Proposed bill allows remote renewal of concealed pistol licenses for military members serving outside the state of Washington
OLYMPIA – The state House has unanimously passed a bill that would streamline concealed pistol license (CPLs) renewals for members of the Armed Forces who are deployed out of state. Sponsored by State Rep. Michelle Caldier, House Bill 1934 would members of the military to remotely renew their CPLs if their serving outside of the state […]
Aurora mass shooting
Another tragic, senseless shooting occurred in an Aurora, Illinois industrial park yesterday. Six dead, including the shooter, and five Law Officers wounded. Authorities have confirmed that the shooter, Gary Martin, 45, was killed in a shootout with police. Police said he was a 15-year veteran of the Henry Pratt Co. and was about to be […]
R&D Underway
While youse guys were snickering a while back over those 60-pound rifles on a mechanical harness used as props in the 1985 movie “Aliens”, the Army took a hard look at them in 2017 and said “We want those guns ‘n’ stuff!” Considering that Jenette Golstein got the part of Vasquez because she was […]
Gun rift
In recent days there have been developments on both sides of the gun rights debate. It seems many of the local Sherriff’s Departments in Washington state are refusing to enforce new gun laws. A growing number of rural sheriffs in Washington state are refusing to enforce a sweeping new gun initiative that places stiff […]
Only One in Ten Criminals Get Their Guns Via Valid Retail
As many here have argued, stricter gun laws won’t stop criminals from committing crimes with guns. You guys have also argued that it’d be the law abiding citizen that ends up having a harder time… Thus effectively be “more disarmed” relative to the criminals. A report came out substantiating your arguments. From The Mercury News: […]
GAO: IRS Had 4,487 Guns; 5,062,006 Rounds of Ammunition
By Terence P. Jeffrey ( – The Internal Revenue Service had in its weapons inventory 4,487 guns and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition as of late 2017, according to a report published this month by the Government Accountability Office. Included in this arsenal, according to the GAO, were 15 “fully automatic firearms” and 56,000 rounds of […]
Woman Plans to Use Gun Buy Back Cash to Buy Bigger Gun
The “gun buy back” program. Police department purchases weapons from people willing to part with their weapons for cash. In theory, criminals and law-abiding citizens alike would turn their weapons in for cash. With “less weapons on the street”, the chances of gun violence goes down. But, how many criminals, not bashful about using a […]
Trump administration moves to ban sale of bump stocks, make possession illegal by March
The Trump administration on Tuesday took first steps to ban the sale of bump stocks on semi-automatic weapons and has made them illegal to possess beginning in late March. Bump stocks, which allow semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like automatic firearms, have come under increasing scrutiny after they were used in October 2017 when a man […]
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