Kevin Haggerty, the AWOL Marine State Senator

| November 28, 2016

Kevin Haggerty

A few weeks ago we wrote about Kevin Haggerty, the fellow running for State Senator in Pennsylvania. As part of his plea to the people of his district, he leaned heavily on his service as a Marine. It seemed to work for him, because he won on election night.

The local media claimed that he had spent most of his time in the Marines as a deserter. As we didn’t have a FOIA at the time, we had to depend on the media’s work. Well, we got a FOIA on him now – it doesn’t change anything we wrote but. It does prove that most of his time in the Marines, Haggerty was a deserter;

Haggerty FOIA1

Haggerty FOIA Assignments clarified

He was AWOL from May 11th to June 10th 1997 he was dropped from the roles and declared a deserter on June 11th until he was returned to the Marine Corps on July 20th and sent to confinement as a result. In September he was discharged from active duty and a year later discharged from the Reserves. So he was on active duty for nine months and spent more than four of those months as a deserter or a prisoner. I don’t know how he got an honorable discharge, but he claims that he did.

Maybe the voters can deal with him in two years since they didn’t get the opportunity to deal justice this time.

Category: Congress sucks, Marine Corps

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Retired Grunt

Wow, a deserter elected to congress, well, im just an unadulterated butthole, maybe I should run for Congress too.


Not Congress–he’s a state representative and he’s also a Democrat which explains why it’s perfectly alright for a military deserter to hold state office. If he’d walked away from his unit in a combat zone, he’d be a hero to the Democrats. Hell, if he had a bunch of phony Purple Hearts, he could be their candidate for president.

Those are all typical Democrat standards for military hero status.

Bernie Hackett

And they’re all excited about putting former felons and current prisoners on the voting rolls, because it’s ONLY FAIR! (to them)


And another fine example of how Stolen Valor is a victimless crime.


What a POS…

2/17 Air Cav

Just to be clear on this clown. He is not a member of the US Congress. He was elected to the PA State House. And he’s a Democrat.


Ah! That explains it. The dumbocraps seem to attract the criminal types to their ranks, don’t they? Or am I misreading it?


Sorry, Cav, didn’t read down to your comment before posting.

2/17 Air Cav

Twice as good is all. (Were you in the Birdcage at Campbell?)

Combat Historian

Nah, dude was a secret squirrel who was on solo kill missions in Bosnia and Serbia while 2d MarDiv was “pretending” he was a deserter. Didn’t you watch the Bourne movies and all that ????…///

Silentium Est Aureum

He’s in good company with Harkin, Blumenthal, et al.



A Proud Infidel®­™

Sniveling POS dildohead!!! I bet he’s a meat gazer as well.

Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

May his anal orifice become chronically puckered shut.


As a retired Marine First Sergeant, I can confidently declare that Haggerty was what we in the Corps would technically term an oxygen thieving piece of shit. I hope the voters whom he represents get what they deserve for voting this turd burgler back into office.


“Oxygen thieving piece of shit” – haven’t heard that one in a very LONG TIME.

KEVIN HAGGERTY was a cannoneer… must have loved to cock some meat cannons in running for office. Hopefully, he falls on his ass while in office and the people of his district see that they elected a EX-Marine deserter and run his ass out of office in a couple of years.


Oh, there’s no telling. The voters were told the truth, and they seem to have ignored it. Hopefully this sock puppet gives them the rogering they deserve as dumb voters. Nothing like a little pain to make people care more.


Just looking at his stellar record. this piece of shit went UA in transit from Marine Combat Training (first school after recruit training) to Fort Sill for arty school. So he wasn’t even a cannon cocker. hell, he never did day one of the basic artillery course. He never made it past BASIC Marine. Kind of like two year enlistments or turds in the Navy; a NONRATE. He was at 10th Marines after the brig while they processed his discharge. 10 to 1 it’s a General OTH just to save the Marine Corps the hassle of doing the BCD this oxygen thieving turd deserved. You can just look at his picture and visualize him in the orange jump suit picking up trash alongside the road coming in to Camp Lejeune. Or maybe earning twenties in an interstate truck stop men’s room.

