Vietnam Veterans Wall of Faces | MAJOR ALOYSIUS P MCGONIGAL 

| February 18, 2019

Today we honor Aloysius McGonigal of Washington, District of Columbia, who fell on this day in 1968. He is one of 16 chaplains listed on The Wall.

“On February 17, 1968, Army Chaplain McGonigal joined the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines in the final assault on the Citadel in Hue. While administering comfort and last rites, he was killed by small arms fire. A former physics teacher from Washington, D.C. he was serving the Roman Catholic Church.”

Aloysius is remembered on Panel 39E, Line 75 of The Wal


Source: Virtual Vietnam Veterans Wall of Faces | ALOYSIUS P MCGONIGAL | ARMY

Category: Historical, Religion, Veterans in the news, We Remember

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Godspeed to a Man of God.


Were there a lot of Army chaplains seconded to the Marines? I always saw Navy chaplains with Marines.

More information on the good Chaplain;

He was 46 and well regarded by the Marines he served with, was known to be fearless in the face of enemy fire, and was remonstrated for wearing a .45 on his hip because (during Tet) he said the NVA couldn’t tell the difference between a Chaplain and a grunt.

Godspeed Chaplain.

5th/77th FA

“Thank God that such men lived.”

Wow. Called back for Service in VN. Voluntarily extended his tour of duty to be in the field with his Marines.

Shot in the head while administering the last rights.

Hand Salute Padre! Ready, Two!


…NVA couldn’t tell the difference between a Chaplain and a grunt.

Or much care. Good call, Padre.

2/17 Air Cav

It is good that he is remembered and his service honored. There are many names on The Wall. I have no doubt that he would prefer that someone else be spotlighted. That’s the way it works with good men.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes indeed.


Major Aloysius P. McGonigal. Wow, there is a true Padre name if i’ve ever heard one. Thank you for serving and providing comfort to those in need Sir. Fair winds.


No greater love has any man than that he lay down his life for his friends.

The good Padre lived that one out completely.


Seems he was assigned to the US Army Advisory Command in Hue when the offensive broke, and hearing that the 5th Marines had no Catholic chaplain volunteered to accompany them.