Walsh plagiarism; the fix is in?

| July 30, 2014

John Walsh

Chief Tango sends us a link to the Associated Press which reports that the investigation into Montana Senator John Walsh’s plagiarism of his thesis at the Army College has been taken over by the Department of Defense instead of the War College’s staff, that we’re told is where responsibility for the investigation would normally reside;

The department will decide whether any discipline is warranted based on the recommendations of the school’s academic review board, Provost Lance Betros said.

Normally, that decision is reserved for the school’s deputy commandant. It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for the Defense Department to intervene in a student misconduct case, he said.

“Because this is a member of Congress who is a military veteran, we have been given instructions from DOD that they have jurisdiction in this case,” Betros said.

I’m making two guesses here; 1) the investigation will be complete a week after the elections 2) the Department of Defense will tell us that the stolen text/intellectual property was incidental and didn’t really matter. The thing is, the Senator admitted that he did it, so I don’t what they need an investigation for, if it’s not to cover the whole thing up.

He wasn’t a member of Congress when he committed the crime, he was just another O-6 like the scads of others who have been fired over the last few years. That whole generation of officers, it seems, have moral issues. There, my investigation is complete.

Category: Big Army

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How does his being an elected official have any bearing on this as far as jusridiction goes? DoD does not investigate Congress… Congress has power over DoD so the investigation certainly doesn’t belong there.


Sadly Jonn, your investigation is probably more comprehensive than the Shit Bird/Blue Falcon Walsh will receive.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s a dildocat, thus a whitewashing from B.Hussein 0bama & Company in 5,… 4,… 3,…


This “man” has no honor or integrity and is a disgrace to the Officer Corps. Even if DOD whitewashes this, we need to keep up the pressure and do what is necessary to make sure this clown loses his reelection and spends the rest of his days hiding from the residents of Montana, who he has let down.

A Proud Infidel®™

I only wonder if B. Hussein 0bama & Company will try to whitewash this or pigeonhole it thinking it will just get swept under the proverbial rug?


You know, I’ve not talked about this but the more I hear about it, the more pissed I get.

I recently used my post 9-11 GI bill to get my Bachelor’s Degree. My final projects included a 12 slide Powerpoint presentation for a capstone project AND a 14 page service learning essay.

AND I didn’t plagarize…not one sentence.

I was a lowly E-5 in the Marine Corps, and I learned about integrity, honor, commitment, knowledge, the list goes on.

And here this Army O-6 had to write a 14 page paper and he stole a third of it. I guess those leadership traits and principles, those core values, don’t mean the same thing to me as they do to him.

The school should revoke his degree and his Senate seat should be vacated.

Brent Glines

I don’t care what the DoD does with this. I do care what voters do about it.

Choose wisely, Montana.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Another liar to be excused for his actions, democratic hypocrisy knows no bounds. As I’ve said before democrats happily take responsibility for their actions because to a democrat responsibility means admitting you are a liar and then no repercussions after the confession.

It’s an amazing precept when you consider how many times dems call for a republican to resign after a few ugly comments. Apparently the sting of a few poorly worded responses is more of an affront to dems than supporting known and self admitted liars.

That should tell you all you need to know about the democratic party. Speech is more offensive than actual lies and misdeeds, words frighten them more than actual criminals. Amazing….


If this shit stain had an (R) after his name, he would be on the nightly news until he resigned in disgrace. And I would cheer on the witch hunt! But this asshole is going to get all the cover and concealment he needs to ride this out.

Democrat politicians would line up and buy tickets to see a Republican politician and member of the military humiliated.


MGySgtRet…Sorry sir. I should have read closer. I stepped on your post with mine before reading. No harm, no foul I hope.


Brilliant minds think alike brother!!!


VOV…You can bet the mortgage that if Walsh were a Republican, this would be a major media network story and a call from the White House to the local Sheriff for him to step down. Also the DoD would have been instructed to curry comb his thesis and his life back to diapers to find all his trash and toss it on top of him as he left. Hypocrites extraordinaire!!!

Delilah T.

He’s a dilettante, a slacker, and someone with a large bag of moral terpitude. Perfect resume for a poltician, even better for the White House. He can’t be trusted. Vote for him! (sarc)

Unless DoD decides to pull his Master’s degree, their investigation is really moot. He should just join the nearest wagon train and mosey on out of town to some place where being a carpetbagger is less likely to get him fired from his job.


Since he caught the PTSD from those hundreds of IEDs he should sign up to get treated at the VA. It might take a while for him to get seen, but Barry has his top men working on a solution……….


Worse still, junior officers, NCOs and Senior NCOs get the message that if you’ve got enough political juice you’re immune from the standards you’re expecting them to adhere to and enforce. The general might want to look up ‘leadership’ in his Army Officer’s Guide or his Ranger Handbook. Turd.

2/17 Air Cav

We are a nation of laws not men.

Sorry. Couldn’t resist. I needed the laugh and wanted to share it.


Scumbaggery… mitigated by playing the Democrat Card.

Green Thumb

I do not know.

The DoD might do the right thing.

One thing I have seen is that sometimes your peers will fuck you quicker than others.


I think the DoD will make the right call. He just brought alot of scrutiny to the Army War College curriculum and its professors and this event is contributing to the perception that this degree isnt worth the paper its printed on.
I cant believe that any organization would let that fly.


This could be nothing more than Walsh’s seniority in play. In cases of alleged GO/FO/SES misconduct, it’s my impression that many times the service/DoD IG will get involved. Although Waslh was never more than a Federally-recognized O6 (he was never Federally recognized as a GO due to previous DAIG investigations showing misconduct), he is a sitting US Senator. DoD may simply be being cautious and treating him as it would any other senior official accused of misconduct.

