Army chaplain Squires cleared of all charges
We wrote about Chaplain Squires in the past and now it appears he has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
The U.S. Army announced today (Aug. 24) that the charges against Southern Baptist Chaplain (Maj.) Jerry Scott Squires, center, had been dropped. An Army investigator had recommended disciplinary action after Squires told a lesbian soldier that he could not perform a marriage retreat if she and her same-sex partner attended. In this photo, North American Mission Board (NAMB) president Kevin Ezell, left, and Douglas Carver, executive director of chaplaincy at NAMB, visit with Squires in June at the Southern Baptist Convention 2018 Annual Meeting in Dallas.
It seems as though we might be making some progress in keeping certain types of Lawyer-ish People from peddling their nonsense. An utter and complete failure on the part of Mikey Weinstein and his band of deluded Anti-Dominionist denigrates. They posted their position on the matter a while back.
It’s about time that the military started defending the 1st Amendment Rights of Servicemembers and making the likes of Mikey stand quietly at the back of the formation.
“This is great news for both Chaplain Squires and all of the military chaplains who are serving our men and women the U.S. Armed Services,” said Gen. Douglas Carver, executive director of chaplaincy at the North American Mission Board (NAMB). “It is a significant victory for all who support and defend the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, especially regarding the freedom of religion.”
Squires had been charged with unlawful discrimination and dereliction of duty, and could have faced confinement in a military prison.
Carver thanked Squires’ commanding general “for having the moral courage to make the correct but difficult decision regarding the investigation into Chaplain Squires.”
We have been on the “Featured Stories” list over at the Babbling Bald Bilker’s site for a while now. It’s always nice to be noticed. I have been encouraging people to stay away from his click bait so I will just post some screen caps.
It seems I have become an Anti-Semitic Detractor. Sad, I was hoping they would at least try. This is like jousting with an unarmed man. Mikey is Anti-Detractorish…that bastard.
We provide those screenshots for the purpose of Education and Commentary. We would like to thank the amicus curiae amongst our followers that stepped up to defend the 1st Amendment rights of those who felt they were being victimized by the MRFF. Semper Fidelis and may the God of your own understanding bring you joy…best regards from your friendly Atheist.
Category: Religion
Oh, gee, that won’t stop Mikey. If he doesn’t get enough attention for one thing, he just finds another way to get it.
He may have lost one battle but he will just pull back, regroup and find some other soul to pick on over nothing.
Yeah, just as soon as he runs short of cash again.
When I recently read that the pair of disgruntled servicepeeps declined to attend the event when it was chaired by someone agreeable to their pairing, I was confirmed of my suspicion that this was never about “inclusion” of the pair, and all about -exclusion- of the Chaplain and Assistant.
Quack freaking quack, this was all about a couple of Blue Falcons smiting a Chaplain and assistant that wouldn’t comply with the Party line. “Tolerance” and “coexistence” to the Party mean submission and active participation.
Some folks see “Civil Rights” as gaining tolerance and carving out a place to coexist. Others mistakenly think it means “payback time”.
The later case is often …. counter-productive.
If possible, please show a link for the “declined to attend the event when it was chaired by someone agreeable to their pairing” info.
That info should have killed the complaint instantly.
Fox News:
Paragraph 12:
When Squires realized he could not participate in the “Strong Bonds” event, he rescheduled the conference to accommodate the lesbian couple with a chaplain who could oversee the retreat. However, the same-sex couple chose not to attend.
“The Bald Avenger”.
Now that is funny.
More like “The Babbling Bald Blue Falcon” in my seldom humble opinion!
Good. I’m glad Chaplain Squires’ rights were recognized and upheld by the current military leadership.
May it be the beginning of many years of sanity.
I like how the reference to your article includes the starting line “It must be fundraising season for Mikey.” HAHAHA.
You think he’d at least edit that part out.
Has Sanity truly returned to Happy Valley? Ye Gods and Little Fishes, couldn’t be more excited to see little Mikey go down in flames. Guess he should have paid closer attention in the Constitution class.
That smarmy cuck (Mikey) doesn’t believe in the Constitution. He just likes to pretend it prohibits whatever religious activity he thinks he can whine about for more progtard douche dollars.
I LOVE IT every time someone like the Babbling Bald Blue Falcon Mikey WHINEstein gets bitch-slapped, I bet he’s in his corner sucking his thumb and pouting!
Ditto. If we can’t get Mikey to STFU or ESAD, think we could get him to give a class on suck starting a Ma Duece?