Live blogging Election Night with TAH

There’s been enough interest that I decided to go ahead and live blog the Election Night festivities as we all watch the US map turn Red. So mark your calender, the last time we filled the chat room to capacity and a good time was had by all – well, until California results cam in […]
Wanna be a big time blogger like TSO?

TSO and I will be at the Milblog Conference beginning tomorrow – actually, i won’t get there until about 3pm – so I’ve decided to offer your folks a chance to participate in this year’s Open Blog Weekend. I’ll be taking applications from you, our readers, for our Open Blog Weekend. Yes, you, Joe Schmuck, […]
Freakin’ hackers

Some immature little peckerhead hacked my personal Facebook account last night and sent links to some of you that are to attack sites. Sorry. I’m working on fixing it – if you get any messages from me over the next few days, ignore them.
I know the feeling

Tankerbabe asked that I post this story about a retired soldier who needs a free wardrobe that CQ is offering as a prize in this contest. The potential winner writes; Earlier this year, I “retired” from the National Guard, after serving for 21 years. During the last eight of those years I was full time, […]
This should be fun

In addition to hiring on Operator Dan, I’ve also put Army Sergeant and HM2 (FMF/SW) Ret, a current and a former IVAW members on the writing staff. So, if a post shows up that doesn’t look like our regular fare, make sure you check the name of the author. Apparently, Caroline has assumed the personality […]

Hello all, My name is Operator Dan and Jonn has given me the opportunity to post on TAH. I am an infantry Marine (0311) who recently EAS’ed (ETS for you all in the Army) from the Corps. I spent the first two and a half years of my enlistment as part of the Marine Security […]
Gator Alley

I’m afraid I’m inundated with stuff this week. My son gets back from Afghanistan tomorrow night, end of the year work has piled up, and moving This Ain’t Hell Headquarters to the remote mountainous retreat for contingency operations happens next Monday. If there’s anyone out there who wants try their hand at blogging, email me […]
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