Gun rift

| January 31, 2019


In recent days there have been developments on both sides of the gun rights debate.  It seems many of the local Sherriff’s Departments in Washington state are refusing to enforce new gun laws.

A growing number of rural sheriffs in Washington state are refusing to enforce a sweeping new gun initiative that places stiff requirements on residents buying and owning semiautomatic rifles.

“I think it’s a bad law, and I think it violates people’s rights,” Klickitat County Sheriff Bob Songer told the Yakima Herald-Republic in an interview Monday. “This law will do nothing to stop crime or do anything to make our communities safer. But what it will do is make criminals out of our honest citizens.”

“I’ve taken the position that as an elected official, I am not going to enforce that law,” he told The Guardian.

Initiative 1639, a package of gun regulations that was approved by Washington voters in November, raises the age to buy semiautomatic rifles to 21 and requires enhanced background checks, safety training and a 10-day waiting period for semiautomatic rifle purchases.

Gun rights activists should be encouraged from the news that South Dakota will now become another constitutional carry state.

 Republican Gov. Kristi Noem announced on social media that she will sign a bill allowing South Dakotans to carry concealed guns without a permit into law Thursday.

Noem’s announcement on Wednesday, Jan. 30, came less than 24 hours after the House passed Senate Bill 47 by a 47-23 vote on Tuesday. It passed the Senate last week by a 23-11 vote. The governor’s office later announced via news release that Noem will host SB 47’s signing ceremony — the first bill-signing ceremony of the 2019 legislative session and of Noem’s tenure as governor — at 12 p.m. Central Time Thursday.

On the other side of the coin, we have news about “A well-conceived gun law” in the state of New York.

The critics are out in force – they always are – but for those who understand that the Second Amendment allows for reasonable controls on firearms, the measures approved by the State Legislature on Tuesday are both welcome and sensible.

Gun crime is endemic and it’s peculiar to this country. In New York, we haven’t had a Columbine or a Sandy Hook or a Marjory Stoneman Douglas, but there’s no reason to think we are somehow immune from that kind of tragedy. Given that Washington won’t decisively move on what is, by any reasonable definition, a crisis, it is up to the states to implement laws that can help to keep their citizens safe. This law does that.

First, though, it’s important to understand what these laws don’t do. Notwithstanding the alarms of Assemblyman David DiPietro, R-East Aurora, they are not about gun confiscation from mentally sound people. The Second Amendment remains fully in force.

What the law does allow is for law enforcement, school officials or family members to take court action against people believed to be an “extreme risk.” A judge has to rule. With appropriate controls, it can hardly be controversial to limit the chance that such people – the kind who commit mass murder – can come into possession of the tools needed to carry out that bloody deed.

What is important is how “extreme risk” is defined and what an individual’s rights are to contest the designation. Due process is critical, and it appears to be baked into the law which, for example, requires an annual review. If critics want to argue that the law is too burdensome, they also need to account for the terrible consequences its absence invites.

I do not believe that people who endorse these “Red Flag” rules comprehend that the Second Amendment exists to give citizens protection against … them.

My youngest son was caught smoking at school some 15 years ago.  I came home to my compound to find a “summons” to appear in Family Court … signed by the Principal.  By 23:00 I had managed to contact every member of the school board and most school administration officials to invite them to a meeting with myself and my attorney.   I will not be ordered to anything by a High School Principal.  After some legal filings and a few off the record meetings, they decided it was best to pay my lawyers bill and watch me paddle my son in front of them.  They had been under some strange illusion that I could not do that on school property…they were wrong.

We live in very dangerous times when we empower a High School administrator to take away a citizen’s rights.  There have already been a number of shootings by police because citizens refuse to give up their guns.

When I was caught smoking in 8th grade, the Math teacher busted my ass in front of everyone during lunch.   Mom smacked the s##t out of me when I got home and dad said to leave my cigarettes at home from now on or he would cancel my birthdays.

Now, my grandchildren will have a School Principal that can take my guns away by the use of deadly force if they think I am an “extreme risk”.   I would say as a general rule that if anyone appears at my door threatening my life with deadly force to take anything…at that moment they should most definitely consider me an “extreme risk”.

We already have “A well-conceived gun law”.

It simply states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Infringe /in?frinj/ – act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.

