“Your Tax Dollars At Work”
Openness and transparency…yep
We are so lucky, to live under an open, transparent Presidential administration. Nothing like public access to all the government’s actions…and that’s what we have, nothing like it. Seems the Bidenistas are in confidential talks with environmental groups in the Northwest, aka “Left Coast North”, about breaching four hydroelectric dams on the Snake River. The […]
A tale of two successful…ships, sorta
Hate to lead off an article with the ill-fated Littoral Combat Ships, the Navy’s floating equivalent to the Army’s old Sergeant York system which crashed and burned before it ever got rolling… (I carefully didn’t say anything about the F-35 because that overpriced pig at least flies like it is supposed to.) But yes, let’s […]
Crappy Tuesday posts
Remember a while back we discussed that the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) has a practice they call “titling’. The suit addresses an obscure military process known as “titling,” in which the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) creates a permanent record showing a soldier was the subject of an investigation regardless of whether they are […]
More Friday follies…on Saturday
I am starting to believe in Heinlein’s “Crazy Years.” So much stupidity and oddness, so few columns… Let’s start with our esteemed Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken. According to CNN, the White House is getting in a pearl-clutching mood: For weeks, the Biden administration has strongly backed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s military offensive following […]
Good news story from Illinois
Hard to believe with all the nonsense that comes out of Illinois (especially Chicago, and their Legislature) but this time Illinois is getting it right. Other states would do well to follow Illinois’ example. The family of Marine Corps Pfc. Charles John Alexander was reunited with his Purple Heart after it was found in a […]
Ukraine End Game?
EU, US begin quiet talks on peace with Ukraine as Russia continues war By Isabel Vincent US and European government officials have started quiet talks with Ukrainian leaders about possible measures to end the war with Russia. The discussions came as Ukraine reported 14 civilians wounded in Russian attacks, and Ursula von der Leyen, the […]
VA does it again…oddly
We’re all familiar with the most common VA complaint about money – that a legitimate claim was rejected. Or how the government, so slow to react or pay when they should, are speed-of-light collection bulldogs when you owe them. Me, I have a whole file of letters from the IRS due to them misallocating an […]
A-10 vs. F-35 report released – sorta
OK, let’s make one thing clear: I am a dry-land kinda guy. No amphobious (intentional misspelling) stuff, no higher’n corn, no lower than potato(e)s, not a wingwipe and could probably barely fly a plane to the scene of the crash. Now we all know the Air Force has been trying to get rid of […]
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