I will say that I see no reason for DoD to get involved with the War College’s decision of whether or not to revoke his degree. IMO, that’s an internal War College matter that has a direct bearing on their academic credibility. In this case, the plagiarism appears to be both obvious and essentially admitted by the accused, so the investigation on that point should be relatively straightforward. Why DoD – or even HQDA – should have a say in the matter is beyond me.

It will be interesting to follow this one.



I may be reading to much into the statement, but I take the statement on “discipline” in a literal sense, and am willing to believe (at least until its been state otherwise) that the AWC still retains the authority to revoke a degree which is an administrative manner and directly effects their academic charter and credibility.

On a positive note, I think that DOD is the only entity that would have the authority to institute a review of his service and potentially downgrade his retired rank to LTC based on the evidence so far presented.

2/17 Air Cav

An investigation is needed Jonn because the PTS he caught may have prompted him to confess falsely to plagiarism. No matter how it’s sliced or diced the PTS is at the root of this.

“It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for the Defense Department to intervene in a student misconduct case, he said.”

Question: Is this the first such case? Go ahead and check. We’ll wait…

The Other Whitey

Rug. Under. Sweep. Repeat as necessary.



Department of Democrat Criminal Defense?

Thanks, Obummer.

2/17 Air Cav

I checked out the Billings Gazette and Walsh is quoted as saying that, “I did not complete my research paper properly.” Walsh heard about the interest in his paper from a NYT reporter who confronted him in a hallway. “Walsh told The Gazette the hallway meeting with the New York Times reporter was the first time he realized he’d done something wrong.”

Okay. Guy goes into a store, buys a pack of gum and, when the cash drawer opens, he reaches over the counter, grabs some money and runs out. When he’s arrested he says, “Robbery? No, just didn’t complete the sales transaction properly.” Oh, and he throws in that he hadn’t realized he did anything wrong until the police arrested him.


This guy should just tell us the truth. He signed for a case of Bathsheba Syndrome on a lateral transfer from the Governor while on active duty and failed to return it while he was retirement out processing.


Wouldn’t the fact that a Senator had plagiarized his scholastic work make a convenient handle for a blackmailer to exploit? I guess it’s not like he was fucking his biographer… but I digress. I am getting sick of all these assclowns who, in spite of having security clearances, are so reckless and ultimately stupid. This country has some serious problems staring it in the face. Expecting the band of idiots that created the problems to somehow FIX the problems, to me, seems illogical… more so with each passing day. To borrow from something profound Enigma4you wrote yesterday, “You fucked it, you fix it.” I just don’t see the possibility of that happening on a broad scale.


DoD’s pulling out the whitewash.


Oh, come on, you guys! You’re all just a bunch of haters!!! Bodaprez says so. It’s all YOUR fault Walsh screwed up.


Now, when I stop laughing myself silly over that crap coming out of his mouth, I’ll let you know.

Since when has ANY democrap, from Andrew Jackson all the way forward, ever taken any responsibility for being a womanizer, a slacker, a thief, or a hypocrite? When?

Give me one example of a democrap who wasn’t a lying SOS and a conniving SOB. They’re great at inspiring speeches while they’re looting your pockets and mine and chasing businesses out of the tax rolls. It’s been like that from Day One and you all know it. Nothing has ever changed, and it won’t without this kind of expose.

Meantime, you’re all just a bunch of mean old haters. Bodaprez says so.


I resemble that remark.


The accompanying picture with that article instantly said to me: Bo,did you just fart? Bad dog,Bo,bad dog!!


See, this is why I keep coming here and posting stuff. I get the best possible responses to my undying efforts to create sheer nonsense.


Well, Ex-PH2, there was Peanut Jimmy – who told Playboy he had “committed adultery in my heart many times,” and told NYT Magazine that “I don’t care if people say f—.” And I think his brother Billy signed up to damn near anything if there was money in it for him.

But they weren’t exactly typical politicians.


Here’s the latest breaking news:


The investigation begins August 15. I don’t know what a tenterhook is, so I won’t be on one, but I will be waiting with great anticipation for the results.

Green Thumb

Senator Walsh has until August 6th to voluntarily resign.

Montana Governor Bullock has until August 20th (I think) to reappoint his position being that he was not elected.

Timing is everything.


Thanks for the update, Thumb. I’ve heard via back channel Bullock is receiving a bit of heat over Walsh. 😎


At every public appearance a vet should ask him how it feels to cheapen a war college degree for everyone else….


“The higher up you go the higher the standards.”

Except when you are a field grade officer and a U.S. Senator.

If the War College (now the DOD) don’t do the right thing (revoke the degree due to plagiarism)…the War College’s masters program is an official joke. Might as put it side by side with your run of the mill diploma mills.

“Doing the right thing is not always easy.”

I will wait and see on this one.

Daniel Ihde

Walsh is all about standing up for what’s right. He’s a no nonsense guy. Walsh is able to positively confirm the worst of behaviors.

“Sen. John Walsh, D-Mont., on Wednesday joined those calling for the resignation of U.S. Veterans Administration Secretary Eric Shinseki, saying a new report “confirms the worst of the allegations against the VA and its failure to deliver timely (health) care to veterans.”

“It is time for President Obama to remove Secretary Shinseki from office,” said Walsh”

Joe Williams

If Walsh is a ring knocker(West Point Grad) the fix is still in. Joe