Wonder why Murtha keeps getting re-elected?

| March 11, 2009

Frankly Opinionated sent me this newsletter portly John Murtha sent out to his constituents. It lists some of the pork he’s bringing home to them in that spending bill that the President didn’t want to sign but did anyway;

For your reading pleasure;

* $2,000,000 for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Technologies program. This program supports local police departments with grants to purchase computers, communication devices, police vehicles and other necessary equipment, as well as provide necessary training to ensure officer safety;
* $207,000 for Natural Biodiversity, Cambria County, to continue their efforts to restore streambank habitat and improve water quality in the KiskiConemaugh River Basin and adjacent areas;
* $1,100,000 for a Correctional Education Clearinghouse and Educational Program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP);
* $350,000 for the Center for Global Competitiveness at Saint Francis University and Saint Vincent College;
* $15,900,000 for the general construction of Locks & Dams 2, 3 and4 on the Monongahela River;
* $25,800,000 for general construction of the Emsworth Locks & Dams and $600,000 for general construction of the Grays Landing Locks & Dams in Masontown;
* $8,000,000 for the South Central Pennsylvania Environmental Infrastructure Program. This program provides the Army Corps of Engineers with the funding to design and construct projects for wastewater treatment, water supply, and water resource protection and development in Allegheny, Armstrong, Cambria, Greene, Fayette, Indiana, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland Counties; “The Environment Infrastructure Program has helped thousands of PA residents and businesses gain access to clean and reliable water sources,” said Murtha. “At the same time, these projects improve the environmental quality of our rivers and streams by fixing or replacing malfunctioning septic systems that release raw sewage into our waterways.”
* $2,000,000 for the WV and PA Flood Control Program;
* $2,250,000 for operations and maintenance of the Johnstown Local Flood Protection Project;
* $147,386 for the Economic Growth Connection (EGC), which assists businesses in Westmoreland and Fayette Counties;
* $147,386 for the Johnstown Area Regional Industries (JARI) Incubator and Workforce Development program;
* $1,000,000 for the VestaburgNew Hill Sanitary Sewer System Project, Washington County;
* $1,000,000 for the Dunbar Township Municipal Authority Sewer Project, Fayette County;
* $200,000 for the Ralphton Water Project, Somerset County;
* $381,000 for the expansion of the emergency department at Washington Hospital;
* $381,000 for the expansion of the emergency department at Highlands Hospital, Fayette County;
* $143,000 to continue development of a comprehensive communitybased geriatric care program at Excela Health Frick Hospital, Westmoreland County;
* $381,000 for the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) Career Centers, located in southwestern PA and WV;
* $323,000 for the Veteran Community Initiatives to continue providing job assistance and counseling programs to area veterans;
* $950,000 for the Westmoreland County Transit Authority to purchase new vehicles and to renovate their maintenance facility;
* $760,000 for the Mid Mon Valley Transit Authority to purchase new express buses for residents
to travel into Pittsburgh;
* $285,000 for the Cambria County Transit Authority to replace their aging vehicle wash system and radio communications;
* $95,000 for the Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation to construct a bus storage garage;
* $760,000 for the continuation of the Mon/ Fayette Expressway, the Uniontown to Brownsville section in Fayette County.

Category: John Murtha, Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects

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Man, that boy throws one Helluva’ Pig Roast! Got yer Unions covered, Environmental Wackos covered, NEA covered, over the Cliff Wackos covered; (that’s redundant, isn’t it?). Guess he wants to WIN this War.

Actually, there are a couple of items in that list which, at first glance, I wouldn’t object to covering. But, I’m sure that if I looked into the details I would probably change my mind. Silly, radically Right-Wing me.


So, as an aging man (trying really hard not to say ‘old bastard’), why is it that one of the smallest dollar amounts is for “development of a comprehensive communitybased geriatric care program”?

Frankly Opinionated

Lest anyone think that I am on his e-mail list because of my party affiliation- Actually, I contacted him, (several times), to protest his dumbassed actions. Usually, on his denigration of the U.S.M.C.. In order to use his website contact form, one must have an address within his district. I just used his McKeesport address as mine, then at the bottom of the correspondence, told his staff that I am actually in the Florida Panhandle, but within his area of influence, (The US of A). Apparently, sending him the contact was enough to get me on his junk mail list.
Just to clear the air here.
nuf sed

Frankly Opinionated

While most of us here have a valid disdain for this obese pork stealing slob; he is not peculiar. Neither is his chosen party the only guilty side. Using the McKeesport area as a national example; I would ask: “Did the people of McKeesport send the Jackass to Washington to be their Representative in handling the affairs of the United States of America; or did they help him load a truck with empty suitcases so that he could loot the treasury of the People of the United States and bring it home to them?” If the latter is the case, which seems to be, across the country, then just take this number- $ 65,160,772; and multiply it by 435, (because if they have the right for their Reprehensive to do that for them, it would seem that the rest of the country’s Reprehensives would have that same mission. That amounts to over $28 Billion in Pork! And there must still be monies spent to apply to the common sense needs of the country. While we military sorts see this lard eater as being just another self-serving politician who would use such pork to assure himself/herself another re-election, this is what we “sit on our hands Americans” have earned for our lack of dilligence. Jack Murtha is no different than the politician in your home district folks. And, if you did not send him/her there to do the business of the US of A, then you are as culpable as your Reprehensive, who is doing your bidding.
Is this the conduct you asked of him/her when you wrote to them to define what you want from them? Or did you write and ask that they be good stewards of our land, and do what is best for America? Or did you write at all? Did you think that they have ESP and can just think and know what you want of them? They are your REPRESENTATIVES, look the word up! They will do what you demand of them.
That’s my morning rant, now back to the Cuban Coffee…..
nuf sed