Green-on-blue called accident

| August 27, 2012

The latest murder of two American troops by an Afghan soldier is being called an accident by Afghan officials, from Fox News;

When the group of U.S. and Afghan soldiers came under attack, they returned fire and ran to take up fighting positions, said Noman Hatefi, a spokesman for the Afghan army corps in eastern Afghanistan. But an Afghan soldier fell and accidentally discharged his weapon, killing two American soldiers with the errant rounds, he said.

“He didn’t do this intentionally. But then the commander of the unit started shouting at him, `What did you do? You killed two NATO soldiers!’ And so he threw down his weapon and started to run,” Hatefi added. The U.S. troops had already called in air support to help with the insurgent attack and the aircraft fired on the escaping Afghan soldier from above, killing him, Hatefi said.

Yeah, that sounds totally plausible, doesn’t it? He fell on his weapon and accidentally discharged it. So that’s the cure for this spate of “insider” killings – just lie about them.

Category: Terror War

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Dave Thul

It will make perfect sense to all those who think guns are evil things with a mind of their own just waiting to kill people.

Jon The Mechanic

I’ll give them credit. They went full bovine fecal matter on this excuse.


He felt really weak from the after-effects of Ramadan fasting, which caused him to fall, which caused his weapon to fire, while by strange coincidence TWO American soldiers were struck by separate rounds that spontaneously exited the muzzle.

There. THAT’s plausible, eh?


NY Times has a far more plausible story – verbal altercation after IED strike led to 1 ANSF shooting 2 ISAF and in turn being shot down by remaining ISAF. Just doesn’t fit the GIRoA spin, though.


To play the devil’s advocate here, if it wasn’t for the recent trend of these attacks I would call this explanation plausible. I worked extensivly with the IA and if the ANA’s level of incompetence is anywhere near then it could happen. I can’t count how many NDs I have seen. Don’t think I believe that is what happened, like I said I’m just playing the devil’s advocate.


So we burn Quarans and get punished.

They shoot us and get alibis.


how’s it go? The civilian is invovled. the soldier is committed.


I was thinking much the same, Twist. From a Western perspective there was reportedly an appalling lack of use of basic, common-sense safety procedures in both Iraq and Afghanistan throughout each society.

Still – I’d say the explanation is possible vice plausible. I agree with you that given recent history I don’t find it very plausible.


You are correct, Hondo. I should have used possible vice plausible.


Wow, this guy is a better shot falling down than the rest of his “army” is standing up. Bunch of crap.


We had an Iraqi shoot himself in the leg with an AK while entering a room through a window, so anything is possible, but I’d say that two fatal shots caused by a negligent discharge is not probable.


They can’t even begin to believe this bullshit, can they? I mean, yeah, the current dipshits in DC might, but RATIONAL human beings?


AD- Yeah

ANA Soldier hitting two of two targets “accidentally”? In a pig’s eye!


Maybe they were trained by the latest group of LEPs (Law Enforcement Professionals) from the NYPD. They seem to be great marksmen these days…


So, were the two soldiers in file, one in front of the other? It’s kind of hard to aim properly when you fall, so how was that again?

Am I supposed to believe this cowpie material? Give me a break! I can make up better stories than that.



My first thoughts after reading this turned to the families of those service members. My heart goes out to them, I can only imagine the anger and agony that they feel. I hope they see through this charade and start screaming bloody murder in an effort to get the truth about what happened.

Note that the spokesman is with the Afghan Army. Is he the incarnation of Baghdad Bob? Hopefully we’ll hear the real story from a reliable source, rather than that excuse-mongering mouthpiece.


[…] is probably the same guy who told media that the latest murderer accidentally fell on his rifle and killed a US soldier a few weeks back. I think it’s funny (funny strange, not funny ha-ha) […]