Schroeder Indicted

| June 30, 2012

“The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.”  Looks like Paul A. Schroeder- the bogus former Houston-area PTSD counselor for the PTSD Foundation of America Jonn wrote about here and here – is about to find out the truth of that old saying up close and personal.

A Federal grand jury indicted Schroeder onThursday, June 29, 2012.  The charge:  falsifying his DD214.  Schroeder faces up to $100,000 in fines and a year in jail.

No, it’s not a felony.  But it’s still a good start.  And if he’s convicted, it’s a Federal criminal conviction.

You may no longer get prosecuted for lying in a bar, or to your buddies, about your military record due to the recent SCOTUS decision regarding the Stolen Valor Act of 2005.   But I’d still recommend thinking twice before wearing decorations you don’t rate, or forging a DD214 to support a bogus claim.  Those are still Federal crimes; the laws defining them weren’t affected by the recent SCOTUS decision on the Stolen Valor Act of 2005.

Ain’t that right, Paulie-boy?

Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags, Stolen Valor Act

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[…] Schroeder Indicted […]


Thank You, Hondo, for this quick news of JUSTICE .


I hope it holds up. I truly do.

Uncle Marty

Actually ANY Federal Conviction is a Felony.

Federal Level doesn;t have misdomeanors.

Example: Joe Private is on the line for an ART15 (Company level), He listens to his favorite Latrine Lawyer and requests a Courts Martial (Yes it is “Courts”). Since he is an idiot, he gets convicted, he now has a Federal Felony on his record.

I’m not a lawyer, I;ve just had stupid Privates under my hat.

So i could be as wrong as 3 boys doing the nasty in a church, on the alter, on Easter Weekend.


I am going to go out on a limb here…what do you all think of this idea…these assholes have already victimized society and the vets who have given them the freedom to be assholes. And we want to send them to prison, which while not Club Med, has more benefits then being on the street…3 hots and a cot,school opportunities and protection from angry real vets…and WE pay for it? Whats it cost the American taxpayer to house an idiot in prison? To what end? Cant we find some kind of community service for them? Send them to a Sheriff Joe style tent cities to clean up after the cons…paint over graffiti…help at a hospital…something? Why let them victimize society and possibly benefit from it in the end? Just a thought…anyone?

unknown individual

Hondo, you cite 18 USC 3559 which has nothing to do with a Special or General Courts Martial. A Summary Court Martial has a maximum punishment of up to 30 days confinement in addition to monitary losses. A Summary Court Martial also has the authority to refer the case to a Special or General Court Martial which both have the authority to sentence confinement of in excess of 12 months. Rather than reading US penal codes, try the Military Manual for Courts Martial and you will find some (with the exception of summary) validity to what Uncle Marty said. Two sets of rules to play by, just the way it is.