Openness and transparency…yep
We are so lucky, to live under an open, transparent Presidential administration. Nothing like public access to all the government’s actions…and that’s what we have, nothing like it.
Seems the Bidenistas are in confidential talks with environmental groups in the Northwest, aka “Left Coast North”, about breaching four hydroelectric dams on the Snake River.
The dams were constructed in the 1960s and 1970s by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers primarily to ensure the Snake River was passable for barge transportation. However, since then, the main benefit has been their reliable clean energy output. They still provide about 8% of the state’s electricity, enough to serve millions of residents, and have a large total capacity of 3,000 megawatts.
According to federal data, replacing the hydropower with natural gas generation would increase carbon emissions by up to 2.6 million metric tons per year, the equivalent of 421,000 passenger cars.
“Despite our organization’s extensive efforts to contribute as industry and subject matter experts, our input was overlooked for months while the plaintiffs engaged in secretive negotiations with the Council on Environmental Quality,” added Neil Maunu, the executive director of the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association, in the press statement.
In addition to the impacts on energy and climate ambitions, industry groups have argued that removing the four Snake River dams would disrupt the economy and harm agriculture exports.
The river system notably feeds the largest U.S. wheat export gateway. Aided by the dams, barges traveling along the Columbia River system carry about 60% of Washington’s annual wheat exports. A staggering 40% of the nation’s total wheat production, valued at billions of dollars, travels through the river system.
Screws up power generation, messes with the food supply – not a real favorable outlook.
In a statement, a White House CEQ spokesperson told Fox News Digital that the administration is committed to balancing the wildlife, agriculture and clean energy needs of the Pacific Northwest. However, they declined to share the details of the agreement with environmental groups, citing a confidentiality agreement. (emphasis added, ed.)
“At President Biden’s direction, the Biden-Harris Administration has made a historic commitment to prioritize the restoration of healthy and abundant wild salmon, steelhead, and other native fish to the Columbia River Basin while delivering affordable and reliable clean energy, supporting the local agriculture economy, and meeting the many resilience needs of the region,” the spokesperson said.
There is a small fly in the White House ointment on this back-room deal: the law.
“We find it necessary to remind you Congress alone has the authority not only to order the breach of the Lower Snake River Dams, but also exclusive authority to direct the study of breaching or to authorize replacement resources,” four House Republicans from the Pacific Northwest led by Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., wrote to the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on Monday.
“This is statutory fact, and we warn the Administration not to attempt to circumvent that fact through clever wordsmithing,” the lawmakers continued, noting they have received a “plethora” of complaints from stakeholders and constituents about the federal government’s secretive negotiations on the matter.
You would think that illegality should be at least a small deterrent, shouldn’t it?
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Good Idea Fairy
Since when have liberal moonbats ever cared about the law? Just look at how Government and the media give free passes to anyone with a “D” next to their names.
Just have Joe sign another executive order.
Mud is more transparent and shit smells better than this administration.
“…barges traveling along the Columbia River system carry about 60% of Washington’s annual wheat exports. A staggering 40% of the nation’s total wheat production, valued at billions of dollars, travels through the river system.” I’m sure that at certain “Oracle of Omaha” can arrange rail transport for the wheat just as he did when all of the pipelines to transport oil were shut down. After all, doesn’t it make more sense to use a bunch of rail cars and locomotives to replace the barges on the river? /s/
I’m not an electrical engineer/power plant designer/operator, nor do I play on on TeeVee, but it would make sense to me that hydro-electric is the way to go. ‘specially when the plants are already built and operational. Water turning a turbine doesn’t require any fuel and doesn’t create any air pollution. And, IIRC, they built fish lanes for the critters to get around the dams allowing said fish to get upstream and downstream.
Remember this…Horizon Corp was a bunch of eco nuts. Rainbow Six is turning out to be more of a “How To” book than a novel from the fertile mind of Clancy.
“I’m not an electrical engineer”
Well, I am. In fact I have two electrical engineering degrees.
You are absolutely correct about Hydro electric.
Check out this site about the New England power grid:
Each morning I check the mix of fuels and I’ll be “damned” if
Hydro doesn’t play a major role.
Landfill gas beats solar most days.
Knew you were/did have electrical “Pappy” (ht2 Mustang CPT) skilz and would confirm “All we want are the facts…(ht2 SGT Joe Friday) that hydro is the best way, overall, to go on generating juice for our toys. Clean, constant, cheap, low maintenance, and it works. The eco nuts need to realize that electrical power harnessing is what made the life that we all enjoy. IMO we have addressed most of the drawbacks to hydro, other than the fact you can’t build enough of them, everywhere, to supply all of the country’s requirements. Maybe they shut a lot of the hydro plants down due to the maintenance costs of the older plants, mainly cause they didn’t maintain the damn things over the years, just worked them like rented mules.
