I hate hippies
Yeah, Black Bloc. That’s your problem
TruthOut has an article by Chris Hedges complaining that the Anarchist group Black Bloc is giving the Occupy Wall Street clowns a bad name; The Black Bloc movement is infected with a deeply disturbing hypermasculinity. This hypermasculinity, I expect, is its primary appeal. It taps into the lust that lurks within us to destroy, not […]
Classy OWS protesters
I wrote earlier in the weekend about the park police moving into McPherson Square on k Street in DC to remove the sleeping gear of protesters in order to help them conform to regulations forbidding them to sleep in the park. Well, it seems the peaceful hippie shits tried to escalate the situation by tossing […]
DC cops raid Occupy campsite
The Washington Post reports that the US Park Police have surrounded McPherson Square this morning and they’re checking the tents for sleeping gear; Police in riot gear and on horseback entered the McPherson Square encampment in Northwest D.C. this morning around 5:30 a.m. and began collecting pallets and other items from the campers. Helicopters hovered […]
DC residents tired of Occupy
At least two residents of downtown DC decided to do what the cops can’t or won’t they decided to tear down the “Tent of Dreams” (actually an unsightly, filthy plastic tarp) that filthy hippies have stretched over the statue in the middle of McPherson Square on K Street in DC; View more videos at: http://nbcwashington.com. […]
DC cops taze Occupy protester
DC cops made preparations to end the hippie occupation of public spaces in the city today by posting warning notices. Some goober went around behind them and tore the notices down, so when they moved on him to arrest him, he resisted. One female officer drew out her tazer and tazed his fat, hippie ass. […]
Classy Occupy Oakland burn flag in City Hall
According to the Washington Times, 300 Occupy Oakland protesters were arrested yesterday after they took over City hall and managed to burn a n American flag to make no rational point whatsoever; Saturday’s protests — the most turbulent since Oakland police forcefully dismantled an Occupy encampment in November — came just days after the group […]
Soros predicts riots
Our buddy, JammieWearingFool writes that in an interview, George Soros “gleefully” oredicts riots springing from the Fleabagger movement when it gets a little warmer, and their bravery swells a bit more; As anger rises, riots on the streets of American cities are inevitable. “Yes, yes, yes,” he says, almost gleefully. The response to the unrest […]
Biting the hand that feeds you, two
The other day I wrote that Occupy Wall Street protesters had stolen a laptop from the church which allowed them to sleep inside out of the New York weather. Despite the warning from Rev. Bob Brashear that they’d be out on the street if it happened again, i predicted that it would. And I was, […]
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