Phillip Dale Monkress, “All-Points Logistics”, and a metric shitton of the Federal money he’s getting

| April 5, 2013

I get peeved when we get calls from lawyers asking/telling us to take stuff down. I really get peeved when Jonn tells then that they should discuss it with our lawyer (me) and the lawyer then changes to being all nice and just suggests we should do it. Even more, I hate when we catalogue the perfidy with links, and the subject just goes and deletes the links. Weiss did that too. Right after we pointed out that his claim that he had never lied about serving didn’t work well with his Army tattoos.

As Jonn said about Phillip Dale Monkress, All-Points Logistics, and their lawyer earlier:

Last week, a lawyer representing Phillip Monkress called to ask us to take down the posts and comments about him because it was damaging his business. We didn’t do that either. Since the Supreme Court won’t let the government punish the phonies, this is the only thing we have left to police our ranks. I’m pretty sure that no one here cares that Monkress’ business is failing.

And so, Monkress tried to scrub the internet. And one of the first things…..was a Power Point presentation which appeared on their website. Luckily, we saved it before it got deleted. Bear in mind that the ostensible defense is that Phillip Dale Monkress never claimed to be a US Navy SEAL, you know, despite him wearing the trident in this picture.

Anyway, in particular I liked this, Page 2 of said Power Point:
Wait, what? I thought he wasn’t a SEAL? Well, we actually know he wasn’t a SEAL, but his defenders seem to be claiming that he never said he was. How does one explain this slide then?

So, what customers does All-Points Logistics have that might be under the impression they are hiring a company led by a former member of our most valorous fighting force? Probably just Mom and Pop stores, right?


OK, well, maybe the Gov’t just hasn’t bothered to research it. Besides, it’s not like he is trading in on the common knowledge that SEALs are trained in a ton of security stuff, and he wasn’t. He’s probably just supplying widgets or something. Certainly nothing war-related.

OK, I guess I can live with all that. As long as he isn’t doing anything with my beloved US Army.


Well then. Maybe I should write a letter to members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to see if there were any improprieties in the process. A guy who would make an innocent mistake about being a US Navy SEAL in a Power Point Presentation put out by his own company might have made some innocent mistakes elsewhere. A FOIA to get the information on these contracts might be interesting reading.


Chances of the lawyer again contacting us to take this down is probably pretty high. I suspect they’ll try to hit us with some Copyright claim again. Looking forward to hearing how our using this isn’t protected under Fair Use.

One of the rights accorded to the owner of copyright is the right to reproduce or to authorize others to reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords. This right is subject to certain limitations found in sections 107 through 118 of the copyright law (title 17, U. S. Code). One of the more important limitations is the doctrine of “fair use.” The doctrine of fair use has developed through a substantial number of court decisions over the years and has been codified in section 107 of the copyright law.

Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 also sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair.

The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
The nature of the copyrighted work
The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work

Category: Politics

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Re: the powerpoint presentation at the beginning of this thread, just for clarity, I served with Capt Bruce Bole. Bruce flew the S-3 Viking, not the FA-18. Just one more example of the lies Monkress pumps out.

Here’s more. I did some research and found APL had no billable work at Redstone Arsenal, Fort Meade, Fort Carson, or Counter Narco Terrorism under the Blackwater contract. Publicly available information via the Internet and a few phone calls are wonderful things when you want to find who is lying to you.

Also, before Monkress was fired by CNI, he bought me drinks to try to get my business. He laid it on heavy about his service as a SEAL, covert ops and everything. He can scrub the Internet all he likes, but just like scrubing a pig and sprinkling some perfume around —- you still have a damned hog. In this case, a lying hog.


He’s no seal….look at this fat pig!!! He is just a pos that wished he actually did something other then jerk off to the internet while watching tv series about seal training!! I hope you push this even further and expose him to all his biker buddies and the public!! Think they have a stolen valor web page, I’ll pass this pig’s story along to them and this other biker guy keith big dog keeton!!

Pineywoods NCO

Now, I am really mad here.

I read about what supposed they did at Camp Victory, providing voice and data…

Um…excuse me?

For one, and please someone with a little more talent on searching for info online prove me wrong, but I can’t find any reference to All Points Logistics and / or CSC having any involvement in providing voice and data services to Camp Victory.

Two, I was at Camp Victory in 2004 during OIF II. I remember the many painful and restless days and nights setting up the voice and data networks…I don’t remember anything about their involvement. Not one damn bit. I remember our many teams that was sent out to provide voice and data support to numerous buildings on Camp Victory that previously had neither, especially the team that risked their necks and lives to set up links between the palace and the CG’s quarters. I would almost want to be wrong here, but I sure as hell don’t recall anything with All Points involving our work. And I am pretty sure my brigade and battalion commanders at the time would say the same damn thing. If you want clarity there, contact MG Alan Lynn at Fort Huachuca. Again, I could be wrong but I think he would most definitely say something either way. He was there.

