Been nice knowin’ ya

| May 20, 2011

I’m almost tempted to give up blogging…since the world is coming to an end tomorrow anyway. I should really be doing something else besides trying to entertain you folks. What? You haven’t heard?

Al Allen believed the world would end in 1994. It didn’t. He was disappointed.

This time, he’s more certain that Judgment Day will arrive at 6 p.m. Saturday, May 21.

There is so much more information in the Bible since 1994. This thing is a certainty. It’s going to happen,” said Allen, 68, a retired chemist. “The whole world is going to be scared out of its wits.”

Emphasis mine. Really? There’s MORE information in the Bible since 1994? How did that happen? I wasn’t aware the Bible is an ongoing editorial project.

Of course, the end of times was brought on by the Jews;

Camping’s prophecy comes from numerological calculations based on his reading of the Bible, and he says global events like the 1948 founding of Israel confirm his math.

Category: Religion

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It all makes sense now, CDC Zombie scenario, end of the world is tomorrow, and today we have a mass notification drill here on Jackson…and a squirrel told me to sell short on Intel stock.We’re dooooooooooooomed!


I’m not joking– you know what I hate the most about kooks like this?
Having to explain it to my kids– the fact that he’s a tinfoil-hat-wearing kook AND the fact that, though we believe the Bible, we’re Chrisitans, and no, he’s not one of us.
“What if he’s right, the Bible really says that.”
“But it also says this…”

Of course, that was before I knew about the CDC and their Zombies.

Frankly Opinionated

I am sorry to say that I won’t be able to make the “Rapture” on Saturday. I have a full day planned, participating in our local “Military Appreciation Recognition Celebration”, (Gooooogle It), here in Crestview Florida; where we show the local troops that we are there for those who are there for us. Can they reschedule the Rapture, to accomodate those of us whom were not consulted about scheduling conflicts?


Hey Al? Got a problem signing over your house and giving me access to all your bank accounts?

Yeah, didn’t think so.


I’m with ya, BooRadley. The sheer arrogance of people like Camping and all the rest when Jesus said even HE didn’t know when.



EXACTLY I am so weary of this nonsense!


Not just May 21, but 6:00 p.m. exactly. Christ is punctual. I guess New Yorkers will be raptured an hour before midwesterners.


Just in case John you should give all your worldly items to me. You know, just in case.


Groups like this, saying the world will end on such and such a date, and at such and such a time, have existed since the 1st Century AD.

The cult leader and his followers aren’t mugging anyone, and they’re certainly more rational than Code Pink and the POTUS.


#9 was me. Decaffienated. Geez.


I love the way every liberal asshead on FB (you know, the ones who swear Muslim extremists really don’t represent all Muslims) tour this dumbass’s “prophecy” as a “conservative Christian prediction”.



AW1 Tim

Of course, this all depends upon some Jew about 1500 years ago writing his part of the bible in early Hebrew, who had the gift of 2nd sight to know that it would be translated into Aramaic, then Greek, then Latin, then 16th Century English, and then into various dialects and interpretations of English, all the time being subject to the whims and moods of the fellow doing the translating, and so (this early Jewish author) writing HIS part of the Bible and putting all the proper words into place for some chemist and amateur bible afficianado to come along and discover all this.


Boggles the mind, that.

Doc Bailey

I just want to point out that Revelation starts with Israel surrounded by its enemies and attacked with an overwhelming force, to be saved at the last minuet by God.

Obama made it all but certain that Israel will be almost defenseless if it goes by the speech Obama just made. food for thought.


Oh, shucks. This is really going to ruin my rainy Saturday evening…

Old Tanker

At least I’ll get 18 in in the morning…..

Just Plain Jason

I am going to be just a little pissed off if this end of the world crap ruins my son’s first birthday party.

Old Trooper

All I want to know; is that 6pm Eastern or Pacific? I have a birthday party to go to and I would like to know if I should get really drunk, or not, because if I don’t have to drive home, I can work on those 2 kegs with gusto!!


Some idiot spent his life savings (something like over a hundred grand) in order to make signs and publicize this thing.

No doubt us the taxpayer will be funding his welfare payments not too long from now.


The Judean Peoples Front and the Peoples Front of Judea both support this prophecy.

Old Trooper

@ #20; splitter!


Well hell! Tomorrow’s my birthday and this asshat is saying the World is ending? THIS is going to be one hell of a birthday party then…


Now when the wife wants to know why I’m downing all the Spaten and Sapporo in the refrigerator instead of doing yardwork I can just tell her Jesus has it covered.




Dang, dude. I like ta peed my pants laughing too hard …


Please God, hold off till I see who wins the Preakness?!

Doc Bailey

Just out of curiosity, HOW did he get this date? Anyone? Anyone?


Okay, people, calm the fuck down. He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty little boy!


Phew! This is going to takes some explaining about the keg of Terrapin Golden Rye and and about 4K of ammo I bought. Kept the receipts but I’m not sure I can return anything.

Damn you apocalyptic doomsayers!!

Doc Bailey

and I was worried there for a sec. What with the CDC putting out Zombie warnings. . . but 1800 came and went, and still here. maybe he got the math wrong.