Pete Hegseth confirmed as Secretary of Defense

| January 25, 2025 | 97 Comments

Vice President JD Vance casted the tie breaking vote that confirmed Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense. All Democrats voted against Hegseth, as did Republican senators Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine), and Mitch McConnell (Kentucky).  Murkowski felt that Hegseth’s comments on women in the military as well as the allegations against him were unbecoming for leading the military. President Donald Trump congratulated Hegseth on Truth Social, saying that he would make a great Secretary of Defense.

From Fox News:

The Senate’s two moderate Republican women: Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Susan Collins, R-Maine, voted no. As did Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the former GOP leader.

North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis’ support was not a given, and he did not reveal his stance until the vote was already underway. He ultimately said he would back Trump’s pick, giving him enough support to be confirmed with Vance’s tie-breaking vote.

In her reasoning, Murkowski cited infidelity, “allegations of sexual assault and excessive drinking” and Hegseth’s previous comments on women serving in the military.

The behaviors he has admitted to alone, she said, show “a lack of judgment that is unbecoming of someone who would lead our armed forces.”

Concerned Veterans for America (CVA), the nonprofit advocacy group at the center of many of the accusations brought up during Hegseth’s confirmation hearing, praised his confirmation in a statement.

“The confirmation of Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense presents a real opportunity to prioritize the security and prosperity of our citizens, champion prudence and effectiveness in our defense strategy, and focus our Department of Defense on America’s most vital interests,” the statement read.

Additional Reading:

Phillips, M. & Johnson, J. (2025, January 24). Pete Hegseth confirmed to lead Pentagon after VP Vance casts tie-breaking vote. Fox News. Link.

Category: Military issues, Pentagon

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DUI hire.

Republicans claim that people should only be assigned or promoted based on their “merits”

And republicans are completely full of shit as usual.

Fucking disgrace.

Unfit and unqualified.

And Trump’s cult and the partisan drones on this blog will justify and celebrate this as some sort of win for the country.

Recruitment and retention is going to plummet with the shit Trump is doing.

Gen Z was already not inclined to serve. Causing recruitment to struggle.


You’re cute when you’re mad.

And still a complete fucking idiot.


Haha right??

And if this little bottom is mad about it, that tells me it’s a good thing.

Too bad we can’t leave emoji reacts instead of thumbs ups and downs.

His would be a mixture of shit and dicks


I think they make a shampoo for what ails him…


💩 🍆

Best I can do.


Oh, that retard is here again?


Once, I referred to a guy as a retard to a friend of mine and instantly remembered my friend’s older brother had Down’s Syndrome. I immediately apologized.

Without missing a beat and perfectly poker faced he says — “my brother has Down’s Syndrome. THAT asshole out there is a retard.”

Last edited 22 hours ago by Deckie

I would never, ever say that someone with special needs. I’m not a monster, but I don’t suffer fools. I reserve that insult for someone like our friend above that started this thread.


I’m aware — I just thought it was funny that even a man with a mentally challenged sibling knew the word is appropriate at times to describe others.


Well, you know…
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The fact that this triggered the commie cuttlefish tells me that we are truly WINNING! Needs to host a circle jerk for his Antifa buddies and they can all have a good cry and then console each other with some double Dutch ruddering.


They already spank it wildly to the Jane Fonda workout video; you may create a monster with that.
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A Proud Infidel®™

Saying that Major Moonbat aka Commissar is an idiot is akin to saying that water is wet, fire is hot and shit stinks!


Good morning.

Once again, you have failed to stay away, as promised. Once again, you’ve parroted the “orange man bad” line. And again, you’ve shown yourself to be a complete fanboy of the entrenched deep-state establishment. Once a fraud, always a fraud. Never an original thought, just a repetitive stream of projection and pre-approved talking points. How’s your liberal utopia these days? You may want to concern yourself more with your own sinking ship. Trump is your lifeline right now, I suggest you grab the rope and hang on.

You’re dismissed.

Old tanker

Holy cow, such a case of TDS.


Show us on the doll where America hurt you.
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Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous

At least the doll is anatomically correct…

Warren Peece

Just sayin’

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Welcome back my Conservative Friend.

FC2(SW) Ron

Still your President!


Yup, for him:
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Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous

Just think. For the next 4 years, morning, noon and night, you will be able to hear all about Trump.

Suck it up buttercup, or you may quite possibly be miserable for 4 years if you don’t.

Come back soon and tell us how YOU would have done it differently, then tell us why YOU haven’t ran for office (AFAIK) to affect change to how you would like to see things run/implemented.

We’ll wait.


Off topic?


Naw, we’ll be getting better dudes now.
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Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous

To paraphrase Major T. J. Kong:
“Well, I’ve been to one worlds fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing I ever read in a milblog. You sure you got today’s talking points?”

Green Thumb

For one of the few times, I agree with you.

