This should be fun

| January 5, 2010

In addition to hiring on Operator Dan, I’ve also put Army Sergeant and HM2 (FMF/SW) Ret, a current and a former IVAW members on the writing staff. So, if a post shows up that doesn’t look like our regular fare, make sure you check the name of the author.

Apparently, Caroline has assumed the personality of her betrothed – she’s also on the writing staff and has promised a blog post that has yet to materialize.

There’s room for more volunteers – it doesn’t matter whose post is on top. Our readers like to scroll.

Keep in mind that Blackfive refers to us as their “farm team”.

Category: Administrative

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Its your cash brother. Do what ya think is right. Charlie Oscar


Well, I have a hard enough time doing the blog postings that I promised TSO I would do (that ADD is a bitch), so I look forward to getting some other perspectives. Don’t worry, AS, I’ll behave myself.


Sorry jonn, but if it makes you feel any better I haven’t posted at the USO Girls since early december either…

Attorney for Hire

Well, at least B5 is doing better than the Mets.


I’m not gonna comment on the IVAW “people”.

But, yes, we do scroll down. And some of us stop and click on the google ads cuz you told us to.

Southern Democrat

Ha, how easy is it for you to allow AS to post and then simply edit her statements in some cheap attempt to show you give equal time to other views. What a farce.

By the way, I’d like to take this opportunity to declare my undying love for TSO – when he crapped all over my gear in A-stan, I knew I loved him now and forever.


SD: That doesn’t even make any sense. Why on earth would TAH CARE to appear to give time to other views? If he wants to, that’s his choice. If he doesn’t, that is his choice too. We all know where TAH stands on most issues; I seriously doubt anyone is concerned with “appearing” unbiased at this point!



LOL. That is true SD. We did have a love that dare not speak it’s name. Like when you told me to quit whining like a pussy because it was disrupting your movie watching, even as I lost all bladder control. Wuv, exciting and new.

Just A Grunt

You know I come over here for a little stress relief and now just like the CIA in Afghanistan you decide to invite some double agents into the tent for a beer.


I look forward to reading their stuff. Oh who am I kidding a quick visit to DU will tell me same thing.


Now that is bringing the funny.


I would be honored, thou my html skills are a bit weak when coming to hyperlinking.


SD is back. Let the games begin. LOL

USMC Chris

hey, its jonn’s gig, and if he wants to bring em in, that’s his business. frankly, i don’t mind it at all as long as they don’t mind being kicked in the teeth everytime they’re wrong. if they’re right, i’m glad they’re spreadin troof.

besides, if the devildoc has found the light and come out from under the the wannabeveterans against the war crowd, then i’ll be the first to welcome him aboard.


My concern, if you will, is that most of us know what these folks are gonna say. I just have to turn on MSNBC to hear the usual Army bad blah blah conservatives bad blah blah war bad blah blah anyone who supported Bush bad blah blah Obama and all that he manifests is good. I got all that stuff, I am painfully aware that I am the source of all evil in the universe and I’m cool with that. I come here to hear my people and feel a little at home again surrounded by OD green and people that think and feel like I do. OK, thats more talking then I’ve done in a long while, back to the OP with me.

Southern Democrat

And by problem, you mean any of the anti-fox views come out you’re going to squash them.

AS has always caught me as a turncoat anyway. “She”‘s quick to kowtow to tso when her opinion is shaky and he tells her where to take it.

Ivaw members who quit never really supported the group in the first place as far as I’m concerned, they were just too scared to follow orders be it in the military or in their iv organization.

I have an idea, why don’t you all use the money you make off all your google ads to collectivly buy a spine.


Yes please, one made of jelly beans.

USMC Chris

jeez SD. you are so weasely. i mean seriously. i mean why are you even here? i doubt anyone here goes to DU and spouts our trash at that dump, why are you making our house smelly with the shit that comes out of your mouth (or keyboard as it were). seriously. do you get some kind of cheap thrill for coming and being an absolute idiot and drawing fire from us?

i mean i disagree with AS and i’ll probably disagree with the devil doc, but i mean at least we can have a conversation. but you don’t even have anything to bring up other than showing your hairy smelly fungus infected nutsack to everyone like a fucking vagrant on skid row. you’re just a sniveling piece of turd that i don’t even want to engage with after this post.

seriously. just go away. you don’t add anything to conversation other than serve as an example of how your entire movement is made up of fucking retards that don’t deserve an ounce of respect.