Maybe it’s the “shall not be” part they do not understand.


Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns, I hate hippies, Liberals suck

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Similar news in New Jersey, where magazines with “excess capacity” of over 10 rounds became illegal a few months ago. All are to be turned in to law enforcement ASAP. Three guesses how many have been turned in… any number over ZERO loses.


Refer you to the “success” of the NY “SAFE” Act – 4% compliance last time I checked, and almost every county sheriff outside of Albany and NYC placing it low on the list of priorities.

2/17 Air Cav

“If critics want to argue that the law is too burdensome, they also need to account for the terrible consequences its absence invites.” Let me see if I follow that. If I oppose a law that ostensibly will keep a gun out of the hands of a nut, then I must account for the consequences if that nut uses that gun criminally? I don’t think so. That sort of thinking is alien to me. It is a feeble and misguided attempt to deliver guilt in advance and to quash opposition. It is a ridiculous and a ludicrous stance to take if for no other reson than it assumes that a law will stop what it purports to stop. “I was going to shoot a bunch of innocent people but the legislature just passed a law against my having a gun–so I won’t.”


Maybe it’s the “shall not be” part they do not understand.

No, DH. They understand the phrase fully. They simply choose to disregard it.

Regarding the Left and “gun control”, it’s not really about guns. It’s about control.

As in complete control, by the state, over everything you do.

Control over individual action is a basic principle for all forms of Socialism. All forms of Socialism espouse the principle that the State is supreme, and has the right to control all of an individual’s actions “for the good of the people”. The only difference between the various forms of Socialism is what scraps of individual freedom of action are permitted.


That which is not forbidden is compulsory… (I may have that backwards, but same meaning..).. Seems that’s the foundation of socialism.


You have it generally correct. The phrase (and variants) today is referred to as “the totalitarian principle”; it appears to have been originated by T. H. White in his 1958 novel The Once and Future King.


Somehow I knew you’d have the details! Thanks for cleaning up my post Hondo!


Absolutely correct. California is a prime example. It’s an anti-gun wet dream. California has every piece of anti-gun legislation the left has ever wanted. They have waiting periods for guns and ammunition, ‘universal’ background checks for guns and ammunition, registration of all guns, licensing of gun owners, a ‘red flag’ law, tests to receive a ‘safety certificate’ to purchase a handgun, and they even ban guns by make and model (the last I looked, the list of banned handguns was 56pages long). this is just to name a few of the myriad and complex laws concerning firearms in the state. Despite all that, crimes with guns increased by 18% for the years 2014-2016. That’s 14 points higher than the national average. And a recent study showed that California’s background check system didn’t prevent criminals from getting guns. California leftists know this. So what does California Dems want to do? Pile on more anti-gun legislation and even take it all national. It’s said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result. If true, California must be full of loons in dire need of straightjackets. New York, Connecticut, and Maryland aren’t far behind.


California doesn’t work because you are still free.

They want to fix that.


. . . . California must be full of loons in dire need of straightjackets. New York, Connecticut, and Maryland aren’t far behind.

You’re just now figuring that out? (smile)

MI Ranger

These laws, that New York State likes to pass, are endemic of the Nanny State. Where we don’t want you to take personal responsibility for your actions and we know better than you how to protect you. One of the problems with this mentality is that it assumes that thoughtful, experienced individuals who have entertained all the possibilities are in charge of making and enforcing these type of laws… and they are not! Invariably they are small minded, short sighted individuals who would not even consider protecting themselves let alone others from harm. They are the Sheep that roll over and expose their belly to the wolf rather than flee, speak, or heaven forbid charge them and drive them off!


Had a similar incident in my youth where the local Police Chief “summoned” my parents and myself to the police station after I pulled a knife on a bully and he shit himself.
Meeting lasted all of thirty seconds before my dad told the Chief “the next time someone threatens my kid I hope he cuts them deep”.


“Gun crime is endemic”…FFS!
Yes, crime COMMITTED with guns is relatively high in the United States but if you subtract the violent crime committed by habitual criminals against other habitual criminals, especially in urban areas, we have an equal or lower ‘gun crime’ rate.
If you just look at violence crime the US of A has a lower rate then many Enlightened European countries.
I wonder *WHY* that is…?