If I am right, I am going to be pissed to no end at this turd reject to no end. Right, I am just pissed at him.

Quarter turd. Not worthy of being called a half turd.

Pineywoods NCO

And one more thing…if they dare call what they did at Victory “wireless”, I will be first in line to jam some Ethernet cable dug up from there into their mouths.

Downgraded to an eighth of a turd. More like a turd pebble.

Green Thumb


Well said.

Another turd man.

And I felt alone.

Right on.

A Turd can be measured…

Aint scared

@53 my people are currently running down all statements & claims in all of the capabilities briefings we’ve been able to locate.
I’m sure somebody will see to it that the information makes its way to the right folks all over the US.
Well he’s 1/8 turd, that makes him more turd than Cherokee…


May 9, 2013 – Thursday Dan McLaughlin Deputy Chief of Staff Communications BILL NELSON, Florida United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-1679; (202) 309-1985 Dear Mr McLaughlin, Thank you for the press release concerning Senator Nelson’s participation in the “asking for an expedited investigation into the strangely similar circumstances surrounding the jailing of two older American tourists on ammunitions charges at a Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) airport a little over a week ago.” Now, would you be so kind as to request that Senator Nelson ask for an expedited investigation into the circumstances surrounding Phillip D. Monkress’ claims of having been a “Navy SEAL Team 4”? Phillip D. Monkress (2323 S. Washington Avenue, Suite 215, Titusville, FL 32780) is the managing member, as filed with the Florida Secretary of State on April 30, 2012, for All Points Logistics, LLC. Thomas C. Feeney III (28 W. Central Boulevard, Suite 400, Orlando, FL 32801) is the registered agent, as filed with the Florida Secretary of State on April 30, 2012, for All Points Logistics, LLC. It is now an established, well know fact that Mr. Monkress’ claims of having been a “Navy SEAL Team 4” are false, and that fact should be of grave concern to those that investigate and maintain the integrity of the “Top Secret Security Clearances” required to participate on some aspects of the awards in the following list: *** All Points Logistics LLC Selected as Major Subcontractor on the Missile Defense Agency’s Ground-Based Midcourse Defense Development and Sustainment Contract Merritt Island, FL, April 03, 2012 -( All Points Logistics, LLC (APL) has been selected as major subcontractor to The Boeing Company’s Defense, Space & Security unit on the Missile Defense Agency’s Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Development and Sustainment Contract (DSC). *** All Points Logistics Selected as Major Subcontractor on the NASA Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle Contract Merritt Island, FL, November 02, 2012 -( Martin has selected All Points Logistics LLC (APL) as a major subcontractor on the NASA Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) contract. APL will be responsible for software lifecycle development, integration and test… Read more »


No I do not think so…BUDS and any SEAL qualification would be something worn/spoken with pride! No such thing as support team. RANGERS never had support teams…?
Sad to see that others misuse trust and name to earn money, they should be stripped of that honor. There are countless vets regardless of badges and pins who did their job, honorably who dont ask to hide behind a story for profit, who just want a job or a thank you! Sadly, they are ignored. What good will this clown do with his money? Buy another boyscout pin?


Wonder how many honorable veterans working for this guy will be out of a job when and if this all comes crashing down? Shit bag or not his company STAFF must be doing something right to be getting all of those contracts. Shame that they will be the ones that have to pay for his lies with their jobs.

Aint Scared

@59 yes, he does have a great staff and it is a shame. But the truth is out and he will reap what he has planted. If they kew and continued to work for him and further the cover up then I have no sympathy. When you hide fraud, you become its mistress. You have to stand up for what is right even if that means your paycheck is in jeopardy. Integrity is doing the right thing even when it is the most difficult thing to do.


I know all about his lies, he said to me several times he was a SEAL Team member


@59: If government funding for M’s contracts stay in place, his employees will no doubt keep their jobs, but work for another company. @61: I, too, heard his lies — covert ops, eating snakes in the jungle, sniper tales. There’s no jungle near Bethesda Nav Hosp or southern Georgia.


@62 & 61
Willing to help??


Hell yes I will help! Hit me up at Yahoo account


Your moniker?


Yes. All you need. Email


@63: Yes. All you need and more through my yahoo account. Monkress is a nut and a lot has not yet been said.


@63: Anything you need. There is much that has not been revealed. Use my Yahoo acct for contact. – John.


Gotta bounce back on your email


@Served 69
email me at

Green Thumb



Phil, your a Turd.

To quote the known felon and poser “Ranger” Burrell: “Their(sic)is a Pale Horse coming.”

Yes, a misspelled rip off. Much like yourself.

“Ranger” Burrell plagiarizes, too.

Great cell mates you will make.

No rhyme intended.

How is that DUI looking?



Thanks! I was wondering how to edit my PowerPoint slides.


[…] himself out as a Native American and a Navy SEAL for YEARS.  It worked well for him.  He made shitloads of money, and drank a lot of beer which he later deposited in various jail cells in Florida while amassing a […]