DC residents tired of Occupy

| February 1, 2012

At least two residents of downtown DC decided to do what the cops can’t or won’t they decided to tear down the “Tent of Dreams” (actually an unsightly, filthy plastic tarp) that filthy hippies have stretched over the statue in the middle of McPherson Square on K Street in DC;

View more videos at: http://nbcwashington.com.

View more videos at: http://nbcwashington.com.

Of course, he was led away by cops, but you’ll notice that they didn’t need to tase him or cuff to get him to come with them. I wonder why that is, he asked sarcastically. I guess it’s possible for some people in DC to make a clear statement without being an asshole and be willing to pay the consequences for his actions. The report says they’re not sure if he was charged with anything.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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b'emet or

“human stains” yep, that about sums it up pretty well……

Ne Desit Virtus

The incredibly predictable and cliche’ Guy Fawkes mask on the statue makes me want to vomit. It is beyond my comprehension that DC lets these vermin infest and deface public property with impunity. I think it would be funny if a bunch of us went down and occupied their occupation but I don’t think I could tolerate being around these repugnant cockroaches for longer than 5 minutes.

Doc Bailey

this is incredibly awesome, in so many ways.

One major problem I see. The OWS guys were shouting “he’s not a cop!” ok. So then it has to be a cop that takes down your defacement of a statue to a war hero. But when the Cops do that you claim that they “don’t have the right” to do that. So is there anytime that you might except the removal of you callous defacement?

Second, why are you surprised that you’re testing the patients of the real actual People. Not the 99% that you claim to represent but the 53% that actually pay taxes. Or the .45% that deploy. Or the people who are seeing loss of revenue because of the stink you bring.

No, I think I need to refer OWS to the South Park Episode “Die Hippie Die”


dang it…I wished there were ‘like’ buttons… sigh
@2 – I agree, at least this good citizen had the wherewithall to do something that the police won’t or can’t do…. sigh

Cedo Alteram

So this yesterday on FNC. As someone mentioned, the Guy Fawkes mask on someone who actually served, above all pisses me off.

Don’t let them camp out. That simple, they will be exposed to the elements and will disappear within 24 nours. They should be at most a transient annoyance. Problem, solution.


Are there truly passionate OWS protesters who feel wronged? I’m sure of it. From what I can see though, it seems more like a fad, all the cool kids are doing it, why not me? Heck didn’t Jay-z and Michael Moore try to get in on it at some point? God knows how the 1% has been sticking it to them. Furthermore, if the 1% is all the millionaires, can we petition to not have OWS speak for the rest of us? I don’t want them representing me, I work for what I have, what I want.

Biggest annoyance I saw was the closing down of shipping ports because of the protesters. Why keep someone else (who’s more than likely not a millionaire or part of the 1%) from earning their livelyhood?

Sorry kind of a rant there…


Those hippies feel it is their right to unlawfully camp in the parks. I volunteered at a homeless outreach center not too long ago that saw a large number of Vets come through. One guy, I can’t even remember his name, had been ousted from Waterfront Park in Portland after only three hours. He wasn’t even sleeping there, just sitting on a bench and watching the ships pass by (it was Rose Festival and they have three or four USN ships in port).

Now comes the occupiers who are allowed to stay in the park, homeless, and nobody does anything except put up police barricades FOR THEIR PROTECTION!!!

Pioneer Courthouse Square is not homeless friendly, I have seen cops harass the homeless in the Square. The Occutards come in and the police PROVIDE THEM PROTECTION!!!

What the fuck are we coming to where the police protect those who break the law but harass those who are simply sitting on a bench?