No Tab. No wings. No AD Company Command.


I will pull for him, no choice. But this dude came out of that WWP shit crowd back in the day. Enough said.


Your criteria would eliminate a lot of previous Defense Secretaries.

Green Thumb

Different war. Different time frame. Different love for “Vets”.

Not being a dick. Just stating the obvious.


Yeah, probably wouldn’t be all those reports of extramarital affairs and drinking if he had a tab and wings.


Cuz gee-whiz, when I served in the 10th Group for 2.5 years, it was unheard of for any of the officers or NCO’s to get some “strange” when we were out of town for training or operations. That was also simply unknown to occur on unaccompanied tours in far off places, such as SEA, as well. (Do I need a sarc tag?)

Green Thumb

Glad he was professional and competent enough to hide it.

But hey, WWP all the way.


I thought they had a waiver for that.

Green Thumb

Once again, not being a dick.

But some us walked the line. We can call it as we see it.


You’d obviously prefer a traitor who accepted a pardon to avoid being held accountable for his crimes.. remember, as those on your side have said repeatedly (yeah, I know in your minds, it only applies to Rs), ” you don’t need to pardon someone who’s innocent”…


MSG Eric

Funny, Biden and Harris both made it to the White House. It definitely wasn’t “merit” it was the politik.

She was a corrupt prosecutor and AG, he’s a career politician who never led anything in his life. And even Vance’s four years in the Marines is more military experience than both Biden and Harris.


I must correct you, as Gropey has headed up a pay for play bribery and influence peddling crime family for over forty years.


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tavern knight

More than tampon timmy’s too.


Kamala was absolutely advanced on merit. Quality blowjobs deserve a reward.


I’m gonna give you due credit for “DUI hire”. That’s funny shit right there. Go thank whoever you stole it from.

RGR 4-78

You sound like you are a member of the leftist group “Free Speech for People”.


You go girl!

A Proud Infidel®™

Major Moonbat, just take yourself a deep breath and HAVE A TRUMP DAY!!! 😀😊😀 I bet your pointy little head would explode if you ever even remotely had a thought of your own. Jesus loves you, but I think you’re a brainwashed idiot meathead, have a MAGA Day! 😀😁😀😁😎

tavern knight

Sounds like you’re one of those were hoping that Kammie had won…


Go cry inna corner’

Skivvy Stacker

If the evidence is on your side, argue the evidence.
If the law is on your side, argue the law.
But if neither the law, nor the evidence are on your side, attack the witness.

A standard tactic in the law, and in rhetoric.
The problem, Lars, is that most of us have been to college, and have had courses in either Rhetoric, logical argument, or forensics.
Your personal disparagements are not proper argument, nor are they appreciated by ourselves, nor any outside party who may be examining these exchanges.
When you attempt to “use our own arguments against us”, you fail badly.
For example; “DEI HIRE”.
No, sir; this does not match what we consider a “DEI hire” in our own lexicon.
We view a “DEI hire” as someone who was chosen for a job position based upon their status as a MINORITY, or a supposed “Marginalized Person” due to the supposed “systemic racism” of the United States”.
Mr Hegseth does not match any of these criteria. If he does under your own understanding of DEI, then you operate in a vast minority position, or one that has no basic understanding of your own political system’s understanding of this particular standard of hiring and promotion of “equal treatment” for all.
I would request, respectfully, that you reword your counterargument should you wish to be taken seriously by those of us in this group (who are more than you may believe) who possess an education that is not only the equal of yours, but in many cases exceeds yours by the simple fact of time, and scholastic effort in history alone.


I think he deliberately used “DUI hire” to imply Hegseth has a drinking problem. If consumption of alcohol is a preclusion for service in the District of Criminals, I think we would have to fire almost every federal officer and politician there.


Let’s dig Teddy up and fire him.


Oh My, Dumbass has spoken , should we all collapse in collective laughter.


I prefer to label him as the board’s collective fleshlight.


DNC and all the libtards on X give you that talking point, Lars?
Of course they did.

Slow Joe

This is going to be AWESOME!
No more DEI bullshit.

Green Thumb

Agree on the DEI point.

A Proud Infidel®™



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jeff LPH 3 63-66

3 republican democrats voted against Pete showing that they made an issue about his past instead of what the man can do in the future to get things squared away.

Amateur Historian

Part of me wishes the voters of those 3 would just vote d-rat instead of those jerks. With demonrats, you know you’re getting screwed. With RINOs, you have no idea if you’re getting screwed or not. But the other part of me realizes that without those 3, there would be no Republican Senate Majority.

So, anyone want term limits for the Hill?


I often find myself wishing McConnell never finished buffering.. though he wouldn’t really be much different either way.

George V

I wondered about Hegseth at first. Now I’m thinking we’re better off having someone come in who will at least start kicking over the furniture, as opposed to more of what we’ve had.