It’s strange. I’ve got a CCW for 2 separate states that covers a wide swath of the lower eastern seaboard…and for the LIFE of me I can never understand WHY my pew pew never leaps from my holster and sprays indiscriminately and with great malice or aforethought into crowds of minorities or children. Huh….


You must be using a positive retention holster.

Or maybe your training program is effective – grinning just a little thinking about a training program for young pistols learning to sit, heel, and jump over barricades.


Teaching them to “stay” is easy.


School officials already can’t manage their schools, students or teachers – and now Nanny State New York wants then to get involved gun law enforcement? WTF?

Hell, the local middle school (grade 5 thru 8) had their principal and assistant principal “reassigned” just this week – they did nothing in the way of managing anyone at the school (sat in front of the computer screen reading e-mail and watching things on CCTV). Kids were fighting so often that the local Sheriffs department was called out weekly to break up fights and kids were sneaking off into the bathrooms to have sex at any time during the school day. The superintendent stated that he was “reluctant” to make the change… staff and parents hand to push the matter at a recent school board meeting.

I’ve posted this time and time again – the public school system in this country is broke beyond repair. Libtard/socialist group-think has destroyed it. If you have kids or grandkids in it, get them out and have them sent to a charter or private school, where they will have a chance for a quality education.

Cameron Kingsley

A middle school that goes from 5th grade to 8th grade? I have never heard of that before. Where I originally come from, it only goes from grade 6 to 8. Though there was one county (I believe it’s King George County) where middle school is only 7 through 8 while 6th grade was still elementary school.


That’s how it is in WA State… kind of AFU, IMHO.

Growing up in CA – Elementary was K-6, JRHI was 7-8, HI was 9-12.


Elementary = 1-6
Middle = 7-8
High = 9-12

I had a girlfriend that was on a school board. The school administration and it’s professional minions are infuriating and it’s next to impossible to get anything done about them

Cameron Kingsley

That’s no surprise. Everyone probably covers each other’s butts too.

George V

The argument I don’t hear against “red flag” laws is: Who decides what’s a red flag? Don’t like your neighbor? Call in a Red Flag. How about “He’s a Conservative!!!” I’m sure no one in the gov’t of New York would consider that. Ultimately, the red flag becomes “He owns guns – he must be mentally ill and danger.”

Does anyone else see this as a slope that’s about 3 degrees from vertical and greased with teflon and 10W-30?

Retired Grunt

I’m waiting for the first MAGA hat related confiscation since its equivalent to wearing the rebel battle flag. Its gonna happen. We all know it.


When the “one” was annointed I purchased a few thousand copies of the Pocket Constitution.

Gave them out to everyone I knew. Mailed them to politicians. Gov. LePage of Maine wrote back with a hand written note thanking me. What politician does that?
Left them in doctor offices etc.
I’m still doing it.

Maybe I will purchase a few MAGA hats and give them away………

A Proud Infidel®™

Note to libtards, JUST WHEN the mudda-fuck was the last time ANYONE saw CRIMINALS lining up to turn their guns in the moment a new law was passed? We have heard time and time again about how criminals get their guns illegally through back alley channels that are already outlawed, thus how will further laws strangling law-abiding people stop violence? IF Gun Control Laws were truly the panacea for crime that snotnosed libtard moonbat snowflakes claim them to be then places like Chicago, NJ, CA and Mexico would be crime-free utopias, but the opposite is true. Gun Control Laws and the politicians that pass them do little more than aid, abet and embolden violent criminals by assuring them via legislation that law-abiding people will be little more than conveniently unarmed VICTIMS.


And CT. The post Sandy Hook shooting ‘ARs and magazine capacities over 10 are bad’ is neutral on crime over all.
The upside is every once and awhile some gangbanging idiot gets caught with an AR or illegal magazine and the left/press/progtards knock themselves over slapping their own backs.
Or they weep crocodile tears when their utopia fails and Obama’s sons git all ignant


Also, when criminals are charged with gun crimes along with other crimes, prosecutors are quick to deal away the gun charges.


“(P)rosecutors are quick to deal away the gun charges”. And, that’s one of the biggest problems with crimes committed with guns, Tyrone, Alejandro or Billy-Bob rob a store/bank/gas station and get arrested, either the charge is bargained down from armed robbery to larceny in a building, or if there’s a mandatory 2 year penalty for using a gun in a crime, the prosecutor refuses to write that warrant, as a bargaining tool.