Junior AG

“And by problem, you mean any of the anti-fox views come out you’re going to squash them.”

In light of the differing views that are posted here, your allegations makes no sense, SD.

Southern Democrat

So you would prefer that any differing views from yours not speak up? How interesting of a place would it be if every comment was “yea, you’re right, and so smart and amazing tah staff”

You all say you want debate, you want to reach across the isle, you want the gop and dems to work together….seems more like you want them to just follow in line without putting any thought into their actions like they did the last 8 years under Dubya


Just saw on Hot Air Michael Yon was “detained” at SeaTac airport here in Seattle


…for the record, we didn’t coin that term. It was either you or TSO (thought it was you, Jonn) and it was hilarious. Referring to you guys as the farm team is liking calling the Iowa Cubs a farm team. Sure they play in Iowa, but they’re better than the team in Chicago…


Yeah, but I’m stuck with Jimbo. He’s like TSO but posts.

Old Tanker

What? Uncle J is a WoW nerd? Never would have guessed…..


OK Matt, that was damn funny.


This give and take of ideas is why I come back day after day to TAH. Unlike some blogs where if you don’t agree your posts get deleted, here you you’re free to express any foolish opinion you may have. This will be fun.


SD I’ve missed you! 🙂

Jonn, I can’t imagine EVER disagreeing with you. Well, unless it’s over which alcoholic beverage to order.

And I thought if we didn’t click on the google ads we’d get banned, blocked, booted. I thought that was how we are to pay for the privilege of reading this blog. No?

Love you guys!


Gee, I signed up once to blog and I did post…does that mean I am a non-blogging co-blogger? haha.


SD…glad you are back…now it really WILL be fun…

AW1 Tim

I have a small blog I started. I’d be happy to add some Navy-centric stuff here, but I’m not certain how that would go over with the Airborne/Infantry types. 🙂


Hey Jonn I have this excellent post, right now brewing in my head, and instead, I’m reading comments and laughing my ass off.
Now I have to go feed my rugrats, two hours late. lol
I can totally understand your frustration!! 🙂

Old Tanker


There be a tanker here too 😉


Tim, all posts are good.

AW1 Tim

Kewl… I’ll see what I can gin up and forward to you for consideration.



God help them if nucsnipe and I ever start talking about our respective days on the boats.

AW1 Tim

Heh… you guys were making the holes in the water that I was trying to find.. 🙂


Yep–and usually failed, too.

Debra Clark

Well, this looks delightful! Perhaps I can contribute a post sometime myself, too, if I can think of anything to write about.

AW1 Tim


Lemme say with all candor, I was always happy when we couldn’t find our own boats. If WE couldn’t locate them, it was damned sure that Ivan wasn’t going to without some sort of divine intervention which, considering they were Godless communists, wasn’t likely to happen. 🙂

The Brits might have had a slim edge in littoral ASW, but, by God, the US Navy was second to none in blue-water ASW.

Army Sergeant

I will post as soon as I get back from the bar. I’m…uh….researching veteran behavior. Yeah. That’s it.

Just A Grunt

I considered raising my hand and volunteering, but the last time I did that I wound up working at a job with long hours, low pay, frequent separations and constant moves. It only took 22 years to quit.

No actually, and this is not meant to be a plug, I have all I can do to keep up with writing an occasional post for the other blog I committed too. And while I am interested in news of a military nature, the fact is I don’t have the contacts or inside info like the folks who already write over here do, so I really couldn’t add anything substantive to the conversation.

I come here for the news I can’t get elsewhere.

No problem with the differing views being given a chance to have their say on the front page, I just don’t want to see them simply parroting what I can get somewhere else. That is the challenge to AS and HM2.

B Woodman

Socialist Democrat,
Debate, arguments, discussion, exchange of ideas, facts and fact-based opinions, as far as I can and have seen on this blog, are all welcome and encouraged — even opposing ones.

But all I’ve read from you is name-calling, before the deed and without any fact(s) to back up your assertations.

So when you have something worthwhile to say, come on back. We might even listen, if it’s said in an intelligent and polite manner.