A friend who worked for General Motors said the best time in his job was after the 2009 bankruptcy. All the BS stopped, the focus was on making automobiles and nothing else. The Pentagon needs to act like it went bankrupt.


Does morally bankrupt count.




It’s only a war crime if you get caught.


That is the stuff you never write down and keep stirm about.


See, this is why…


I remember an episode where Col. Flag said he was gone like the wind, left the office, made a racket and Hawkeye looked out and said it looks like the wind broke its leg.


It’s not a war crime the first time.😁


There are hundreds of appointments requiring Senate consent listed in the Plum Book. To paraphrase Wellington, with three “Republican” defections these nominations could be the nearest run things we see in our lifetimes. I hope J.D. doesn’t travel too far from the swamp over the next few months. I expect this to be replayed several more times.

Green Thumb

Lets see how this goes.


Really, could he do any worse than Darth Austin or Marvelous Milley?

Green Thumb

Your not wrong.

Just continuing a low standard.


You might try reading a couple of his books. He is smarter than you are giving him credit for. Who do you think was a great Secretary of Defense?

Last edited 2 hours ago by Anonymous
Green Thumb

I liked Rummy.

Aside, it is not that he is not smart. Its the behaviour(s).

I remember that WWP crowd from the old days and a handful of shitbags that came out of it.

Folks on here can toe the party line and tongue his ass just like they did Gaetz. Their call.

I just think there are a ton of better choices.

But if he is it, we have to pull for him. Hopefully I will be proven wrong. Is what it is.


Mitch the bitch.. some things don’t change..

Amateur Historian

And Bawlin’ Collins and Losin’ Susan. Don’t forget about those traitors.


Collins is lucky her career wasn’t behind the paint counter
at the family store. She needs to be primary’d like four terms ago.


Nope, not forgetting them, it’s just been clear for a long time that both of those women are dims in everything but party affiliation.


All Mitch cares about is scoring cool points with Democrats.


And the friends of his wife.


Yup, Chicoms:
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Last edited 2 hours ago by Anonymous
Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Murkowski, Collins, and Post Turtle Mitch are not now, and never were “moderate Republicans”. They have always been Deep State RINO GOPe DildoCrats.


I read yesterday that friggin’ Murkowski voted for ALL of Biden’s cabinet picks.

THAT chaps my ass big time!


No surprise at all. Like all the dims, she holds republican to a much higher standard than she does dims..


She is just one ugly conniving scrunt. She like made some quid pro quo with the D-rats.


lilkely, dammit

MSG Eric

This is how it’ll be on anything newsworthy, every democrat is going to say “No!” because Trump


Representing the Rakkasans at the highest levels! Seriously, though, it’s about time we got someone with some experience in the field who’s not a full-blown Washington crony or so senior in rank that they lost all touch with the realities of the rank and file. I recall everyone talking about Hagel’s experience as an Infantry squad leader when he took office in 2013. I’m not negating that, but his experiences in Vietnam were offset by 45 years and decades in and around DC. Hegseth is a relatively young vet of the recent wars, whose career spanned many of the changes forced upon our military by political leaders (tossing DADT, forcing women into direct combat roles, embracing and even promoting LBGTQIAIDGAF-ism in the ranks, etc.).

Maybe we don’t need a retired General or a career politician/bureaucrat to run the Department of Defense. Just maybe this Nasty Girl Major who was called up to serve with 3/187 (and is obviously proud of that service) has some good ideas that will make our military reprioritize its missions and what’s necessary to, you know, defend our nation.

There will be some butthurt within certain communities, to be sure, and not just the kind that comes after a wild night of playing bottom to celebrate that transition the DOD has funded over the past few years. It’ll be interesting to see what, if anything, is changed, and how it affects our Armed Forces. Not that I’m directly affected anymore. My kids decided against military service and most of those I served with are retired, ETS’ed, or dead.


Pete is SECDEF!!!
‘Merica Fuck Yeah!


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Last edited 18 hours ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

Murkowski and Collins are no surprise, McConnell? to me that proves he’s just as much of a shit as Biden, he’s a lifelong member of the Good ‘ol Boy DC Insider Country club as well as a DC sewer critter, part of what needs to be purged.


^THIS^ Start with these three (3) and see what happens. Rinse and repeat.

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AW1 Rod

The moment that the worthless DemocRATs, Murkowski, Collins and McConnell had it jammed up their asses by JD Vance. A beautiful thing.


Jammed it up and broke it off.


He may have his work cut out for him with how F*-ed up the current generation of young people is nowadays… Army has to train idjiot and/or fragile recruits how to deal with life and each other now:


Yes, there are quite a few of them that are incapable of changing a tire on a car. They are still living at home into their late 30’s.


CJCS & SJW CQ Brown still have a job Monday?

BlueCord Dad

Late to the party but..,