Landfill gas is coming into its own in several places near me. The Frito-Lay Plant uses a boatload of it, tho it pisses off GA Pwr Co.
Pert near 50 years ago when my concerns were about being ready for what we’re seeing today, I researched and bought a piece of dirt well outside the blast and residual hot zones. 2 streams formed a year year round creek with plenty of flowing water, rural enough to be quite defensible. Had the designs (and help) to build a dam giving enough drop to power the turbine needed to supply a bunch of juice. Never could convince any of the wives I had to give up their townie wants to make it happen. Sold the dirt for a tidy profit in ’04 and have muchly regretted it since. Not having a steady source of power, other than a generator, is one of my few weak points on my preparations.
I have the infrastructure to build my own here at the homestead. Need to get off of my ass and do it. Haven’t studied the details yet, but know the basics.
I heard of a local junior college teacher that was studying capturing methane gas from septic tanks to replace propane. Seems to be possible and if your house is supported by a septic system, it would generate its own fuel and for free.
I know nothing about lektrisity or power poles, or telephones…but by god I put out enough natural gas to power a city…
Landfill gas I think perfectly sums up this administration.
And guess where that 13% nuclear comes from?
Yeah, BTDT.
I’m still amazed neither party has mentioned nukes for carbon-neutral generation. It’s like they’re not serious or something.
Rainbow Six… why do Klaus Schab, Bill Gates and other left/libtards think that’s how to make the world a better place?
“Hubris, sheer fvcking hubris.”
Accidentally the best ever quote from any Star Trek franchise. “Whom gods destroy” is another goody.
At a time like this, you have to ask yourself:
What would George Hayduke do?
Throw a Monkey Wrench in it…
I see what you did there…quit Monkeying around! He may even be canceled, after all he was named for…wait for it…Rebels.
“You would think that illegality should be at least a small deterrent, shouldn’t it?”
Screwing up power generation and messing with the food supply is their desired outcome.
How much did Donk truck and rail firms donate to get the barges stopped?
Illegality is biden’s middle name. The corruption has been going on since likely even before he first took office decades ago.
8% of the population of Washington State is 640k not millions. The dams have ladders for the fish. Removing the dams will increase flooding, not only killing people but destroying property. It won’t help the salmon either. It will cause a huge surge in grain prices and cause starvation overseas. Between the extra energy used for shipping and the clean energy lost from the dams with a mature, reliable infrastructure; there is nothing gained here.
In the stupid ideas category this is a solid 9.510.
Take away the barges, and expect a bunch more tractor trailers slowing traffic uphill on mountain passes, and some even scaring the bejeezus out of the motoring public coming down the other side.
Of course, state DOT’s will fill their coffers with money from all those extra trucks they can squeeze money from. Big trucks = Big bucks.
Not in PDF form, I don’t think.,in%2520a%252015%252Dbarge%2520tow.&ved=2ahUKEwilwpXzut-CAxURv4kEHexhCKwQFnoECAMQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1NFdV2-BUFHyu8bH-J2h6F
Let us not forget that those trucks must be all electric also.
That would be 1 way to enforce hours of service rules. 10 hours of drive time, 8 hrs off to fully charge. Truck programmed not to exceed drive time or speed limit.
Hope you guys like fresh produce with a 2 day shelf life instead of about a week.
BUT, they will weigh over 100k pounds or, the payload will be a third of the current amount moved by a truck
I thought that hydro was a LibTard’s “wet” (pun intended) dream.
Renewable, green, environmentally friendly, no hydrocarbon pollution.
What’s their problem? (I remember……they’re enviro – mental)
Hydro is “elegant”. You don’t see that term used very often in
such things as power production but the term fits and the math
works out beautifully. It’s so damned simple.
“You would think that illegality should be at least a small deterrent, shouldn’t it?”
No. Like Obama, Biden has a pen and a phone…if he could remember where he put them and speak and write coherent sentences. But that takes time away from sniffing children.
LAW!!?? We don’t need no steenking LAW!
Yesiree bob, we got the best bureaucrats money can buy!
Good little Commies that they are, edicts work just fine.
I read your comment on the 509th in response to my queries. Thanks for the info. It was interesting to hear what happened to the 509th after I left 2nd Battalion. Did you all still have the M113 APC’s, since I imagine the 8th ID was still mechanized. We only had the two battalions, the 1st and 2nd; there was no 3rd. My sixteen month tour was spent entirely in A/2nd/509th as a platoon leader and XO.