Classy Occupy Oakland burn flag in City Hall

| January 29, 2012

According to the Washington Times, 300 Occupy Oakland protesters were arrested yesterday after they took over City hall and managed to burn a n American flag to make no rational point whatsoever;

Saturday’s protests — the most turbulent since Oakland police forcefully dismantled an Occupy encampment in November — came just days after the group said it planned to use a vacant building as a social center and political hub and threatened to try to shut down the port, occupy the airport and take over City Hall.

An exasperated Mayor Jean Quan, who faced heavy criticism for the police action last fall, called on the Occupy movement to “stop using Oakland as its playground.”

Here’s some video of the people who want to convince us that they’re just like the rest of us. You can see a still photo of the grown-ups burning a flag at about 3:35;

Yeah, I’d be real proud to count myself in their 99%. A woman in the video says that police are being too heavy handed. I’d vehemently disagree. Not only are they not being forceful enough, the city’s prosecutors aren’t either. The only way to put an end to this is to make their antics too costly for the protesters to continue.

An overnight in jail obviously isn’t influencing them, so throw away the key and give them an ass-whooping every morning for breakfast.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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Cedo Alteram

“the group said it planned to use a vacant building as a social center and political hub…” I love this. Even if you believe their sincerity, what the fuck does that mean? What exactly are you planning to do there? It’s nothing but a place taken/or threatened to be taken by violence and their planning on using that as a jump off point for more violence elsewhere.

You know this is exactly how the campus nonsense started in the sixties. Contrary to popular myth, it actually started in the early sixties, Kennedy was still in office. Vietnam just through fuel on the fire and the “movement” became a rally point for many young’ins who didn’t want to be drafted. My point being it was already there. Look at what some of the college professors were saying when they first encountered this, back then. That is before College faculty meant the same as modern pinko today.

This “centers” are nothing more then centers for their perceived revoltionaries. Since no one of any substances or numbers wil join them, they mean to intimidate. I hope you die in a Volt car fire! Fuck You!


I was talking about this and the topic of discipline not too long ago with a fellow vet. Whatever chance these people have of making a valid point, if such one exists, it is completely lost in their behavior. It reminds me of growing up and watching the way some of my peers treated their parents. And instead of taking out a belt and giving a good whack across the delinquent ass, the parents bent to that treatment. I’m not surprised that these types of riots are occurring now. At all. So many laws have been set up against abuse or brutality of the child/citizen without giving it definition, that now people find it in their civil rights to not only act the same way against authority, but also point fingers when it retaliates. I am beginning to think that freedom really ought to be taken away for a long time, so that maybe the next generation to come truly respects what it means to have it.


Is it just me or did the city council member at about 2:00 sound like Cheech and Chong?
Why are the police just not arresting these turds throughout the day. By nightfall there wouldn’t be any left to bust crap up.


“So as ye sow, so shall ye reap.”

Californians have been letting these wastes of skin “occupy” for far too long. From a university system that’s a haven to communists and anti-Semites, to a welfare state that’s drowning the state in a sea of red ink.

When the state defaults, Oakland will be cited as the point of no return.


Mayor Quan actively supported the Occupation of Oakland before. Now she finds it problematic?

tsk tsk… too bad…


“Lie with dogs, get up with fleas”, Mayor. How’s your support of the Occutards working out for ya.

Doc Bailey

I seem to remember once taking an oath to “Support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic” . . . more and more that seems to include OWS.

CI Roller Dude

the dumbassretarded mayor of Oakland has allowed the idiots to do whatever they want…and then she’ll throw the cops under the bus when things turn to shit. The way she acts, you’d think she was in San Francisco.


Quan is a joke. Even now she tries to play it both ways, tempering her criticism and “warnings” to the occupy losers for the sake of not getting on their bad side.