
Bellyaching Jack Murtha hides behind Constitution

If this doesn’t get your blood boiling nothing will; fatassed cow John Murtha claims that he can’t be sued by the Marines who he slandered by calling them murderers because to do otherwise would violate his freedom of speech as a legislator. In other words, the same crowd who claims they can arrest and impeach […]

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Heh. VFF member calls Murtha as he sees him (UPDATED)

| November 3, 2008 | 3 Comments
Heh. VFF member calls Murtha as he sees him (UPDATED)

I’ve been looking for reports from the VFF/Blackfive mission into Murtha Country this weekend and I’ve only found one so far. It highlights the speech of Shawn Bryan, Marine Sergeant. During the rally, Shawn Bryan, a former sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps., said Murtha visited his unit in Iraq in 2005. At the time, […]

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The battle over Murtha’s seat

| October 28, 2008 | 3 Comments
The battle over Murtha’s seat

I mentioned earlier today that Uncle Jimbo is leading a contingent of Blackfivers and VFFers into Pennsylvania to knock on doors for William Russell in Murth’a District this weekend. Well the National Republican Committee is making an $84,000 ad buy in that district, too; The National Republican Congressional Committee will spend $84,000 on an ad […]

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