A Merry Marxist Christmas

| December 26, 2008

I’m not what you might call a religious person. I rarely address religious issues here largely because I don’t understand the intricacies that separate the various sects and congregations. I only know what’s in my heart. And I know bullshit when I see it. A good way to make me think it’s bullshit early is to begin the conversation with a quote from Hugo Chavez on heaven to introduce the issue.

Some member of the “Catholic Peace Movement” wrote a fairly lengthy line of BS that Christianity is the only thing missing from Marxism that’ll make Marxism work. He wrote it on Christmas Day;

Christianity and Marxism are brothers of the same Father – Yahweh, the true God. The Christian message is that a new earth is achievable – the Kingdom of Heaven has blossomed among us. We have only to seize it by our faith and it will live in our hearts and in our societies because the God who guarantees it is trustworthy. The resurrection shows us the path beyond death. Christian faith is the missing key to socialist praxis. We can only achieve socialism through faith in God, not through economic determinism, which is an expression of the very dehumanization which socialism seeks to overcome.

“The Marxist critique of anti-Utopian Christianity remains completely relevant and the image of God to which Marxist analysis now leads is no longer that of the supreme being but rather the God of the Christian message. This is a God within the human praxis of liberation, one who can provide Utopian praxis with a justification that goes beyond what is humanly achievable. From this perspective, something that is not humanly achievable can be declared achievable: the realm of freedom.

Now, we all know that Marx demonized religion as the opiate of the people. We all know that the ACLU has been doing it’s level best to remove Christianity from the United States, so I’m guessing real Marxists are using the “Catholic Peace Movement” as a smoke screen to attract traditionally  Republican Christians towards the peace movement. Except that anyone that has watched Marxism practiced knows that Marxism is the exact opposite of freedom and guilding it with Christianity doesn’t make it any more attractive.

The writer also makes the mistake of comparing Marxism to capitalism. Capitalism is not a form of government – but the Marxists have been making that mistake for nearly two centuries. They don’t dare compare Marxism to democracy because Marxism pales in the comparison. They prefer to talk in terms of economics instead of ideology.

It’s beginning to appear to me that no aspect of the “Peace Movement” isn’t tinged by Marxists/Socialists/Communists.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Economy, Politics

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Glenn M.Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

The Pastor at St Paul’s Methodist Church in Helena, Montana would have taken all of these useless dirtbags to task. In other words, he would have beat them to a pulp. It has been over 40 years and I don’t remember his name. But he was the most righteous, God Fearing Reverent men I have ever known. And he had the ability to send a commie, marxist diort bag to hell and make the commie happy to be on his way.
Ruth said: your G-d is my G-d and itshould be this way
As for Christmas, Linus Van Pelt said it best so long ago when I was but an lad.


The person was outside biblical Christian theology before having gotten half way through the first paragraph.

Jungle Mom

Nonsense! Utter nonsense! Do you have a link to what Chavez said?

Jonn wrote: The quote is; “The Kingdom of Heaven is not a kingdom or life in the clouds. Either it exists here or else it exists nowhere.”

Jungle Mom

oir clarification, the quote is nonsense! Not your words.


The Marxists have long been trying to influence the Catholic Church, as well as others. As a wannabe Knight Templar myself, I smite them with my sword.

What’s next, Christianity is the brother of 1950s, American Urban Renewal? Sheeesh.


The writer who claimed that “Christianity and Marxism are brothers of the same Father” is a believer in “liberation theology”, in this case, it being the Catholic version of liberation theology, which has been condemned by Pope Benedict XVI when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith. From Liberation Theology on the Faultline blog:

1. Liberation Theology has it center of power in Latin America and in African Theology, but is found in many Christian denominations throughout the Third World.

2. Liberation Theology is a new interpretation of Christian reality.

3. Liberation Theology is radically Marxist. “ . . .the world must be interpreted in terms of the class struggle and that the only choice is between capitalism and Marxism.”

4. Liberation Theology thrives on perpetuating class struggle. The only people of the Church are those who participate in class struggle.

5. Liberation Theology is a theology of bloody political revolution. All of Christian reality is reduced to politico-social liberation praxis (action).

6. Liberation Theology rejects traditional scriptural interpretations. “The experience of the “community” determines the understanding and the interpretation of Scripture. . . Ultimately, what is normative for interpretation is not historical research but the hermeneutic of history experienced in the community or the political group.”

7. Liberation Theology makes the Bible subject to a Marxist view of history. “The “historicality” of the Bible must justify its absolute dominance and thus legitimize the’ transition to materialist-marxist philosophy, in which history has taken over the role of God. . . historical criticism has loosed Scripture from the traditional interpretation, which now appears to be unscientific.

8. Liberation Theology is a threat to the faith of the Christian Church.

Obama’s spiritual mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, was a practitioner of Black Liberation theology, which was defined by his mentor, Rev. James Cone.


Organized religion is under a two pronged attack from the Communist Left.

On the one hand there are propagandist such as you cited in this article who are trying to merge communism and Christianity – and its not just the Catholic Church that is under attack. The Christ was a socialist/marxist message is seeping its way into other forms of Christianity too.

On the other side, is the so-called gay marriage movement. A large number of states have “domestic partnership” laws which give same sex couples the same legal rights as heterosexual married couples. California is one of them. So, why the big deal about “gay marriage”?

It is simple. If gay marriage is defined as a civil “right” it means the State is sanctioning, not only gay marriage, but the gay lifestyle as well. Once that is achieved, any organization that says homosexuality is wrong, will be subject to be sued under “hate speech” laws. Furthermore, any church which refused to perform a same sex marriage will be liable to be sued for violating the “civil rights” of its members!


Jay Heathman

Incidentally – Pope after Pope have very publicly condemned liberation theology. Besides which, a person cannot truly BE Catholic AND support Marxism, for to be Catholic one must follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, not Karl Marx… or even Harpo, Zeppo or Groucho.
The group calling itself ‘catholic p*ss movement’, sorry, I meant ‘peace’, was actually founded by a balding 40-something guy with a beer gut, a smelly Che T-shirt and his Dad’s hand-me-down boxers, living in his elderly parent’s basement and selling revolutionary posters with misspelled words to fellow cretins.


Hey, RV got the Rev. Wright with every point. And he’s still a practitioner of it to this day. And the Obamunist sat there and absorbed the hate, so did his wife, so did his kids.


West Chester’s #1 Bullhockey artist, Karen Porter, has this to say about religion:



Along with being an American hating moonbat, Karen Porter finds the Nativity Scene offensive, but claims to be a Christian. I would also put my money on her being pro-abortion (death) and for gay marriage. How “typical”.

We should create a “How to Spot a Moonbat” checklist that we can share with others that shows the sick totalitarian agenda of lefties such as Karen Porter, who try to pass off forcing their view on the rest of us under the guise of “tolerance”. Sounds like a good idea for a blog topic.


Another thing, I visited the The Nonviolent Jesus blog and posted a comment on the “Socialism is Practical Christianity” essay. I called the author on their contrarian (to RC Church teachings) support of Liberation Theology yesterday. My comment never got approved. It figures, doesn’t it! The lefties stifle opposing viewpoints while foisting theirs on the rest of us.