Monday morning feel good stories

| November 28, 2016

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, three suspects opened fire at a home thinking that someone else they didn’t like lived there (He didn’t live there, according to the resident). The resident got his own gun and returned fire. He also subdued one of the gunmen and held him at gun point for the police.

In Benson, North Carolina police were on their way to investigate a report of a man “beating on doors”. Before the police could get to the scene, the man beat on one door too many and found himself shot by a homeowner. He’s in stable condition at the hospital.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Low life types have never been known for picking their targets well. This time, their poor selection got one of them shot.

Deplorable B Woodman

Nothing like being hit by the hydrostatic shock of a pellet traveling at 1000+fps to stop bad behavior.


If you shoot someone in the head, and they have to be taken to the hospital to be sure that they’ve been shot in the head, it’s time to buy a bigger gun.


I dunno, Bobo.
I remember an anecdotal account of a US soldier in Iraq who came around a corner & took a .45ACP to the face, then returned fire & took out the poor freedom fighter surprised insurgent.
In the adrenaline rush (if memory serves me) he wasn’t sure he’d been shot. It traveled along the side of his jaw & out.
One of the reasons I preach “location, location, location” (or, if you prefer, “placement, placement, placement”).


Personally, I prefer the cast iron skillet to the skull. Provides a memorable bump, headache and allows the miscreant to think about his bad behavior and the consequences of doing da stoopid on my front steps.


It works, but I’m afraid of cracking my cast iron on some of these idiots noggins.

Plus it puts me way too close to them in a fight. I know I’m younger than you, Ex-PH2, but I’m too old/beat up to willingly go mano-a-mano with some young punk.

Well placed lead of a significant size and configuration placed strategically with a high delivery speed is still my druther.

Hack Stone

There was a Marine that went to Ground Radio Repair School around the same time as Hack. Hack did not know him well, but he was friends with friends of Hack. The story going around was that his eyes were 45 degrees “out of phase” because as a child, his mother whacked him in the head with a frying pan. Hack always attributed that to being a barracks legend (military equivalent of urban legend) until one day they were on a working party together, and the guy was speaking to Hack with his faces turned 45 degrees away. Sure as shit, those eyes were off by 45 degrees. Hack would love to see him firing on the rifle range, the RSO would plotz himself. Of course, the unanswered question is why didn’t his mother whack him on the other side of his head to realign his eyes?