“It seems many of the local Sherriff’s Departments in Washington state are refusing to enforce new gun laws.”

That must really alarm politicians that decided to disregard the constitution.


The areas that voted for I-1639 are the libtard enclaves of Seattle and Spokane – get away from those areas and the people are (for the most part) conservative.

The NRA and other gun groups have filed suit against I-1639:

Be careful when you check the story and comments out – it’s the Seattle Times…

5th/77th FA

^Testify^ So many points here. Not only more Nanny State tools in their box, but more sneaking in libtard BS.

“60% of the voters”…emphasizes the importance of making sure you encourage folk who think like you register and vote. Your libtard opposition is not only signing up people right and left, it is a known fact that fraudulent voting goes on. Another two things in the Washington Law; The secure storage part and the “set up state system to verify” is giving them an opportunity to track/harass law abiding legal gun owners. What they can’t ram thru on a national level, they will do state by state.

Don’t get me started on the whole “Red Flag” thing. If that is not straight out of the Communistic Manifesto, I don’t know what is. This whole “ratting out” of family, friends, neighbors has been on going for years too. Again, starting with the school system. “Does Mommy and Daddy smoke funny cigarettes?” “Does Mommy or Daddy have firearms in the house?” “Does Mommy or Daddy ever spank you when you think you didn’t deserve it?” The list goes on. I have posted my experience on false accusation before. Nowadays you ARE guilty until you can prove your innocence.

Broke school system?…YES
Slippery slope?…YES

None of the weapons I had before the tragedy of the tornado ever went diddy bopping down the road and started indiscriminately spraying rounds.


Even when the weapons I may or may not have had were struggling to stay afloat in the raging waters of the San Pedro river, they did not fire a single round, not even to summon help. Very well disciplined guns, they were.


I pointed a gun at another gun.
Nothing happened.


This has happened in so many states including my home state of Vermont. Libtards wreck their state and move out only to start the same crap somewhere else. VT, NH, ME, MI, WI, AZ, NV, OR, WA. Even Texas is creaking under the weight of a-holes escaping Illinois, California and The North East.
If I had any guns I’d give the politician a big finger when they passed a law to turn them in or register them.

SSG Kane

What is that happy horseshit about “Red Flag’s” and “extreme risk” in that last article?

Once upon a time, I spanked my oldest daughter. Se was nine or ten at the time, and while I can’t remember exactly what she did, she done fucked up and got punished for it.

Pretty straight forward…

The next day she went to school and told “Officer Rosie” that I had hit her.

For the next six months I had to endure unannounced visits from Child Welfare Services to make sure I wasn’t “abusing” my child.

After six months the frequency of the visits (at one point they stopped by three days in a row) it cut back to phone check ups once a week, and an occasional interview with a CPS supervisor. Those continued for another year.

That was California and is one of the reasons I’m so against “mental health professionals” having any say in who can and can’t own a gun.

Pre-crime, thought-crime, all that bullshit needs to be curb stomped and ass fucked to death with Satan’s own glass dildo.

“Sometimes bad shit happens to good people, and more often than not that bad shit happens because of bad people” is the price of a free society.


You want a red flag? I had a SJW Social Worker for a girlfriend once (don’t hate on me, the sex was fantastic). When I had enough of that wacko she threatened to have me involuntarily committed for 72hrs for my own safety as revenge. I let her know that all of her bragging about the people she got put away like that for disagreeing with her and the other personnel stuff she told me would be sent to the state and her license would be yanked among warning her off of a honey badger. Let’s just say I dissuaded her from giving that a try. Moonbats are everywhere.


You gun nutzz, you!!

If you needed those guns to hunt for squirrels for supper, I’m sure the pole-dancing politicians would be extremely understanding. Just ask ’em.

Anyway, good one on those LEOs who are saying “not just “no, but hell, no”.

It’s coming to a head.


You don’t need a gun that sprays bullets like water from a fire hose to hunt deer. Who needs that???????????


Luckily here in Cheese Head land, we had a Republican Governor (Scott Walker) pass Concealed Carry & a State Constitutional Right for Open Carry during his term.

Now we have Tony Evers (Democrat) for a Governor, a liberal who wants to give drivers licenses to illegal aliens and also In State university tuition.

