What makes people think that this video is credible?
Seems that there is a newer video that is making it rounds claiming that it has President Obama claiming that he is not a US Citizen on video.
Except that a few things come to mind.
1. When he mentions Hawaii and Kenya noticed the inflection change and that the video pans away right before the word.
2. Notice the multiple changes in the video angle, if this was from a amateur video it would not keep the audio track the same if the footage has been change like that.
3. Considering how Overt the video make President Obama that you would think that other people would have picked up on this by now.
So on closing this looks like nothing more then badly edited video trying to validated the Birther movement.
This is the site that they got the video from.
This is not “political.”
This is just for fun.
This is not an “Anti-Obama” site.
This is not a “Pro-Obama” site.
This is an “Obama Humor” site.
No need to discuss politics here.
There are plenty of other sites for that.
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Category: Administrative, Barack Obama/Joe Biden
There’s no question the vid is edited. Cleverly, but edited, nonetheless.
Too bad, though. Not that the Constitution means anything to that turd anyway.
So now Oily Taint can add videographer and editor to her long list of shit she can’t do worth a damn?
While I’m not a “birther”, there are too many unanswered questions about this goof. As for the video….I don’t give it much thought since there are many more clear and credible videos where he puts both of his tootsies in his yapper.
Saw this when someone had posted it on fb. Commented there that while I was no fan of Obama, I just couldn’t buy into this video. Besides the obvious editing, it’s just too convenient….
Who needs a video when his actions speak louder than words. He can’t want to destroy this country the way he does and still be an American.
Besides, what are the Birthers gonna do if Obama leaves and we’re stuck with…
President Biden and Vice President PELOSI!!!