Look at New Zealand’s gun confiscation by a Canadian
The Canadian government announced a ban/buyback on over 1,500 “assault-type weapons”. This is modeled on New Zealand’s ban/buyback (okay, “confiscation” to be accurate.) Here’s a viewpoint from a Canadian writer of what’s up: Like Canada, New Zealand has a substantial number of firearms and firearms owners: 26.3 firearms per 100 persons, compared to Canada’s 34.7. […]
Serbia: The New Face of Gun Control
In the wake of two shootings last year, Serbia has stepped up its gun control rhetoric in a way the Brady Campaign and others can only dream of: In response to the twin tragedies, President Aleksandar Vucic set out on a mission to cleanse Serbia of firearms. Unlike most European countries, Serbia has many illegal […]
Counterpoint to Baltimore FGS
Yesterday Ed did a post about a young man who defended himself and was not charged. Here’s another case, also in Baltimore, which doesn’t yet have a happy ending of any type: Medically retired U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Alejandro Gonzalez has spent more than 16 months behind bars, accused of first-degree murder. He and his […]
Biden to impose background checks
Well, as of this writing mid-Tuesday, so far he is talking glittering generalities – but PINO Joe is trotting out the Democrat’s favorite weapon on the armed populace, the Executive Order and to impose red flag laws and universal background checks with a wave of his pen. It aims to move the US “as close […]
Justice System Shorts part Deux
The FBI has issued record numbers of seizure notices to take guns from folks who should have failed background checks but were allowed to purchase guns when the FBI failed to respond in three days to the checks. 6,300 in 2020, 5,200 in 2021 – with the article subtext that the rate is skyrocketing. It’s […]
Code for gun retailers allows credit cards to track gun purchases
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) approved a dedicated code for gun retailers. The new code that would be used is “5723 – Gun and ammunition shops.” The use of this code is up to the merchants. Discover announced that it would use this code; however, they specified that they would continue to support lawful […]
CT Mayors have rare burst of clarity
The Hartford Courant reports that Connecticut mayors gathered at the state capitol armed with some interesting facts: Their studies show that most gun crime is committed by, and on, repeat offenders. Criminals. Last week at the state Capitol, Woods joined Connecticut’s big city mayors, who… backed up the legislative pitch with a startling statistical analysis […]
Dancing in the blood…again
Well, as I write this it has barely been hours since a shooter walked onto the Michigan State University campus in Lansing, MI. Sadly, Monday he killed three and injured 5 more before killing himself. (These assholes always get it backwards – wouldn’t it be nice if they killed themselves FIRST?) Just because I […]
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