There have been some rumblings about him talking about proposing some new type of anti-gun laws also.


Sheriffs in rural Washington state refusing to enforce a stupid gun law that those California transplant hipster city slickers in Seattle approved? I’m shocked.
In all seriousness, I’ve always hoped that it would take ELECTED law enforcement to put down stupid gun laws. Hopefully when some dumbass rams through a confiscation bill, the same sheriffs will shrug their shoulders and say they lack the man power and have other things to do.


“Gun crime is endemic and it’s peculiar to this country.”

You know what is also peculiar to this country? A Constitution and it’s Second Amendment that says us peons have the right to protect ourselves. Hot on the heels of a vote to murder babies right up till the mother is in labor they want to further disarm people. I really do feel for people that live in that craphole of a state. A line from Albany down to PA runs roughshod over the rest of the people.


Fuck Cuomo. That is all.

Mr. Pete

Why do I need a permit to exercise my constitutional 2A rights?

I don’t need a permit to go to Mass or post on this website.

Asking for a friend


Because they follow “business before pleasure” in their legislation work.


Sadly, we have way too many Seattle transfers here in Spokane now – thus the high percentage that voted yes on this asinine bill. I blame the Seattle crap on the I-5 corridor – the loonies from that area seem to all be on one wavelength, and it’s not a good one (sorry to anyone here that’s in that area, but you have to admit there’s something to what I’m saying). I’m not sure if our local Sheriff will speak up on this or not – he’s already made mention when the bill was proposed that he was against it and won’t enforce it as long as it violates our State Constitution like it does.

I’m just heartbroken that all my toys got lost several years ago..before they started all this crap up.


Folks are taking heart that various Sherrifs have said they won’t enforce the unconstitutional laws.

Sho me the ones who actually and actively defy State and/or Federal Law Enforcement to do so. Show me the ones who will get arrested and or removed from office.

So far, it’s just talk. Soon, it won’t be. I suspect not all of them are willing to resist -that- far. It is quite a bit to expect.

We will eventually, possibly even soon, see an example made. The folks who what the Second Amendment gutted cannot long tolerate open defiance, most especially from the minions they task with enforcing their schemes.

It’s one thing to -say- “Molon Labe”. It is quite another to face down the massed forces of Xerxes, and await the arrival of the cloud of arrows, the follow-up spearman, and welcome one’s doom.

The opposition doesn’t actually believe that level of comittment exists, or that if it does that it is widespread. And their game plan is to utterly squash it when they see it. You may recall examples in decades not long past.

And -that- comittment by those who would be free is the price of freedom. Not just signing the blank check, but handing it over to be cashed.

Watch carefully those who post themselves as canaries.

Wolf 37

The new Bullshit law I-1639 has been a sham from the git-go. To get the signatures to put the initiative on the ballot they hid the page alongside a page to keep a grocery tax being enacted, so people assumed they were just signing the same sheet. When called on it with a lawsuit, the judges dismissed it immediately saying that the people signing the sheets were able to read and therefore had no recourse. All the TV ads for I-1639 talked about the “Big Black Scary Guns” that the new law would get off the street, the ads promised to get all the “Assault Rifles” off the street. Well, now the reality is hitting home, there are maybe a dozen County Sheriff’s that are refusing to enforce the new law. The other reality is that now the camels nose is under the flap, they’ve added another 17 bills concerning guns, 4 of those about assault weapons, 5 about high capacity magazines. Every bill about guns was “…at the request of the Washington State Attorney General, Sponsored by Senetor Joe Blow” They go to the lengths that they describe in detail Every gun that is an assault weapon, including handguns with aiming devices such as a laser, or a Flashlight. That’s right, a flashlight on a handgun turns it into an assault weapon. They even describe this, a plinker .22 caliber rifle with a tube magazine is an assault weapon. Most people who voted for the I-1639 don’t know about this stuff coming up. In Washington State, for those not familiar with our 2 sides, western Washington has enough voters to cover just about anything put on the ballot, no matter what the rest of the state does. On the west side are all the liberals who have migrated north from California, the type that say “I don’t see why ANYONE needs any type of gun, let along an assault rifle!” Unfortunately we are stuck with a democratically controlled state government who is trying to sneak these gun laws in before people realize what’s going on. Fortunately we have some… Read more »