Final Showdown, Sharkey v. Diliberto

| August 27, 2012

No frills, just votes. And song.

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes…again

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Results tomorrow, probably around noon ish.

Category: Politics

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NHSparky Alert: based on your comment a few days ago, you might wanna pass on reading this one. Well, that damn drunken, inhalant-huffing jerk of an elf showed up with his bow & arrow – again – this time mumbling something that sounded like “Elrond’s sending me to rehab” and that this was probably the last time he’d be by for a while. But he was still pointing that damned arrow at my . . . well, at a very important part of my anatomy. And he was obviously hung over again, and his hands were shaking like hell – so I really didn’t want to excite him and have him release any arrows by accident. He wanted to play muse one last time, and chose this one. And, frankly, this one IMO turned out too good a parody to forego. So, sorry, Peter G. (and NHSparky) – I’m tapping your excellent work from “So” once again. With apologies, based on “Red Rain” and as it would be sung by Dildo-man himself: Tall Tales Tall tales are coming out Tall tales Tall tales are pouring out Pouring out, out of my mouth I am standing there in Afghanistan – in my dreams (Lies such as this make real Afghan vets want to scream) It’s all pure BS, I never set one foot there (Or in Iraq, just Kuwait) but now those Tall tales are coming out Tall tales Tall tales are pouring out Pouring out, out of my mouth Well I’ve lied my ass off in a sheltered place – CNN Came on TV, acted like I’d been Born Again I’ve seen no combat but yes I have felt some pain Self-inflicted pain I sliced my own hand and I stayed behind Tall tales are coming out Tall tales Tall tales are pouring out Pouring out, out of my mouth Oh yeah Laying it on now, so much thicker now I’m lying again and again Just let my BS “teach” you Let my lies tell you what’s “real” I lie to you, pure bald-faced lies ‘Cause I think you’re all… Read more »



AW1 Tim

As much as Sharky is a greasy-skinned mouth-breathing inhabitant of the shallow end of the gene pool, I have to vote for Dilberto.

Dilberto’s sin is his going on the news as a major representative of veterans. He did lasting damage with that and he’s the type that the MSM NEED to reinforce their “Damaged goods” meme for veterans.

So eff him.


Well, if you were going to descecrate what is IMHO Peter Gabriel’s best song, at least you did a hell of a job on it, Hondo.

And the fact that you’re piling on Dildoberto makes it that much better.



Not sure I’d put it as his all-time best, NHSparky – but it’s definitely in my top 5. “Come Talk to Me” and “In Your Eyes” IMO give it a run for it’s money – and “Secret World” is damned close behind those, if not equal – and maybe a few others also. I’d really hate to have to pick 1 of those as “best”. He’s written some truly excellent stuff.

Anyway, thanks for the complement. As soon as I mentally heard the line “I am standing there in Afghanistan – in my dreams” I was hooked and knew had to finish this one. Glad others seem to have liked it too.

And Dildo-man deserves every line.


GUNNY DRIVEWAY lurks in the shadows!


Hondo–I saw him at The Pond in Anaheim about 6-7 years ago. Old stuff, (at the time) new stuff, it was all good, but when he kicked into “Red Rain”, you knew it was something special. At the end of that live performance, I was kinda just going, “Wow.”

In Your Eyes was kind of overplayed, IMO. I think some of the more overlooked Gabriel includes, “The Book of Love”, “Blood of Eden”, and of course, “Solisbury Hill.”


I, too, think “In Your Eyes” is perhaps Gabriel’s best. Hell, “So” was one of my favorite CDs from the 80s. All killer, no filler asbTom Petty is wont to say.


I still have to go with Disgusting Diliberto. If I ever see him some place where they serve liquor, I’ll make sure I spit in any drink he’s served.


A final blast-from-the-past – for any fence-sitters voting at the last minute:

The Dildo-Man

Who can be a f-up, lie to me and you
Makes a new career from nothing but a tale or two
The Dildo-Man, oh the Dildo-Man can
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good

Who can take his weapon, point it at a friend
Get busted by his CO ‘stead of landing in the pen
The Dildo-Man, oh the Dildo-Man can
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good

The Dildo-Man’s fake, but everything he says sounds so good you’re not suspicious
Now talk about your sons-of-bitches, he even used to wash the dishes

He lies like no tomorrow and could f-up a wet dream
Lies about deploying ’til it makes you want to scream
The Dildo-Man, oh the Dildo-Man can
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good

Forget Pedro – vote for Dildo!

Old Tanker

Sammy Davis Jr. os cryin’ right about now…..

How about a rendition to his “Disco Lifestyle” entitled “Dildo Lifestyle”!!

Smokey Behr

Diliberto made his Douchebaggery public in the MSM, which IMO, rockets him to the top.


You’ll never believe who I saw over on Cracked today.

Our good buddy Sharky…