Just An Old Dog

I see Boot Camp at SD. MCT at Pendelton Then he never showed up at Fort Sill for MOS School.
Its clear they marked his SRB as a Deserter after 30 days at Ft Sill.
He next shows up at Camp Lejuene in on 920721.
It appears they changed his status from Deserter to UA for that period for some reason. He got sent to his reserve unit and assigned as an 0811 and discharged without being promoted a year later.
I see no “to Conf” or “From Conf” or correctional facility on his record.
He looks like he had connections and was handled with kids gloves.


He showed up at Sill on the 10th for training as an 0811. On the 11th He went UA, after 30 days was reclassified a deserter, then looks like he turned himself in, was sent to Lejeune (10th Marines) for processing out/brig time. So, he never received that MOS. He just actually made it to Sill before his punk ass deserted. As I said above, probably a General under OTH to save time and energy on a turd that really deserved a BCD. He wasn’t some young 18 year old fresh from high school. At this point, he was close to mid twenties. I’m thinking no-one appreciated this little snow flake’s special attributes enough. I saw a few just like him at Fort Knox at the tank school. I don’t think he had connections, I think he got lucky the command was trying to wash their hands of him and get him out of the Corps as quick as possible with the least amount of pain for the Corps. And this oxygen thieving piece of shit has taken advantage of that reprieve ever since. This is the first time I’ve got worked up about a scumbag like this since my buddy Wave Reynar, Force Recon Vietnam war hero and diesel sub cook.

Just An Old Dog

He wasn’t even assigned a class number at Ft Sill. It’s interesting that when he turned himself in he was assigned to HQ Regt and assigned as Asst Police Sgt, with some BS about him technically being an 0861 ( Forward observer). Im thinking he was a reservist anyway. The weird thing he was assigned and transferred to a reserve battery as an 0811 without any formal training and let go about a year later.
I suspect his REAL goal was to get a commission. He graduated Villanova with a Batchelors in Poly Sci in 95.
He was far from a mid-20s something year old with his head up his ass.
He probably came from money and was able to work the system. I’ve seen a guy come through recruit training like this once, but he was a polar opposite. He was an outstanding recruit and made series honor man. About 6 months later he came back to see his DIs. He had wrangled a common in the Navy and was getting into the intel Field.

Just An Old Dog

*Commission, not common.

2/17 Air Cav

“I hope the voters whom he represents get what they deserve….” They did.


The 112th District in PA know he is a fucking liar. He has been asked repeatedly over the past few years about his military service. His campaign page still indicates he was in the USMC from 1996-1998 with an Honorable Character of Service. It comes as no surprise that he was elected, again.

Perhaps a recount?

Fucking deserter.



Assclown was probably separated (General under Honorable conditions) because he was a no load, oxygen thief that was a pain in the ass (chronic case of sand in his mangina) and missed his teddy bear, Pablum and woobie.


I just took a Kevin Haggerty…funny enough I don’t remember eating corn.

Green Thumb

A play on the old “steaming pile of Phil Monkress”.

I like it!

Green Thumb

I wonder if All-Points Logistics funneled money into his campaign?



Hey Jonn, you really need to list what political party this assswipe is from. There is one specific party that is somewhat known for this bullshit action, but sadly the other group is not blameless. So can you please advise the correct target info?

Hack Stone

A Marine artillery reservist on the Accelerated Enlistment Program. Now, where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, our boy Jarret Gimbl. Maybe Jarrett, and his service dog Gunny, can intern for the “Honorable” Kevin Haggerty.

Just An Old Dog

Old Gimlet Balls, He supposedly fled Coral Springs because his reputation was so bad from being picked on.
Hes still running his Fucked up Service dog face book page and bullshitting people.


That dickhead… I came across the sister of a woman I know on there. Tried to show her how badly she was being played, but she had drank a tanker trucks worth of the koolaid.