
Army chaplain Squires cleared of all charges

| August 25, 2018 | 14 Comments
Army chaplain Squires cleared of all charges

We wrote about Chaplain Squires in the past and now it appears he has been cleared of any wrongdoing. The U.S. Army announced today (Aug. 24) that the charges against Southern Baptist Chaplain (Maj.) Jerry Scott Squires, center, had been dropped. An Army investigator had recommended disciplinary action after Squires told a lesbian soldier that […]

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Jew-ish Lawyer has letter sent to Secretary Mattis demanding he put an end to Christian-ish animus.

| August 15, 2018 | 57 Comments
Jew-ish Lawyer has letter sent to Secretary Mattis demanding he  put an end to Christian-ish animus.

It must be fundraising season for Mikey.  I will no longer provide links to his nonsense because it benefits the Google Gods of which he stands in favor.  They told me as much.  So the Bald Avenger is on his  Don Quixote like rampage to fight this Secret Christian Dominion. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), a […]

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For Once, Justice

| November 2, 2012 | 7 Comments
For Once, Justice

I have to hand it to the Brits this time around.  In spite of their bizarre (by US standards) laws regarding firearms and opposition to capital punishment, they still appear to take murder seriously. Even when it’s an honor killing. Nine years ago, Shafilea Ahmed disappeared.  Her body was found in 2004. Turns out it […]

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The Conscientious Objector – A Reminder

| June 10, 2011 | 7 Comments
The Conscientious Objector – A Reminder

Many hear or see the words “I’m a conscientious objector.” and think of hippies and draft dodgers, and rightly so. But there have been others who could use that phrase with no small honor. I was reminded of that today when I stumbled across the name below. I remember reading about him years ago. Reckon […]

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Been nice knowin’ ya

| May 20, 2011 | 29 Comments
Been nice knowin’ ya

I’m almost tempted to give up blogging…since the world is coming to an end tomorrow anyway. I should really be doing something else besides trying to entertain you folks. What? You haven’t heard? Al Allen believed the world would end in 1994. It didn’t. He was disappointed. This time, he’s more certain that Judgment Day […]

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